Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Something to Consider

With the ongoing scandals in this administration that include, Benghazi, AP, IRS, Fox News spying by DOJ, and the denials by all those in this administration that they did not know, were not informed, were out of the loop, it was a subordinate that did all this (unidentified and unknown) and we will get to the bottom of this.  Well we know higher ups in the IRS were deeply involved in going after conservative groups, the DOJ and AG Eric Holder was deeply involved in the AP and Fox news spying and AG Holder did lie to Congress under oath on May 15 and the both Hillary Clinton and Pres. Obama were deeply involved in the Benghazi coverup to protect their political careers and the upcoming election of 2012 as well as Hillary's chances for 2016.  We know this administration, using the FBI, Homeland Security and the Secret Service were deeply involved in the raid on Gibson Guitar over 2 years ago because they were using wood from India that had received all government approval from both India and the U.S.  But we also know the owner gave large donations to republican causes while guitar maker CJ Martin who used the same wood and gave large donations to democratic causes received no such attention nor was his company raided by SWAT teams from government agencies.   

With all this information out there, if someone would take the time to investigate, we can say with certainty that nobody in this administration has a bowel movement without Pres. Obama's approval.  You can also rest assured that Valerie Jarrett and Rahm Emanuel were and are deeply involved in this government tyranny.  Tyranny, by the way, we were involved in WWII and destroyed as well as a long cold war with the then Iron Curtain countries where tyranny was supreme.  This tyranny has now come to our shores and has infected all agencies in our government where dissent makes you a subject of federal government investigation.  After all, how dare anyone or group disagree with Pres. Obama's administration since we all know he walks on water and can do no wrong.  Of course, they originally said the same thing about Hitler, Stalin, Castro and others heading up similar tyrannical regimes.  It is just that it took longer to infiltrate our schools and indoctrinate our students and take over most of the news media where most reporting must meet the approval of the Obama administration.  Except Fox news and other conservative voices that seem to become subjects of additional scrutiny.  If history is studied, we know those who remain silent today under such tyranny, will be silenced completely in the coming years.  And, at that time when people realize what has happened, history has shown that it will be approximately 70 years before the people gain back what they have lost.   Regardless of your age, either speak up now, or lose what was given to us in 1776, something the world never saw before and may never see again.  To say, I am too old or this is not really happening and it is just conspiracy talk, well remember they said the same thing when Stalin and Hitler came to power and we know how the people eventually loved that form of government.  If you are one of the ones that believe that government can solve all problems, look at history of other totalitarian governments and how just a few government bureaucrats thought they knew better.  Because we see now how these countries are slowly realizing that people and entrepreneurs are what makes countries successful, not government idiots who never held a real job in their lives, but read a lot of theory books and with government, they can do it better.  It has never happened before and history has shown such logic and incompetence has never succeeded.  But, you can be like all the other clueless people and say this will never happen here.  Remember, at least 50% of those who vote are clueless, don't know who the Vice-President is ( of course, another useless idiot), have no idea on all the so called scandals surrounding this administration and naturally, this administration and the lame stream hope to keep it that way.  Dumb and Dumber should have been a movie on the knowledge of the American voter.  Obama and company know this and are doing their best to keep it that way.  Knowledge is dangerous to this administration unless the knowledge you get has been filtered through the administration.  But I guess this is what you get when you elect a community organizer, raised on Marxist ideology, surrounded himself with like minded individuals, hung out with 1970's terrorist, sympathizes with Muslim causes and has a dislike with the History of the United States and believes he can correct any wrongdoing our history may have shown, and last but not least continues to apologizes to the world for us.  Of course, in traveling this country, you will not come across cemeteries dedicated to all those soldiers from foreign countries that came here to fight tyrannical regimes as we see around the world.  Our soldiers did not die for tyranny but to eliminate those tyrannical regimes.  The graves of our heroes dot the landscape of Europe and Asia.  We defeated the enemy and allowed those countries to live in freedom of their choice, although we are now witnessing Europe becoming more socialistic and gradually taking away peoples freedom.  As former Pres. Reagan once said, "Government is not the answer, Government is the problem".  What is your choice?

Friday, May 24, 2013

A little Humor amidst the scandals

Anthony Wiener jokes 

Now that he has announced he is running for Mayor of NYC, you can expect Mr. Wiener to expose everything in government. 

Now that he has announced he is running for Mayor of NYC, you can expect Mr. Wiener to get a grip on things. 

Although, Mr. Wiener's wife endorses his run for Mayor, she believes this early announcement will help him take off and show all his talents.  

And we know YouTube will expose everything they have on this candidate.
The big question is, "Are NYC voters that stupid to elect this person".  But, they did elect the nanny, Bloomberg, and for 3 terms no less, even though the city had a 2 term policy that the city council manipulated for him.  But I guess that is politics in the big apple.  And now we have a little Wiener that wants to rise to the task.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The question to ask

The question to ask the American public is do you want to give up your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th amendments under the Constitution and rely on the government to oversee what rights you can and cannot have and under what circumstances you can have those rights?  If your answer is no, then you better speak up now or you will lose that right as the Obama administration advances its agenda of fundamentally transforming America.  However, if you are afraid of government intimidation, then you have already given up your rights. Speak out now or surrender to tyranny by government.  Our Founding Fathers were well aware of what powerful government was capable of doing and that is why they gave us a Declaration of Independence and our Constitution with the Bill of Rights for our protection.   

Monday, May 20, 2013

Another day of Tyranny reported.

We are see Tyranny at it best and or worst.  The Obama Administration not only continues to lie on the Benghazi attack, the IRS scandal, the AP Scandal and now the attack on a reporter from Fox news that started in 2010 secretly and yet what the DOJ and the FBI did according to Constitutional lawyers is grossly illegal.   But, until and when all news media fight back together against this invasion of the news media rights under the 1st amendment, this will continue.  You know it is bad, when the ACLU is even outraged.  People in this administration must go to jail and lose their jobs and any pension they may be entitled to receive.  A message must be sent or 1984 is here and our freedoms are lost.  And when the President and Attorney General claim no knowledge, either we have two of the dumbest people in these positions or the most incompetent people and they should be removed from office.  High crimes and misdemeanors have and are being committed.  Being dumb or clueless is no excuse.   

Friday, May 17, 2013

Government Tyranny is here

We have the IRS scandal, Benghazi scandal and the AP scandal.  All these involve this current administration in covering up and lying to the American People.  This also involves our basic freedoms given to us in our constitution being manipulated and threatened.  With the IRS scandal, all reporters seem to say in their stories that the IRS is a big powerful government agency that can put fear into the people.  As President Reagan once said that the most frightening words a person can hear is "I am from the government and I am here to help".  In essence what we are witnessing is a government becoming tyrannical.  As Thomas Jefferson once said, " When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty".  Isn't odd that last week in a commencement address at Ohio State University, President Obama discussed to those in attendance to dismiss all those stories about government becoming tyrannical.  Think maybe he knew something.  But we all know that concerning all these scandals, neither the President or AG Eric Holder knew anything about them until they heard it on the news.  Either these two are liars or the most incompetent people ever to hold any position in any government or business.  This is Chicago politics going nationwide and we know how many Illinois politicians are in jail.  We can only hope that they will be followed by many from this current administration.  Jail and the threat of jail is the one means Congress has in obtaining all information and it will encourage whistleblowers to come forward.  How many employees in the IRS will remain silent and take a jail sentence to protect this president and his minions?  Of course, we need a special prosecutor to pursue these allegations and you can rest assured that Obama and company will do their best to prevent this from happening.  We all know that criminals will not investigate themselves.  It is up to the people to put pressure on Congress not stop investigating theses scandals until every fact is examined.  Government tyranny is here operating through fear and intimidation or should I dare to call it Intimidagate.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Just Think About This

The president is seeking in his budget approximately $450 billion for the IRS to enforce Obamacare (AKA Affordable Care Act).   Of course, we just heard the president ordering the Treasury Dept. to investigate the IRS on this growing scandal.  It seems like this administration is investigating itself.  Boy, do you think if the IRS came after you, that you would tell them that you would handle the investigation of yourself.   Unless we get and demand a independent special prosecutor, we will have another cover up with maybe a few low level personnel getting thrown to the dogs.  Of course, if your are being set up to take the fall, one would hope you have secured information for your defense.  It is doubtful a low level employee had the brainstorm to initiate this scandal.  This came from the higher ups in Washington D.C.

Is a backbone out there?

It is time for the leadership in the Republican party to get a backbone and standup and investigate the corruption in this administration.  This all about intimidation from this administration against anyone who attempts to speak out against them.  Even the president stated in 2010 that his administration would punish those that fight or speak out against his administration.   

We have HHS encouraging private companies to donate money to help in educating the citizens on Obamacare.  Or should be say not really encourage but rather implied threats to either donate or else. 

We have a coverup on Benghazi, IRS scandal and the AP wire taping scandal.  Of course the AP scandal is a direct threat to all news media outlets that is you mess with this administration we will come after you.   

This is criminal through threats and fear of retribution against those who disagree with  the administration.  That is what the IRS scandal is all about as well as the AP scandal.  If you understand Chicago politics, you understand what this administration is doing.   

Either the Republicans speak out and continue to hold hearings, or kiss this country and our constitution goodbye.  Stand up or forever remain silent. 
If the 50% of the clueless would actually awaken, we would put an end to this intimidation.  But then again, that would be like a baseball team going undefeated for the year.  Lots of Luck.

Monday, May 13, 2013


The first lie we see in what they said when they bailed out General Motors and Chrysler.  The stockholders got screwed, the unions made millions, and auto dealers that were supporters of Obama's opposition, found out their agencies were being closed. 

We now know that the taxpayer money going into green jobs and businesses was a joke and really was used to benefit and payback those individuals that bungled donations for Obama's re-election.  Would any investor put their money into a green company that many knowledgeable investors knew was a dangerous investment?  No.  But, as usual, it was not Obama's money, but our money that was being used for political purposes.   

The next lie is Obamacare.  We now know they lied to the American people that it was not a tax and yet the Supreme Court said it was.  We were told we would see our insurance premiums reduced and yet all of us have seem our premiums increased.  We see employers reducing work hours of their employees since small business cannot afford the premiums.  We also know that the money needed to implement Obamacare is much more than initially reported and that the cost of Obamacare will be in the Trillions and actually reduce the availability of medical care to seniors and all those any age who require specialist and costly services.  That is where the Independent Advisory Payment Board comes into play.  Or should I dare to say, Death Panel.  Think about it.  If your procedure is costly, and depending on your age and physical health, your request for treatment will be denied as being too costly and you might as well go home and die. 

Now we have the Benghazi lies.  We know that Ambassador Stevens was involved in running guns to the rebels in Syria, something he has previous experience in doing.  We hear that our illustrious appointees of Obama claim there was not enough time to send help.  The question that should be asked is how do you know the attack was going to last 7-9 hours?  What if those seals were able to last 24 hours.  What would the excuse be then?  You send help and hope the help arrives on time.  All experts have either testified or have stated that help could have been there within 3 hours.  And why was those Seals that eventually died told to stand down when they were in the CIA complex, approximately 1 mile away?  Why, you may asked did this administration do that?  Well, according to Obama and company, Al Qaeda and company was on the run, they wanted nobody to know they were running guns and so the ambassador was left to die. Remember the old saying, dead people tell no tales.  They have and are continuing to prevent those that were wounded in this attack from testifying and are not identifying these people.  If you have nothing to hide, why block people from talking.  Because they got caught in a giant lie, and it has snowballed from there.  Rest assured, if the mainstream news media had been on this story from the beginning rather than protecting this president, the president would have lost the election.  So, one can say positively, that the news media is complicit in covering up this administration.  And as I write this, the maker of the so called video that this administration accused of causing the Benghazi attack remains in jail for expressing his 1st Amendment rights.   

And now we have the IRS story that broke on Friday evening.  Everyone knows that serious stories should be reported on Friday's so it will not get much publicity and it will also take the heat away from the Benghazi story.  We have a government agency, the IRS, that was being used by this administration to harass their opposition.  Those groups that were exercising their freedom of speech whether you agree with these groups or not, were being punished for their opposition.  Yet, liberal groups had no such problems since they were supporter of this president.  It is targeting you political enemies for investigation and harassment using the IRS and the DOJ.  If they can do this to conservative groups, they can do it to you.  I now will add a famous poem that refers to those that did nothing when Hitler came into power.   

By Pastor Niemoller who escaped persecution by the Nazis. 

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

And now a new play on this by yours truly. 

First they came for those who disagreed with them and I did not speak out because I did not disagree with the administration. 

Then they came after Fox news and talk radio and I did not speak out because I did not watch Fox news or listen to conservative talk radio. 

Then they came for the newspapers that objected to them and I did not speak out because I did not read those papers.   

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
If this administration or any administration gets away with this, you can rest assured that when the Spy center that is under construction in Utah to collect information on all types of electronic communications, you will be monitored.  This is George Orville's famous 1984 coming to fruition.  You must have your voice heard objecting to what is happening in this country by this administration or you will see your rights eliminated.  This administration has attacked the Bill of Rights since they took office and these amendments were demanded by the original 13 states or they would not have approved our constitution.  Now they are under attack by a government that wants to control everything in your life.  As if government knows best.   For those of us that have studied history or at least read our constitution and Federalist papers know that we cannot permit these freedoms to be altered or abused.  These freedoms can only be removed through the constitutional amendment process requiring 2/3 vote of Congress and 3/4 vote of the 50 states.  For those who need a calculator that is 38 states. 
The Nixon administration did less than this and Congress, members of both parties, moved to impeach the president.  Will both parties have the same courage?  You decide, but again if nothing is done and some people do not go to jail, rest assured you may wind up there.



Saturday, May 11, 2013

The H.I.T. man or Just a born liar.

Honesty, Integrity and Transparency. 

So, we elected a President in 2008 who promised the most transparent administration since Jesus walked the planet.  So, what have we seen? 

A president that promised to cut our $10 trillion deficit in half by the end of his 1st term.  Well, it is now closing in on $17 Trillion with no end in sight. 

A stimulus package that only benefited unions and then laughter that ready jobs was not really ready. 

A green energy program that only benefited those who bungled donations to the president's campaign.  And guess what?  They all failed or are in bankruptcy.  Our tax dollars at work.  I will say it again, not Obama's money, but our money as a payback for securing donations for his election. 

A president that pushed through the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) with the help of a democratic controlled senate and house.  And now we find out that it will not be affordable, reduces working hours for employees since many employers cannot afford Obamacare or the penalty if you do not provide insurance.  So, as a worker you must either find at least 2 jobs that will give you 29 hours each or you will find out you will not be able to meet your expenses.  Unemployment will increase by this time next year.   

President Obama promised unemployment will be down to close to 5% by the end of his 1st term.  It rose to 10% and is presently at 7.5%.  However, we must also indicate that less people are employed since the 1960's and more people have been dropped from unemployment benefits thus reducing the rate.  Sounds good, but the real unemployment number is closer to 14%.  But, we cannot talk about that since if you do, you are a racist. 

Now we have the ongoing debate over what really happen in Benghazi.  We now know, (of course we always knew) that the cause of the attack was not due to a video.  But we know this administration was warned about potential Al Qaeda threats numerous times.  We know that there were previous attempts at the British Embassy, and an attempt on the British Ambassador, but completely ignored by the White House and State Department.  We also know that the reason Ambassador Stevens was sent to Libya was to locate weapons we had sent to the Libyan rebels that could be used against our troops in Afghanistan.  Just hours before he was killed, Ambassador Stevens met with the Turkey representative and the conversation was about these weapons and the weapons on a ship in Turkey that was loaded with weapons for the rebels in Syria.  And we thought Iran-Contra needed to be investigated.  And the Coptic Christian who made this video, that nobody actually saw or heard of, is still in jail on a parole violation.   

We now have the IRS scandal involving Tea Parties.  We have an administration using the Justice Department and now the IRS for political purposes.  Something we thought would only happen in communist/Marxist/socialist countries.  But we also know, this is how it is done in Chicago/Illinois politics.   

Regardless of your political affiliation, using government agencies to advance your political agenda and to threaten and abuse your political enemies is illegal.  When you hear even the ACLU has voiced concern, this is serious.   

So instead of transparency, we have cover-ups.  Instead of honesty, we have lie after lies.  With the news media complicit in all these lies, we have government control of most of the news media.  Again, something we thought would happen in a communist/socialist country.  Control the media, and you control the people.  It worked for Hitler, and it is working for Obama.  We have the most clueless people in this country, who rather watch stupid reality shows on TV rather than discover that their freedoms are slowly be eroded.  Someday, just like the people in Germany discovered in the 1930's, they will say to themselves, what happen? 

Unless the people speak out and call and write their representatives voicing very strong objections, you will wish you were dead when you lose your constitution and become a subject of the government that will dictate what you can or cannot do.  But understand, regardless of whether your representative is a democrat or republican they both suck.  It is just that the republicans have a few more years before they become socialist like most of the democrats and become more concerned about maintaining their power and position over protecting the citizens from tyranny.   

Tyranny is here.  That is why these officials are attempting to remove guns from our control.  Take the guns away and the citizens will fear the government rather than the government fear the citizens.  Something our Founding Fathers warned us against.  You cannot leave this to the next generation.  We must all act and not become complacent and leave it to our kids, grandkids or the next guy.  If you do not voice your objection today, they will not be able to voice their objection tomorrow.   

I touched on the lack of Transparency and Integrity, but as far as Honesty is concerned, if you ever see it, God bless you. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


We have an administration and their surrogates pushing for some form of gun control since, as they like to say, "Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste".  They are attempting to legislate against the 2nd Amendment.  The only way to change the 2nd Amendment is through the amendment process as indicated in the constitution since its inception.  This is what our Founding Fathers gave us, knowing that rights given could not easily be taken away.  Passing an amendment requires 2/3 approval from the Senate and House and 3/4 approval from the states.  So, since at least 50% of the voters are clueless, these advocates of gun control are hoping to sneak this legislation through without hearing an outcry on the constitutional issue.  Since the news media is complicit in what this administration is attempting, there is and will never be an outcry over the constitutional issue unless the voting public reads and understand the constitution and Federalist papers.   

We also have an administration that was running guns to drug cartels in Mexico under "Fast and Furious", running guns to Libyan rebels fighting Mommar Gaddadfi, and running guns to the Syrian rebels.  The gun running in both Libya and Syria involved giving these weapons to the Muslim Brotherhood.  We know that the Muslim Brotherhood is such a nice, democratic and freedom loving organization that has nothing but praise for Israel and the United States, that giving them weapons should not be a problem.  Of course, the Muslim Brotherhood and AL Qaeda are good friends and both agree that the United States is the big Satan. 

So, when you have a president that sympathizes with the Muslim Brotherhood why not help them to advance their radical agenda.   

The Benghazi attack was all about guns.  Trying to find out where the weapons, specifically the shoulder fired missiles we gave to the Libyan rebels, were located so they could not be used against us in Afghanistan,  as well as continuing to supply weapons to the Syrian rebels through Turkey.  

This is what this administration does not want you to know.  This administration operates the biggest gun running operation supplying weapons to those that are not concerned about our interest.  Mexican drug cartels, Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, sworn enemies of this country.  But it appears this administration believes supplying these groups with guns while taking the guns away from our citizens is totally acceptable.  Remember, tyrannical governments fear armed citizenry.  That is why Hitler, Stalin, Castro, former Iron Curtain countries disarmed their citizens.  Think about that.  They started out by claiming we must remove guns from those that have criminal records and those who show any signs of mental health issues and it slowly progress from there until their entire country was disarmed.  If you think that is not the objective of this administration, then I can say with certainty, that you must have just come from another planet.  Think about the entire issues since this administration came into office and not the false rhetoric that they want you to hear.  Your liberty and freedom are at stake.  And, I might add, you cannot trust either political party, except for a few who actually believe the oath they took to defend this country from both foreign and domestic threats.  The biggest threat to this country is those we have elected to positions of power who believe power, their party is more important than this country, the constitution or you the voter.  Remember this in 2014 elections.     

The Benghazi hearings, are a threat to this administration because it will give Pres. Obama a black eye as well as become a threat to Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency in 2016.  You can rest assured, this president will send Hillary up the river if this will extract him from allegations of Malfeasance or Nonfeasance.  After all, it is well documented that after his 5 pm briefing he did not contact anyone for updates.  Why?  Well we know he had to fly out to Nevada for a political fund raiser.  We know, money and power was more important then the lives of those who defend or represent this country.  This administration also uses the argument that they did not know the threat any military team would have faced if they were sent.  I understand that argument since Arlington National Cemetery as well as other military cemeteries, like in Normandy, are full of soldiers who were not totally aware of what threat they faced.  Just think, if we thought that way in the 1940's, we would be speaking German or Japanese.  Under this administration, we may be speaking Farsi or Arabic if they get their way as well as bowing to the east 5 times a day.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Truth is out there, but will we ever learn the truth?

In Cambridge Massachusetts, the police acted stupidly, and it required Pres. Obama to call the professor. 

When Treyvon Martin was killed, it required Pres. Obama to call the family. 

When we had the Benghazi attack, it required Pres. Obama to alert us to an unknown movie as the cause.  Even though, after he was alerted to the attack at 5pm by the then Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta in the Oval office, he left to have dinner with his family and never followed up.  It seems the trip out to Colorado for campaigning the next day was more important over the lives of the Americans.  

When we had the Sandy Hook shooting, it required Pres. Obama to speak out on guns and the 2nd Amendment. 

When a NBA player comes out of the closet, Pres. Obama had to call him. 

When Sandra Fluke got into the news, it required Pres. Obama to call her. 

It is amazing how this president can respond quickly to issues while alleging little information or knowledge on the subject.  However, for the past 2 months we have heard there were many other people wounded in the Benghazi attack that the State Department and administration did not make available to Congress or the those performing an internal investigation of the incident.  Sen. Lindsey Graham had gone to Walter Reed Hospital last month and spoke to 3 of these wounded employees and clamed they were being told to shut up.  Just recently, Fox News (whether you like the organization or not) had an interview with one of these individuals who indicated that there are others who want to come forward with information on the attack, but have been threatened if they do with charges and lost of their job.  They have secured lawyers who are also being stonewalled by the State Department and this administration, especially after Congressman Daryl Issa has sent two letters to this administration requesting the administration to stop roadblocks from having these individuals testify before Congress.  Yet, at the President's' news conference the other day, the President indicated he has no knowledge on this and he would get back to the reporter who asked the question.  Of course, this is the same technique that spokesmen Jay Carney uses when confronted with a question he will not answer.  I do hope the reporter in this case does not hold his breath.  Believe who you want, but we must know the whole truth and the only way to get at the truth is for all those involved or who have knowledge of the Benghazi attack are given the opportunity to testify before Congress.  The State Department and the White House should not prevent these individuals from testifying, unless of course they have something to hide.  If not, then why are they putting up roadblocks?  Or in this case, may cause political problems for Hillary Clinton and her desire to run for president in 2016.  The mainstream news media does not report on this news since it involves a democrat, but rest assured if this was a republican, the Benghazi attack would have been front page news since 9/11/2012.  When the news media picks and chooses the stories to cover and report, our country is going down the tubes quickly. When government controls the news media, our constitution is lost and our freedoms will follow.  Just look at history in Germany, former Soviet Union, Cuba and Venezuela today and see how the news media is or was controlled by government.  We also realize that at least 50% of our population are clueless on issues, and that makes our elected officials, regardless of party affiliation, very happy.  The Truth Will Set You Free.