Monday, September 3, 2012
What aboutObama's Past?
The mainstream media has begun to investigate into Paul Ryan's school records and who he dated and his other actions during that tenure. However, we still do not know anything about Pres. Obama's school records from Occidental college, Columbia and Harvard. These records are sealed and the question why is that? What is hidden in those records he does not want anyone to know?
And yet when Sarah Palin ran for Vice-President 4 years ago, we knew the time, date and how many minutes were left in the basketball game when she twisted her ankle.
So what is the lamestream media hiding? This man is president and yet, we still know very little about his life before getting elected. If we knew, you can rest assured, he would not get re-elected. The only thing we know is his ideology that is Marxism bordering on communism, not that there is a difference. This is all he was taught from a young age through the radicals he met in college, both students and professors. In fact, his special adviser, Valerie Jarrett, who really makes the decisions, enjoys the same ideology and her father was good friends with Frank Marshall Davis, the communist mentor of Pres. Obama.
This the ideology of this administration and is opposite of our constitution, that by the way, this president does his best to ignore. And unless Congress stands up and gets a backbone, we will cease to exist as a Republican form of government.
The choice is ours this upcoming election. Either we get back to what our Founding Fathers gave us, or we become part of the ashes of history and become serfs to government.
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