Thursday, June 7, 2012
Eric Holder, the Administration and Fast and Furious
Attorney Eric Holder is quick to respond to states attempting to enforce voting regulations, illegal immigration, racial allegations and is on top of these issues but when it comes to Fast and Furious, he claims he is not knowledgeable. So, he is either covering up for the Obama administration, or is incompetent, or attempting to hide his complicity in this case. After all, in or around January 2009, Holder, Obama, H. Clinton and Janet Nepolitano all gave speeches that guns going in Mexico were from the United States and this must be stopped. This was their attempt to get gun control in violation of the 2nd Amendment. But when has this administration concerned itself with the Constitution. And then, low and behold, we have Fast and Furious, a Border agent gets killed and the cat was out of the bag. Their efforts for gun control through this operation, blew up in their face and now they are trying to spin this and of course the lamestream media seems to ignore this as much as possible. This administration fears its citizens in possession of firearms and that is the same fear that Marxist and socialist regimes also fear. That is why our Founders made sure they included the 2nd Amendment in our Constitution. If any doubts, just read the Federalist Papers that explains why the Constitution was written they way it is.
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