Sunday, January 19, 2014

The NSA, the President and DOJ

So the president comes out with his new rules and regulations covering NSA spying on the American people and if you actually listened to him, you realize he did not make any changes on spying on our citizens.  He alleges the NSA will reduce their spying on foreign leaders, but it seems nothing will change on the "1984" that he is engaging in today.  Of course we do have video recordings of this president as a candidate in 2007 lambasting the Bush administrating (Yes the Bush administration again) on what he believed was a threat to our constitution.  But, when he realized he can use the NSA to spy on his political opponents and congressional representatives, he realizes the pool of resources he can have access too.  Thus gaining political advantages for himself and the democratic party.  Of course this is exactly what happened in the former Soviet Union, Russia today, Cuba and Venezuela.  But, we know this president would not do that since he represents the most transparent administration since George Washington, an administration that has honesty, integrity and trust and does not lie to the American people.  Of course, that does not include, Fast and Furious, NSA, IRS, AP, Benghazi and Obamacare where lies still continue, although since these people are politicians, we cannot call them lies, but misstatements, misinformation or misunderstanding. 

And now the DOJ wants to change the rules on profiling against those that are trying to do harm to our country, like radical Islamist.  I guess we can expect in the not to distant future when law enforcement are describing a suspect we may not be able to state if the suspect is a male/female, black, white, or whatever color a suspect is and absolutely cannot mention that suspects religion, unless of course the suspect is Jewish, Christian or any other religion that is not Islam.  It seems mass murderers may be offended it we mention their religious affiliation.  But, I have not heard the Pope or leaders of other non-Islam religion call their followers to go out and kill non-believers.  Then again, I may have missed that in the news media.  Sorry, I cannot catch everything. 

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