Friday, September 14, 2012
The Road to Serfdom?
We have a choice this election, to either live our dreams or to live the dreams the government assigns to us. To succeed through our own efforts and build it ourselves or have government guide us to meet government goals that are not and will not be the goals of the individuals. We are headed down the road to serfdom unless we make the 180 degree turn and make the government serfs to the people that is what our Founders wanted. The choice is our this election. Will we be serfs or free people. Will we be "We the People" or "We the Government." The choice is ours this election. November 6, 2012 will decide our fate and the fate of the world. Are we going to remain the beacon on the hill for all the world to turn to or will our beacon burn out and the world fall into turmoil and war. The choice is ours and we must make sure we make the right choice. Freedom or Serfdom.
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