Saturday, January 29, 2011
Obama and Reagan
While on vacation in Hawaii, President was observed reading a book on President Reagan. Yet, you can rest assured, President Obama will be no Ronald Reagan because President Reagan believed that government is the problem while President Obama believes government is the answer. His ideology will never change regardless how many books on Reagan he reads. Like President Reagan said, "the most frightening four words a citizen could hear is, I'm from the government". Right now, the most frightening words we hear today is "I'm President Obama and I am here to help."
Egypt and President Obama
President Obama speaks out on the demonstrations in Egypt and indicates his support for citizens rights and freedoms and yet when the same demonstrations happened in Iran, President Obama remained silent. President Obama also called on Egyptian President Mubarak to turn the internet and other social networks back on. Yet, at this time, President Obama and his cronies in the FCC are working on details to give President Obama the authority to shut down the internet on the premise of a national emergency. So, Egyptian President Mubarak believes he has a national emergency and shuts down these networks and whether you agree with Mubarak or not, this is exactly the power that President Obama is seeking. On another note, you will see someone in the lame stream media attempt to connect these demonstrations in the Middle East to what we can expect from those in the Tea Party movement. You know this is going to happen. Right now, one person we know who will not be on television making this claim is Keith Olbermann.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Our State of the Union as it really is
After listening to President Obama's speech on the state of the union and his push for the country to invest, just another term for continuing the uncontrolled spending, one must conclude either Obama hasn't got a clue what is happening to this country under his radical spending agenda or he is intentionally trying to destroy this country that was the dreams of his father. Remember the title of his book on his father was; "Dreams from my Father". Dreams that he may be attempting to live out today. We are presently spending $4 Billion a day to pay for the money we have already borrowed. At that rate, it is costing this country over $1.4 Trillion a year and that is just in paying our lenders and not being used in our economy. The present projection from the CBO is that fiscal year 2011 will see a deficit of $1.48 Trillion. And yet, President Obama is asking for more spending under the disguise of investments. We are now at the time where in Congress, we will separate the men from the boys. Is Congress going to listen to the vote results of November 2 and do drastic cuts in our spending or are they going to contribute to the continuing destruction and demise of our country? Right now if I was an artist I would do a sketch of President Obama surrounded by Leonid Brexhnev, Nikita Krushchev, Konstantin Chernenko and Mikhail Gorbachez with the following caption: "Thank you, you are doing what we could not do, destroying the United States. Keep up the good work".
Friday, January 21, 2011
The president flies off to Schenectady New York to cheer the contract with China for General Electric Corp. We know Jeff Immelt, G.E. CEO has been a supporter of President Obama since his presidential campaign and we know this had no bearing on GE getting this contract. And now President Obama indicates the he is going to concentrate on the economy and jobs. My answer to that is DUH. What has his administration been doing for the past two years. Oh year, passing a Stimulus package that did not stimulate the economy or create the million of jobs promised. The taxpayer bailout of GM and Chrysler that was really a bailout of the unions that supported him during his campaign and a Healthcare bill that we had to pass to know what's in it and we now know and the majority of Americans want it repealed. So while most Americans have been cutting expenses and attempting to live within their means, we had a government that believed they had unlimited income and spent us into a $14 Trillion deficit. And now, after pushing through his radical left agenda through Congress, the President believes after two years in office it is time to concentrate on jobs and the economy. Hopefully, in the next two years, the voting public will concentrate on finding him a new job.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Oh! now we will talk
It appears some Democrats are willing to look at Obamacare and maybe through bipartisanship would be willing to make some changes. All this after the November elections. However, during the whole year debate on this legislation the democrats and the President wanted the Republicans to either get to the back of the bus or out of the way. It is interesting how an election changes thinking. Hopefully, in 2012 there will be more of the same changes. Before this, all decisions were made behind close doors where the opposition was not permitted. That is the democrats form of bipartisianship.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Political Correctness again
As a result of the shooting in Tucson we now have the liberals wanting to ban certain words or phrases that they claim can lead a person to commit acts of violence. The fact that the Tucson shooter may have been suffering from mental illness based on his previous actions and behavior in the community college he was expelled from and his interactions with other citizens. In addition, the fact that he had a YouTube video and various writings that made this individual appear to be a space cadet, in the mind of these so called political correct people this has no bearing on the issue, but we must silence those who speak on issues they disagree with. Now with that being said the following words and phrases will have to be banned:
Shotgun start: used by golfers when discussing a golf tournament.
Golf Club: or just club. In the future announcers will not be able to say, "what club is he/she using" since it gives the impression the person is about to engage in an act of violence.
Heart attack: gives the impression you would attack a person's heart
Bullet Train: definitely a no no since is insinuates a violent act
Crown of Thorns: people may get the impression of torture being implemented
Blade of grass: Sounds like a knife is going to be used
Body and Blood: This is definitely a no no for any priest or minister to say since it gives the impression of body dismemberment.
I want your blood: We must edit all vampire movies from the past and present to eliminate this phrase since it may give someone ideas. In the future all vampires must just say "I want you". Granted if the vampire is male and the person he speaks to is male this may also give the wrong impression, but it is unknown how this will play out unless we see an increase is homosexual behavior as a result of using these words. Of course, for some members of Congress this is not a problem.
Shotgun start: used by golfers when discussing a golf tournament.
Golf Club: or just club. In the future announcers will not be able to say, "what club is he/she using" since it gives the impression the person is about to engage in an act of violence.
Heart attack: gives the impression you would attack a person's heart
Bullet Train: definitely a no no since is insinuates a violent act
Crown of Thorns: people may get the impression of torture being implemented
Blade of grass: Sounds like a knife is going to be used
Body and Blood: This is definitely a no no for any priest or minister to say since it gives the impression of body dismemberment.
I want your blood: We must edit all vampire movies from the past and present to eliminate this phrase since it may give someone ideas. In the future all vampires must just say "I want you". Granted if the vampire is male and the person he speaks to is male this may also give the wrong impression, but it is unknown how this will play out unless we see an increase is homosexual behavior as a result of using these words. Of course, for some members of Congress this is not a problem.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The Democrat blame game
It did not take long for the democrats and the left to place the blame for the shooting of Congresswomen Giffords on the political atmosphere created by talk radio, the TEA Party and likely Fox News with Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly. The fact that the shooter was a deranged individual that is obvious by his rantings, writings and YouTube videos and his alleged association with a radical group. Of course, we know President Obama's association with admitted Communist and socialist as well as terrorist Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn from the radical 60's,is okay. The Democrats will never let a crisis go to waste and if it means going to the extreme like they are only proves how shallow they really are and where the problem of cooperation really lies and not with the Republicans. We might also add that during the George Bush administration we had a book and movie on how to assassinate him. And yet there was no outcry from the left leaning media, and their clones, but here we have what is known as a loon and the radical left and socialist democratic party are trying to paint Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity and other talk radio host as well as Fox News as the culprit for this individuals action. And people in this country actually believe this crap. And they also vote which is frightening. Yes, these people walk among us. But we are a free society, although now we will hear the rhetoric on gun control as well as speech control.