Wednesday, May 8, 2013


We have an administration and their surrogates pushing for some form of gun control since, as they like to say, "Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste".  They are attempting to legislate against the 2nd Amendment.  The only way to change the 2nd Amendment is through the amendment process as indicated in the constitution since its inception.  This is what our Founding Fathers gave us, knowing that rights given could not easily be taken away.  Passing an amendment requires 2/3 approval from the Senate and House and 3/4 approval from the states.  So, since at least 50% of the voters are clueless, these advocates of gun control are hoping to sneak this legislation through without hearing an outcry on the constitutional issue.  Since the news media is complicit in what this administration is attempting, there is and will never be an outcry over the constitutional issue unless the voting public reads and understand the constitution and Federalist papers.   

We also have an administration that was running guns to drug cartels in Mexico under "Fast and Furious", running guns to Libyan rebels fighting Mommar Gaddadfi, and running guns to the Syrian rebels.  The gun running in both Libya and Syria involved giving these weapons to the Muslim Brotherhood.  We know that the Muslim Brotherhood is such a nice, democratic and freedom loving organization that has nothing but praise for Israel and the United States, that giving them weapons should not be a problem.  Of course, the Muslim Brotherhood and AL Qaeda are good friends and both agree that the United States is the big Satan. 

So, when you have a president that sympathizes with the Muslim Brotherhood why not help them to advance their radical agenda.   

The Benghazi attack was all about guns.  Trying to find out where the weapons, specifically the shoulder fired missiles we gave to the Libyan rebels, were located so they could not be used against us in Afghanistan,  as well as continuing to supply weapons to the Syrian rebels through Turkey.  

This is what this administration does not want you to know.  This administration operates the biggest gun running operation supplying weapons to those that are not concerned about our interest.  Mexican drug cartels, Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, sworn enemies of this country.  But it appears this administration believes supplying these groups with guns while taking the guns away from our citizens is totally acceptable.  Remember, tyrannical governments fear armed citizenry.  That is why Hitler, Stalin, Castro, former Iron Curtain countries disarmed their citizens.  Think about that.  They started out by claiming we must remove guns from those that have criminal records and those who show any signs of mental health issues and it slowly progress from there until their entire country was disarmed.  If you think that is not the objective of this administration, then I can say with certainty, that you must have just come from another planet.  Think about the entire issues since this administration came into office and not the false rhetoric that they want you to hear.  Your liberty and freedom are at stake.  And, I might add, you cannot trust either political party, except for a few who actually believe the oath they took to defend this country from both foreign and domestic threats.  The biggest threat to this country is those we have elected to positions of power who believe power, their party is more important than this country, the constitution or you the voter.  Remember this in 2014 elections.     

The Benghazi hearings, are a threat to this administration because it will give Pres. Obama a black eye as well as become a threat to Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency in 2016.  You can rest assured, this president will send Hillary up the river if this will extract him from allegations of Malfeasance or Nonfeasance.  After all, it is well documented that after his 5 pm briefing he did not contact anyone for updates.  Why?  Well we know he had to fly out to Nevada for a political fund raiser.  We know, money and power was more important then the lives of those who defend or represent this country.  This administration also uses the argument that they did not know the threat any military team would have faced if they were sent.  I understand that argument since Arlington National Cemetery as well as other military cemeteries, like in Normandy, are full of soldiers who were not totally aware of what threat they faced.  Just think, if we thought that way in the 1940's, we would be speaking German or Japanese.  Under this administration, we may be speaking Farsi or Arabic if they get their way as well as bowing to the east 5 times a day.  

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