Monday, May 13, 2013


The first lie we see in what they said when they bailed out General Motors and Chrysler.  The stockholders got screwed, the unions made millions, and auto dealers that were supporters of Obama's opposition, found out their agencies were being closed. 

We now know that the taxpayer money going into green jobs and businesses was a joke and really was used to benefit and payback those individuals that bungled donations for Obama's re-election.  Would any investor put their money into a green company that many knowledgeable investors knew was a dangerous investment?  No.  But, as usual, it was not Obama's money, but our money that was being used for political purposes.   

The next lie is Obamacare.  We now know they lied to the American people that it was not a tax and yet the Supreme Court said it was.  We were told we would see our insurance premiums reduced and yet all of us have seem our premiums increased.  We see employers reducing work hours of their employees since small business cannot afford the premiums.  We also know that the money needed to implement Obamacare is much more than initially reported and that the cost of Obamacare will be in the Trillions and actually reduce the availability of medical care to seniors and all those any age who require specialist and costly services.  That is where the Independent Advisory Payment Board comes into play.  Or should I dare to say, Death Panel.  Think about it.  If your procedure is costly, and depending on your age and physical health, your request for treatment will be denied as being too costly and you might as well go home and die. 

Now we have the Benghazi lies.  We know that Ambassador Stevens was involved in running guns to the rebels in Syria, something he has previous experience in doing.  We hear that our illustrious appointees of Obama claim there was not enough time to send help.  The question that should be asked is how do you know the attack was going to last 7-9 hours?  What if those seals were able to last 24 hours.  What would the excuse be then?  You send help and hope the help arrives on time.  All experts have either testified or have stated that help could have been there within 3 hours.  And why was those Seals that eventually died told to stand down when they were in the CIA complex, approximately 1 mile away?  Why, you may asked did this administration do that?  Well, according to Obama and company, Al Qaeda and company was on the run, they wanted nobody to know they were running guns and so the ambassador was left to die. Remember the old saying, dead people tell no tales.  They have and are continuing to prevent those that were wounded in this attack from testifying and are not identifying these people.  If you have nothing to hide, why block people from talking.  Because they got caught in a giant lie, and it has snowballed from there.  Rest assured, if the mainstream news media had been on this story from the beginning rather than protecting this president, the president would have lost the election.  So, one can say positively, that the news media is complicit in covering up this administration.  And as I write this, the maker of the so called video that this administration accused of causing the Benghazi attack remains in jail for expressing his 1st Amendment rights.   

And now we have the IRS story that broke on Friday evening.  Everyone knows that serious stories should be reported on Friday's so it will not get much publicity and it will also take the heat away from the Benghazi story.  We have a government agency, the IRS, that was being used by this administration to harass their opposition.  Those groups that were exercising their freedom of speech whether you agree with these groups or not, were being punished for their opposition.  Yet, liberal groups had no such problems since they were supporter of this president.  It is targeting you political enemies for investigation and harassment using the IRS and the DOJ.  If they can do this to conservative groups, they can do it to you.  I now will add a famous poem that refers to those that did nothing when Hitler came into power.   

By Pastor Niemoller who escaped persecution by the Nazis. 

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

And now a new play on this by yours truly. 

First they came for those who disagreed with them and I did not speak out because I did not disagree with the administration. 

Then they came after Fox news and talk radio and I did not speak out because I did not watch Fox news or listen to conservative talk radio. 

Then they came for the newspapers that objected to them and I did not speak out because I did not read those papers.   

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
If this administration or any administration gets away with this, you can rest assured that when the Spy center that is under construction in Utah to collect information on all types of electronic communications, you will be monitored.  This is George Orville's famous 1984 coming to fruition.  You must have your voice heard objecting to what is happening in this country by this administration or you will see your rights eliminated.  This administration has attacked the Bill of Rights since they took office and these amendments were demanded by the original 13 states or they would not have approved our constitution.  Now they are under attack by a government that wants to control everything in your life.  As if government knows best.   For those of us that have studied history or at least read our constitution and Federalist papers know that we cannot permit these freedoms to be altered or abused.  These freedoms can only be removed through the constitutional amendment process requiring 2/3 vote of Congress and 3/4 vote of the 50 states.  For those who need a calculator that is 38 states. 
The Nixon administration did less than this and Congress, members of both parties, moved to impeach the president.  Will both parties have the same courage?  You decide, but again if nothing is done and some people do not go to jail, rest assured you may wind up there.



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