Thursday, August 16, 2012
Who are really the racist?
We have a president together with his minions who are pushing racism at every opportunity. If you do not support this president, you are a racist. If you do not support his socialist/Marxist policies, you are a racist. If you do not believe in wealth distribution you are classified by his followers as a racist. If this president is not elected this year (hopefully not) the election will be declared an act of racism and you better believe there will be attempts by this administration and their followers to incite racial hatred and riots, something we thought we ended back in the 60's. But this administration and the democratic party have continued to pursue this racial attacks since this president first announced he was going to run for the presidency in the hope they will solidify their base as well as putting other voters on a guilt trip to secure their vote. The old adage of divide and conquer. We cannot let this happen this election cycle and must put an end to this type of racial divide. Defeat Obama and bring civility back to this country. By the way, didn't this president breach civility and didn't this president promise that the oceans would recede, there would be no red or blue states and we all would live in a utopia society. Then again, I believe Karl Marx preached the same thing and the former Soviet Union tried that form of government and we know what happen there. But, we know he supposedly attended Columbia and Harvard where most of these radical thoughts are taught and it is well documented that his mentor Frank Marshall Davis as well as his grandparents were members of the communist party. This is the ideology he was taught and how he thinks. This president hopes his rhetoric will save the day, but I hope we are all awaken and realize what he says and what he actually does are two different things. Always watch what they do and not what they say.
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