Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dictatorship or Constitutional Republic?

President has stated he will use his pen and go around Congress to get what he wants.  Now the last time I looked, I believe we are still a Republic and have an Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government and a constitution that all those occupying these branches vote to uphold.  Now if the president desires to become a dictator then it is up to the House to implement Impeachment procedures and for the Senate to hold a trial with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Judge Roberts to oversee the proceedings.  But we all know, that Speaker of the House, John Boehner, better known as No Backbone Boehner will not move for impeachment since it may interfere with the 2014 election and money he will collect for himself and other republicans.  The constitution be dammed, but getting elected takes precedence.   

When questioned repeatedly about this, republicans are all saying the same thing, "When we get control of the Senate in the upcoming election" we can change his action.  But what nobody follows up with is what happens if you don't.  Profiles in Courage does not apply to the republicans, especially their leadership.  Again it is all about getting elected and not about the country.  Unless of course their constituents speak out and demand an end to a dictator in the making.  Silence in Germany and Italy in the 30's gave those countries years of misery.  

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