Saturday, September 15, 2012
Taken Responsibility
When will this president take responsibility for his actions or should we say lack of action.
All we hear is that he inherited the economy from Bush. Yes, we know the economy was slowing down and unemployment was rising. This all began with the housing collapse that had a ripple effect throughout the economy. But, after almost 4 years in office, this president still blames Bush for the economy. Whenever things are not going his way, he avoids responsibility by blaming others. First it was Bush and now it is Romney and a movie no one heard of until 9/11 for all the unrest in the Middle East. Never will he admit that his Arab spring support, his apology tour, bowing down to world leaders and general weakness in his foreign policy is the real culprit in all the unrest we see today. He and his minions continue to say that all this unrest was spontaneous and not planned and place the blame on a movie. Anyone with half a brain and who can think for themselves without having the talking heads on MSNBC, CNN,,CBS, NBC and ABC explain their slanted view on the news, know that the 9/11 attack on our embassies in Cairo and Benghazi were well organized and planned in advance.
It is a sad state of affairs when we have a news media that is an arm of the Obama administration. This is what we saw in the former Soviet Union where the news media was controlled by the government and printed or spoke what the government wanted to be said. Once this happens, you have lost your freedom. And it has happen. You will never hear the real story from government or the media when information is filtered to make government look good. You are being controlled. Get your news from other sources rather than the lamestream media. Knowledge is strength.
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