Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Homeland Security does it again.
Homeland Security does it again and yet nothing happens to Secretary Janet Napolitano. They produce definitions of what they consider potential terrorist and again they include anti-abortion people. I gather that would again include the Pope. Oddly enough, is what was not included on their “list”, Islamic Terrorist. Now we are engaged in a war against these extremist who murder and kill to promote their agenda, something anti-abortion don’t do, but they are not included on the “list”. These terrorists attack the World Trade Center twice, disco in Bali, the 1984 bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1984 and the USS Cole in 2000, among others not mentioned here. Yet it seems since Secretary Napolitano has taken control of this department all we see is memos on who are extremist that are to be watched. This secretary must be fired. Enough is enough. There is an agenda here that must be stopped.
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