Saturday, June 20, 2020

The burning of our flag and destructing of statutes.

Yesterday it was the American Flag
Today it is the American Flag and statutes that represent the history of our country both good and bad.  History is there so we do not repeat the bad.
Tomorrow it will be libraries.  We must destroy all history.  Sounds like Germany in the 1930’s
Tomorrow it will also be removing all crosses as we see from these radicals a new religion founded on violence, lies, assaults and death.  Religion has no meaning and God never existed. 
I now propose a new Pledge of Allegiance that would be suitable for their radical ideas since they hate the pledge we had since the war of 1812.  They can have theirs, but we will keep ours.  They will have to relocate to another country for theirs.  North Korea sounds just about right.
The new Pledge of Allegiance for the radical left
And the Socialist Party.

I believe in one government, almighty and strong
Ruler of our country and cites
And all things regardless of who owns them.
I believe in one dictator to rule and is
Subject to no one and born to lead all
Regardless of race and religion
For us people he will be the leader of our salvation
And will lead all citizens
I believe in the spirit of our leader
And he will be adored and glorified everyday
He will speak to us as if he was Devine and
A leader for all ages.
I believe in only one government that will
Rule with strength and we look forward
To the day when we will see a new world order
Where government will dictate how we live our lives
And those who resist will receive eternal damnation
In the pit of fire.

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