Thursday, May 17, 2012
We elect politicians rather than Americans
We elect politicians who want power rather than Americans who believe in our Constitution
We elect politicians who would rather have their party in power than Americans who believe in our Constitution as the guide to governing our country.
We elect politicians who would rather subvert the Constitution by using agency appointees to issue regulations, circumventing the Constitution that requires Congress to make laws.
We elect politicians who would rather provide for their friends through political payback through crony capitalism rather than balance our budget by making the hard decisions the electorate want and a continuation of deficit spending and borrowing from countries that do not have our best interest at heart.
We elect politicians who put their own personal interest and agenda over the country's.
We elect politicians who lie and deceive the electorate with false promises, accusations to better their political career rather than save this country from destroying itself from within.
We elect politicians who really could give a rats butt about anything but themselves, their party and their friends.
We have 535 members in Congress (House and Senate) and maybe 510 love themselves over the constitution.
But we have approximately 50% of an electorate who are clueless on those politicians who are in office, running for office and on those issues that are destroying this country. Also, they the next time they read the Constitution will be the first. The next time they name a Founding Father the sun will not shine. Unfortunately, these people vote and we wonder why we have the problems we have. Maybe we need an intelligence and history test before casting a ballot. Nothing earth shattering, but maybe who we fought in WWI, WWII and why. Who was president at the time, why communism, socialism, Marxism and Nazis were evil then and still are today. Of course a question like that would offend many in the Democratic party.
We are getting dumb and dumber, and we still reward our teachers who don't teach our history and are probably clueless also. Not all, but most.
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