Thursday, January 27, 2011
Our State of the Union as it really is
After listening to President Obama's speech on the state of the union and his push for the country to invest, just another term for continuing the uncontrolled spending, one must conclude either Obama hasn't got a clue what is happening to this country under his radical spending agenda or he is intentionally trying to destroy this country that was the dreams of his father. Remember the title of his book on his father was; "Dreams from my Father". Dreams that he may be attempting to live out today. We are presently spending $4 Billion a day to pay for the money we have already borrowed. At that rate, it is costing this country over $1.4 Trillion a year and that is just in paying our lenders and not being used in our economy. The present projection from the CBO is that fiscal year 2011 will see a deficit of $1.48 Trillion. And yet, President Obama is asking for more spending under the disguise of investments. We are now at the time where in Congress, we will separate the men from the boys. Is Congress going to listen to the vote results of November 2 and do drastic cuts in our spending or are they going to contribute to the continuing destruction and demise of our country? Right now if I was an artist I would do a sketch of President Obama surrounded by Leonid Brexhnev, Nikita Krushchev, Konstantin Chernenko and Mikhail Gorbachez with the following caption: "Thank you, you are doing what we could not do, destroying the United States. Keep up the good work".
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