During the past few years, the Democrats kept on pushing how the Republicans were thieves and liars. Well, little did we know, that they were probably really talking about themselves. The following have continuously lied to the American people.
Nancy Pelosi—I did not know anything about water boarding. I only attended various briefings where it was discussed with photos indicting what different methods of interrogation were used and would be used.
Jane Harman— I did not know anything about water boarding. I only attended various briefings where it was discussed with photos indicting what different methods of interrogation were used and would be used.
Barney Frank—What mortgage or housing problem?
Christopher Dodd—I got a fair market mortgage. I did not know the rate I got was at least 2 percentages below the market at the time. And I thought it was okay to help AIG since they paid me off. (I mean contributed to my PAC)
Charles Rangle—I did not know you had to declare rent received as income
Charles Schumer—I only accepted money from AIG because I thought they liked me.
John Murtha—What? Corrupt. Who me?
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