Monday, May 25, 2009
Drill for Oil now.
I strongly agree with drilling for oil off both coast of this country. Considering the fact that we export nearly $700 billion dollars to foreign countries to purchase oil each year, we could use that money in this country to reduce our stimulus package debts. We must let the residents of Florida and California know as well as throughout the country that oil rigs, as some environmentalist have argued, will not be seen from shore when they are 25 to 50 miles offshore. Furthermore, with present technology, the chances of a major oil spill harming our beaches are also extremely low. But, when and to we push a literacy campaign so the public fully understands this will be undertaken to prevent spills, we will see the so-called environmentalist succeeding with their rhetoric. The more people understand the better prepared they will be to accept drilling off our coast. This will bring money and high paying jobs to both states that will benefit our economy that seems to be only tourist depended. We all would like to see alternative forms of energy that would satisfy our energy needs, but it is a well know fact today that windmills and solar power will only supply approximately 20% of our needs by the year 2030. And windmills are a sight that some people do not want in their back yards. Only within the past year or so, Martha’s Vineyard became outraged over the thought of windmills off their shores. It appears windmills were not what Ted Kennedy and friends wanted to see every day. We also need nuclear power to satisfy our energy needs and we need a shorter timeframe to obtain the necessary permits. I know that is a federal issue, but the states must actively support this effort also. Nuclear power is also essential for the citizens of this country. We must use the motto, “drill now and drill often”. Obviously, if we suddenly discover alternative, non-polluting energy to meet our needs, we can always cap the wells. I want the $700 billion dollars to flow into this country and not out. Just think how the economy of California and Florida would benefit from oil drilling off their coast.
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