Thursday, May 21, 2009
ACORN and Democrats
From FOX news we are hearing stories about ACORN and the embezzlement of $1 million dollars by the brother of the original founder. Of course this was never reported to the police. And we all know that while he was a community organizer, President Obama worked with this group to do what else, but help organize it. Now, we have ACORN getting Federal funding the past number of years that were supposed to be used to aid in getting homes for the disadvantage. They have also been identified by the Obama administration as a group that will help in doing the 2010 census. We also know they have been identified in at least 14 states for fraud in obtaining voter registrations in 2008. Guess what candidate they were encouraging these new registered voters to vote for? If you said McCain, you are 100% wrong. There was another candidate out there whose first initial of the last name began with an O and ended with an A. Even ACORN workers want an investigation into how the books were kept, but there seems to be some sought of interference in preventing a Federal investigation. Gee, I wonder if it is Rahm Emmanuel, the president’s Chief of Staff, or Congress or even Attorney General Holder. Get a hold of yourself when you hear this, but Democrats will not investigate Democrats or even Democratic supported organizations if it would put them in a bad light. Now we know President Obama could order an investigation for misappropriating funds, especially Federal funds, but we must remember that before Obama was anything he was a community organizer helping ACORN.
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