Tuesday, September 18, 2012
What you need to know
Remember every time the Fed keeps printing money, the value of your money in the bank and elsewhere is worth less. So with QE 3 in progress our money is decreasing in value almost every day. With our money worth less, oil goes up since oil is traded in US dollars. And the cost of doing business increases as cost of goods and services increases. It will take more dollars to buy anything. Inflation will come since the Fed has indicated it will continue to print money and as they do, our money goes down in value and if this continues unchecked, our money will have no buying power and we will be using gold, silver and oil. But, we still must retain what we do have, the 3 G's. God, Gold and Guns.
If Obama gets elected, we will cease to exist as the country we grew up knowing, He is destroying this country from within and we are on the road to a financial collapse. You cannot spend and print your way out of a recession. It has never been done and it is impossible to do. Financial collapse will come. Unemployment will skyrocket and unrest will be the name of the game. He who saves now, in food and bullets may survive. We are on a unsustainable path. Gasoline under this president has risen 107% and people will be unable to heat and cool their homes and put gas in their cars. Our economy is going to collapse unless we get people in government that understand economic issues. The choice is clear. A path to renewed prosperity that will take time or the road to complete collapse that may happen within the next 4 years. What is more important, getting re-elected or saving our country. It seems for some, getting re-elected is more important and the country be dammed. Unless we awaken, we are heading to the heap of history.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
QE 3
With the Fed giving us QE 3, we will see our money decrease in value, fuel prices increase and when fuel goes up, the cost of everything else goes up with it. Now the cost of doing business regardless of the business will cost more. We will see the ripple effect just like we saw with the housing collapse. You own a business, whether it is a restaurant, plumbing, clothing store, electronic store etc. and when the cost of doing business goes up then prices go up, people get laid off, business go out of business and obviously the unemployment goes up. Without jobs, people have no money to spend and the ripple continues. For some reason this administration and the Fed believes this will increase employment. Maybe I am missing something here, but we tried this 2 previous times and the economic climate worsen.
Taken Responsibility
When will this president take responsibility for his actions or should we say lack of action.
All we hear is that he inherited the economy from Bush. Yes, we know the economy was slowing down and unemployment was rising. This all began with the housing collapse that had a ripple effect throughout the economy. But, after almost 4 years in office, this president still blames Bush for the economy. Whenever things are not going his way, he avoids responsibility by blaming others. First it was Bush and now it is Romney and a movie no one heard of until 9/11 for all the unrest in the Middle East. Never will he admit that his Arab spring support, his apology tour, bowing down to world leaders and general weakness in his foreign policy is the real culprit in all the unrest we see today. He and his minions continue to say that all this unrest was spontaneous and not planned and place the blame on a movie. Anyone with half a brain and who can think for themselves without having the talking heads on MSNBC, CNN,,CBS, NBC and ABC explain their slanted view on the news, know that the 9/11 attack on our embassies in Cairo and Benghazi were well organized and planned in advance.
It is a sad state of affairs when we have a news media that is an arm of the Obama administration. This is what we saw in the former Soviet Union where the news media was controlled by the government and printed or spoke what the government wanted to be said. Once this happens, you have lost your freedom. And it has happen. You will never hear the real story from government or the media when information is filtered to make government look good. You are being controlled. Get your news from other sources rather than the lamestream media. Knowledge is strength.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Who is to Blame?
We see the outrage taken place in the Middle East where the so called Arab spring hs now turned into the fall of regret. However, we having nothing to fear since our Commander-in-Chief is not responsible for the anti-American events. What this country does not understand is that this is all George Bush's fault. You see, back in the year around 1100 AD, a distance relative of the Bush's participated it the Crusades and we all know that the then President George Bush is responsible for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that has so inflamed the radical Muslims. I imagine the apologizing by President Obama and the bowing down before world leaders the last few years has not been enough. So, we can also blame the latest events on some obscure film that most people have never heard of or seen until our illustrious President and State Department keeps on mentioning this as the catalyst for the unrest. The fact that this begin on 9/11 and was a planned event because of 9/11 has no bearing on this administration. After all, isn't he one of them. Least we forget, he was brought up a Muslim and quotes the Koran many times and sympathizes with his brothers. It is just that many Americans fail to understand this. Hopefully they will by November 6, that all the apologies in the world will not change the hatred these Muslims have towards us and our support of Israel that is another thorn in their side. But then again, this President does not like Israel either.
The Road to Serfdom?
We have a choice this election, to either live our dreams or to live the dreams the government assigns to us. To succeed through our own efforts and build it ourselves or have government guide us to meet government goals that are not and will not be the goals of the individuals. We are headed down the road to serfdom unless we make the 180 degree turn and make the government serfs to the people that is what our Founders wanted. The choice is our this election. Will we be serfs or free people. Will we be "We the People" or "We the Government." The choice is ours this election. November 6, 2012 will decide our fate and the fate of the world. Are we going to remain the beacon on the hill for all the world to turn to or will our beacon burn out and the world fall into turmoil and war. The choice is ours and we must make sure we make the right choice. Freedom or Serfdom.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The Democratic Party of Today
Based on what we have seen and heard at the Democratic convention and what today's democratic party is pursuing, I guess we can call this party the SAD party. The Socialist Atheist Democratic Party. I imagine the old time democrats are livid at not only the anti-God and anti-Israel display at this convention, but that this party wants to go back 15 years to when Bill Clinton was in office. Of course, these same people fail to understand that Bill Clinton worked with the Republicans on legislation rather than mock them in speeches with lies and innuendos. That is, when he was not having sex in the oral office.
Monday, September 3, 2012
What aboutObama's Past?
The mainstream media has begun to investigate into Paul Ryan's school records and who he dated and his other actions during that tenure. However, we still do not know anything about Pres. Obama's school records from Occidental college, Columbia and Harvard. These records are sealed and the question why is that? What is hidden in those records he does not want anyone to know?
And yet when Sarah Palin ran for Vice-President 4 years ago, we knew the time, date and how many minutes were left in the basketball game when she twisted her ankle.
So what is the lamestream media hiding? This man is president and yet, we still know very little about his life before getting elected. If we knew, you can rest assured, he would not get re-elected. The only thing we know is his ideology that is Marxism bordering on communism, not that there is a difference. This is all he was taught from a young age through the radicals he met in college, both students and professors. In fact, his special adviser, Valerie Jarrett, who really makes the decisions, enjoys the same ideology and her father was good friends with Frank Marshall Davis, the communist mentor of Pres. Obama.
This the ideology of this administration and is opposite of our constitution, that by the way, this president does his best to ignore. And unless Congress stands up and gets a backbone, we will cease to exist as a Republican form of government.
The choice is ours this upcoming election. Either we get back to what our Founding Fathers gave us, or we become part of the ashes of history and become serfs to government.