Tuesday, June 9, 2020

George Floyd demonstrations/Riots/looting

Black Lives Matter in conjunction with Antifa as well as other radical groups apparently worked together in organizing the demonstrations we all viewed around the country.  Among many of the marchers were white people who from what we saw reported were embarrassed for being white and wanted to join forces with the brother blacks in these demonstrations rather than being called a white supremacist.  No problem with people of all faiths and racial background joining together in peaceful demonstrations as long as they are peaceful but some within the groups saw an opportunity to go shopping for a few of their favorite things. 

My question to all those white people who were ashamed of their whiteness, did they run home to their multi-hundred thousand home or to their parent’s home to return to the basement.  When they returned home, did they decide to live up to what they were preaching and move out and go live in those areas that have been home to blacks for many years.  Like the south side of Chicago, Harlem or the East NY section in NYC, Watts in LA or are they just pretending to be brothers in a cause, but that is as far as they will go.  I guess they could go out with blackface, but that would not go over to big unless you are the Governor of Virginia or the Prime Minister in Canada.  Other than that, they would face a wrath from their brothers.  We know Hollywood is a great financial supporter, then they run home to their mansions in gated communities.   And we saw in LA how police blocked those demonstrators from marching in Hollywood’s exclusive shopping areas, yet in the dominant black areas stores were looted or homes set on fire and these same Hollywood people did nothing to help these shop owners or home owners.  So, rather than look at the big picture and see how the Socialist Democratic Party has been ripping off the minorities for mega years, will they vote to remove these socialist from office, or will they just continue voting for a loss cause swallowing all the rhetoric they have been told. 

To show how these socialist tried to prevent the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 there are a few things remember.  During debate on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, southern democrats argued, among other things, that the bill unconstitutionally usurped individual liberties and states’ rights.

In a mischievous attempt to sabotage the bill, a Virginia segregationist introduced an amendment to ban employment discrimination against women. That one passed, whereas over 100 other hostile amendments were defeated. In the end, the House approved the bill with bipartisan support by a vote of 290-130.
The bill then moved to the U.S. Senate, where southern and border state Democrats staged a 75-day filibuster—among the longest in U.S. history. On one occasion, Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a former Ku Klux Klan member, spoke for over 14 consecutive hours.  Sen. Byrd was a great friend of you guessed it, Joe Biden. 
This is the same Socialist Democratic Party that is out in front of all black causes.  Except what they say is not exactly what they do.  As I have said many times, these socialist democrats will promise anything to get the minority vote, except actually implement what they promise.  Today these socialist have been told by their leaders, Pelosi and Schumer not to support during this presidential campaign, defunding the police, as it will cause them to lose control of the House and Senate.  Power and control over the citizens is what these socialist want, not what they promise. 
In three years, President Trump has done more for the minorities then the socialist democrats have done in 70 years.  Trump does not just promise, he delivers.  Before he was elected president, he was never called a racist, white supremacist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, Russian agent and anything else these socialist could think of.   Yet, one must listen carefully to what these socialist democrats are saying since what they accuse others of doing, they are actually doing themselves.  They want you to listen to what they say and not what they actually do.   

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