For those of you who voted for Obama because you thought he was going to be the savior of the country and the world I only have the following to say.
Some day when you awaken you will ask yourself, what happen to this country? I thought we had a Constitution to protect us from this happening? If you know history, which by the way is not being taught anymore, you are aware of the old saying, “people who don’t know history tend to repeat it.” You are going to be surprised just like the citizens of Germany and Italy were in the 1930’s when they lost their country to an ideology that they could not fight against.
If you are paying attention to the bailouts of Chrysler and GM and read between the lines, you will see that it has nothing to do with the bond holders or the automobiles, but all to do with making sure the UAW survives. This is called political payback using taxpayer dollars. That is why the unions are actually first in line over the investors. And these investors represent retirees, state and local pensions and other private investors. Normally, under bankruptcy proceedings these investors would be first in line, but under the Obama forced plan, the UAW is. What the President is telling these investors is “if you don’t like it, tough.” This has nothing to do with what political party is in power, but about abuse of power by this present administration that is not covered in the US Constitution. But, just like in the 1930’s, if you can pull the wool over the peoples eyes, go for it because it soon will be too late for the people to do anything.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
What is the difference between GITMO and prison in US?
What is the difference between GITMO in Cuba and a prison in the United States? As far as I know, a prison is a prison. Just one has a little more security because of the type of prisoners. One has terrorist that want to destroy our country and kill us at the first chance and the other houses the criminal element that steals, murders and generally destroys the lives of our citizens through crime.
Water boarding and Abortion?
President Obama considers water boarding a brutal method of torture. What does he consider abortion? With water boarding, the terrorist is still alive and suffers no injury but embarrassment for caving in but the aborted baby suffers immensely and dies and but that is okay. Such logic makes one wonder.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Drill for Oil now.
I strongly agree with drilling for oil off both coast of this country. Considering the fact that we export nearly $700 billion dollars to foreign countries to purchase oil each year, we could use that money in this country to reduce our stimulus package debts. We must let the residents of Florida and California know as well as throughout the country that oil rigs, as some environmentalist have argued, will not be seen from shore when they are 25 to 50 miles offshore. Furthermore, with present technology, the chances of a major oil spill harming our beaches are also extremely low. But, when and to we push a literacy campaign so the public fully understands this will be undertaken to prevent spills, we will see the so-called environmentalist succeeding with their rhetoric. The more people understand the better prepared they will be to accept drilling off our coast. This will bring money and high paying jobs to both states that will benefit our economy that seems to be only tourist depended. We all would like to see alternative forms of energy that would satisfy our energy needs, but it is a well know fact today that windmills and solar power will only supply approximately 20% of our needs by the year 2030. And windmills are a sight that some people do not want in their back yards. Only within the past year or so, Martha’s Vineyard became outraged over the thought of windmills off their shores. It appears windmills were not what Ted Kennedy and friends wanted to see every day. We also need nuclear power to satisfy our energy needs and we need a shorter timeframe to obtain the necessary permits. I know that is a federal issue, but the states must actively support this effort also. Nuclear power is also essential for the citizens of this country. We must use the motto, “drill now and drill often”. Obviously, if we suddenly discover alternative, non-polluting energy to meet our needs, we can always cap the wells. I want the $700 billion dollars to flow into this country and not out. Just think how the economy of California and Florida would benefit from oil drilling off their coast.
Madness or Insanity?
We are spending billions of dollars in so called stimulus packages that does not seem to be stimulating the economy as many had said such reckless monetary packages would not work. The only way to stimulate the economy is to put money in the hands of those who spend it, the people. That is why whenever or wherever we have seen tax reductions, the economy has increased. That is why states like, California, New York, New Jersey etc are have budget shortfalls. Keep on raising taxes, and the people will either move out or have no money to spend.
As far as the bailouts are concerned, we can clearly see that the purpose of these were to make sure the unions survive as part of a political payback for their support during the last election. The auto companies should have been told to file for bankruptcy and reorganize as other companies have done in the past and have come back better and are still in business. Now we see how the UAW has a larger share in Chrysler over the investors who have lost millions. And these investors were not just individuals but pension funds and other state investments. But this administration is more concerned in benefiting the unions over the investors. So we are spending more money that we do not have and eventually this country will be printing money that will be worthless. After isn’t this what got us in trouble in the first place, people spending beyond their means. Just because it is the government doesn’t mean it will not happen. I cannot tell if the road we are traveling is madness or insanity.
As far as the bailouts are concerned, we can clearly see that the purpose of these were to make sure the unions survive as part of a political payback for their support during the last election. The auto companies should have been told to file for bankruptcy and reorganize as other companies have done in the past and have come back better and are still in business. Now we see how the UAW has a larger share in Chrysler over the investors who have lost millions. And these investors were not just individuals but pension funds and other state investments. But this administration is more concerned in benefiting the unions over the investors. So we are spending more money that we do not have and eventually this country will be printing money that will be worthless. After isn’t this what got us in trouble in the first place, people spending beyond their means. Just because it is the government doesn’t mean it will not happen. I cannot tell if the road we are traveling is madness or insanity.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
ACORN and Democrats
From FOX news we are hearing stories about ACORN and the embezzlement of $1 million dollars by the brother of the original founder. Of course this was never reported to the police. And we all know that while he was a community organizer, President Obama worked with this group to do what else, but help organize it. Now, we have ACORN getting Federal funding the past number of years that were supposed to be used to aid in getting homes for the disadvantage. They have also been identified by the Obama administration as a group that will help in doing the 2010 census. We also know they have been identified in at least 14 states for fraud in obtaining voter registrations in 2008. Guess what candidate they were encouraging these new registered voters to vote for? If you said McCain, you are 100% wrong. There was another candidate out there whose first initial of the last name began with an O and ended with an A. Even ACORN workers want an investigation into how the books were kept, but there seems to be some sought of interference in preventing a Federal investigation. Gee, I wonder if it is Rahm Emmanuel, the president’s Chief of Staff, or Congress or even Attorney General Holder. Get a hold of yourself when you hear this, but Democrats will not investigate Democrats or even Democratic supported organizations if it would put them in a bad light. Now we know President Obama could order an investigation for misappropriating funds, especially Federal funds, but we must remember that before Obama was anything he was a community organizer helping ACORN.
Show me
From the movie Jerry Maguire we heard the famous phrase “show me the money”. Now we can apply similar wording to Nancy Pelosi and that is “show us the proof”.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Can someone explain this to me?
Will someone please explain to me how President Obama can justify abortion and be against enhanced interrogation techniques? President Obama has vowed to sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) when and if Congress passes it. This will allow an abortion from the first day of pregnancy to the last day. However, he is against interrogation techniques that are debatable if it is torture or not. Abortion over water boarding. One was used to obtain valuable information from terrorist that could save thousands of lives and the other destroys life and can permanently damage the women both physically and mentally. Some logic. It seems President Obama and crew value the life of a terrorist over the life of a fragile human being. The enhanced interrogation techniques does not destroy life, but abortion destroys at least one life.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Nancy Pelosi and interrogations.
Nancy Pelosi has done it again. She didn’t know and was not told about the tough interrogations used by the CIA, but memos and the CIA say otherwise. So now she is reaching it in trying to blame the Bush administration for her missteps. Of course when you lie on a continuous basis, it gets to the point where you cannot tell a lie from the truth. In Pelosi’s place, the next time she is truthful will be the first. And yet, she is third in line for the Presidency, if God forbid, something happens. Remember all this controversy was started with the memos released by President Obama with the idea of slighting the Bush administration and the Republicans and catering to the radical left. It has now come back to bite them in the butt.
Still Campaigning
Will someone please tell President Obama that the election is over, he won and he doesn’t have to go around the country or be seen on TV just about every day. Lock the teleprompter up.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Universal Health Care
President Obama wants universal health care paid for by our tax dollars even though when you speak to people from countries where they have univeral health care, they warn you not to get it. However, this president is insistent on having it. Therefore, since our tax dollars are going to pay for this care, I want the same medical coverage our elected Congressional Representatives have that is also paid for by our tax dollars. The old saying applies, "what is good for the goose is good for the gander". Of course what the president fails to tell you is that of the so called 42 million people without health coverage, approximately 20 million are illegals.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Enough already
Have you noticed yet how this administration has gone from one crisis to another to hide what they are really up to.
We had the stimulus package that had to be passed and then Obama took 3 days and a trip outside DC to sign the bill.
We had the infamous fly over NYC.
Swine flu kept our attention
Fly over photo being shown. $350,000 for one photo. Obama got ripped off. Who ever developed that photo over charged must be laughing all the way to the bank.
In between we have seen Obama at so many press conferences you have to scratch your head and try to figure out what the heck is going on. It seems Obama has been on TV since taking office more then Jay Leno
We had the stimulus package that had to be passed and then Obama took 3 days and a trip outside DC to sign the bill.
We had the infamous fly over NYC.
Swine flu kept our attention
Fly over photo being shown. $350,000 for one photo. Obama got ripped off. Who ever developed that photo over charged must be laughing all the way to the bank.
In between we have seen Obama at so many press conferences you have to scratch your head and try to figure out what the heck is going on. It seems Obama has been on TV since taking office more then Jay Leno
Honesty and Integrity
During the past few years, the Democrats kept on pushing how the Republicans were thieves and liars. Well, little did we know, that they were probably really talking about themselves. The following have continuously lied to the American people.
Nancy Pelosi—I did not know anything about water boarding. I only attended various briefings where it was discussed with photos indicting what different methods of interrogation were used and would be used.
Jane Harman— I did not know anything about water boarding. I only attended various briefings where it was discussed with photos indicting what different methods of interrogation were used and would be used.
Barney Frank—What mortgage or housing problem?
Christopher Dodd—I got a fair market mortgage. I did not know the rate I got was at least 2 percentages below the market at the time. And I thought it was okay to help AIG since they paid me off. (I mean contributed to my PAC)
Charles Rangle—I did not know you had to declare rent received as income
Charles Schumer—I only accepted money from AIG because I thought they liked me.
John Murtha—What? Corrupt. Who me?
Nancy Pelosi—I did not know anything about water boarding. I only attended various briefings where it was discussed with photos indicting what different methods of interrogation were used and would be used.
Jane Harman— I did not know anything about water boarding. I only attended various briefings where it was discussed with photos indicting what different methods of interrogation were used and would be used.
Barney Frank—What mortgage or housing problem?
Christopher Dodd—I got a fair market mortgage. I did not know the rate I got was at least 2 percentages below the market at the time. And I thought it was okay to help AIG since they paid me off. (I mean contributed to my PAC)
Charles Rangle—I did not know you had to declare rent received as income
Charles Schumer—I only accepted money from AIG because I thought they liked me.
John Murtha—What? Corrupt. Who me?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Political Correctness gone amuck? You decide.
We cannot celebrate National Day of Prayer at the White House as the previous admininstration did because we do not want to offend anyone. The fact that nearly 90% of the populace is offended does not matter. So much for political correctness. The American public had better wake up before you wind up in a anti-God country. The below article should throw everyone over the edge. This is unbelievable. Islamist terrorist are killing everyone who objects to their violent actions but the state of Hawaii thinks otherwise as shown below.
Hawaii’s state Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill Wednesday to celebrate “Islam Day” - over the objections of a few lawmakers who said they didn’t want to honor a religion connected to Sept. 11, 2001... The resolution to proclaim Sept. 24, 2009, as Islam Day passed the Senate on a 22-3 vote. It had previously passed the House. The bill seeks to recognize “the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions” that Islam and the Islamic world have made.
Contributions to society? Well lately we have seen the return of beheading, human bombs and torture. I guess we can consider that a great contribution while we criticize our government intelligence officers for water boarding terrorist that were withholding valuable information on possible more terrorist attacks. Wake up before it is too late.
Hawaii’s state Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill Wednesday to celebrate “Islam Day” - over the objections of a few lawmakers who said they didn’t want to honor a religion connected to Sept. 11, 2001... The resolution to proclaim Sept. 24, 2009, as Islam Day passed the Senate on a 22-3 vote. It had previously passed the House. The bill seeks to recognize “the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions” that Islam and the Islamic world have made.
Contributions to society? Well lately we have seen the return of beheading, human bombs and torture. I guess we can consider that a great contribution while we criticize our government intelligence officers for water boarding terrorist that were withholding valuable information on possible more terrorist attacks. Wake up before it is too late.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Homeland Security does it again.
Homeland Security does it again and yet nothing happens to Secretary Janet Napolitano. They produce definitions of what they consider potential terrorist and again they include anti-abortion people. I gather that would again include the Pope. Oddly enough, is what was not included on their “list”, Islamic Terrorist. Now we are engaged in a war against these extremist who murder and kill to promote their agenda, something anti-abortion don’t do, but they are not included on the “list”. These terrorists attack the World Trade Center twice, disco in Bali, the 1984 bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1984 and the USS Cole in 2000, among others not mentioned here. Yet it seems since Secretary Napolitano has taken control of this department all we see is memos on who are extremist that are to be watched. This secretary must be fired. Enough is enough. There is an agenda here that must be stopped.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Our border or is it?
Since WWII we have stationed troops all over the globe. In Europe to repel the Soviet threat, in South Korea to stand against threats from North Korea and in Japan for aid in the event of problems with China or North Korea. Since Operation Desert Storm, we have troops in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia) and Kuwait that provide assistance in Iraq when needed. However, we cannot provide troops on our border with Mexico since we might offend the Hispanic community and the potential votes they may provide either political party. Naturally, citizens don’t count. We could not be defeated by Hitler, Japan, communism or terrorist, but we will see ourselves defeated by millions of illegal aliens. In the not too distant future, we will be pressing #2 for English.
No photos
Air Force will not release photos taken from Air Force One during the infamous flyover of NYC. Why are Americans not surprised by that? Were photos actually taken or was this just a political junket for political friends and they might show up in the photos? After all there are so many photos of NYC from high up or if you needed new ones, there are cheaper ways of getting them then spending nearly #350,000dollars. And if you believe the rhetoric that it was a trainig mission, why NYC and not DC, Virgina Beach, Charleston, Blue Ridge Mountains or some other location? Think about that. Contact your Congressman and demand the pictures your tax dollars paid for.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
For the past 60 years plus, we have stationed troops overseas to protect Europe from the Soviet threat, in Korea to protect from a North Korea threat and other various parts of the world wherever a threat or need required our presence. Could some one please tell me why we cannot station troops on our Mexican border to prevent the influx of illegal immigrants? Could it be our elected officials think more about not offending potential Hispanic voters that could benefit their political party for years to come and not those who voted them in office?
Friday, May 1, 2009
Obama’s administration performed a stress test on all banks and the results are not being shown to the public. So much the for the much herald transparency of his administration. But why are we not surprised? After all we have not seen bills on the Internet for 5 days before being voted on as he stated he would do during his campaign. Promises, promises, promises. Again, this does not surprise those who did not vote for Obama. Just the suckers who did. Change, you got it. What Obama really meant you can keep the change in your pocket and he will keep the rest. Why the Obama voters did not know this at the time of the election only goes to show their lack of knowledge of the issues. Just remember that we are paying China nearly $100 million a day interest on the money they loaned us for the stimulus package. Again many voters are not knowledgeable on this. If they knew they would be outraged.