Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Why do Blacks vote mostly Democrat?
If you are black and conservative in this country you are mocked and ridiculed and the butt of jokes. However, what does history say about blacks and the Republican Party. Seven blacks, all Republicans were the first blacks elected to the 41st and 42nd Congress, (1869 & 1871). They were Benjamin Turner, Robert De Large, Josiah Walls, Jefferson Long, Joseph H. Rainey, Robert B. Elliott and Hiram Rhodes Revels the first black elected to the Senate. All opposed by the Democrats. Sen. Revels it should be known, occupied the seat once held by Jefferson Davis. It is also interesting that Mr. Rainey was the first of 23 blacks, all Republicans elected to Congress and 13 of these had been former slaves. The Democrats did not elect their first black until 1935 and from Illinois, not the south. In addition, the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution push civil rights and yet, they were 100% opposed by the Democrats and only passed with 100% Republican support. All through the history of this country, any civil rights legislation was strongly opposed by the Democrats even though the Republicans supported this type of legislation. President Eisenhower, JFK also tried, but the Democrats rejected their attempts. It wasn't until President Johnson saw the political advantage to passing this type of legislation and it passed only with Republican support. And yet, most blacks vote Democrat and mock those blacks who support Republican candidates or run on the Republican ticket. The blacks were persecuted by Democrats in the south as well whites that were Republicans and supported efforts for blacks. All these facts are out there if one would search for them. Yet, the Democrats like to blame the Republicans for the problems the blacks have today and yesterday. Since many blacks do not research for the facts, they beleive what they are told. And their so called advocates in Congress and the likes of other black leaders just take them for a ride. It is called making a living off those who don't know history.
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