As a result of the shooting in Tucson we now have the liberals wanting to ban certain words or phrases that they claim can lead a person to commit acts of violence. The fact that the Tucson shooter may have been suffering from mental illness based on his previous actions and behavior in the community college he was expelled from and his interactions with other citizens. In addition, the fact that he had a YouTube video and various writings that made this individual appear to be a space cadet, in the mind of these so called political correct people this has no bearing on the issue, but we must silence those who speak on issues they disagree with. Now with that being said the following words and phrases will have to be banned:
Shotgun start: used by golfers when discussing a golf tournament.
Golf Club: or just club. In the future announcers will not be able to say, "what club is he/she using" since it gives the impression the person is about to engage in an act of violence.
Heart attack: gives the impression you would attack a person's heart
Bullet Train: definitely a no no since is insinuates a violent act
Crown of Thorns: people may get the impression of torture being implemented
Blade of grass: Sounds like a knife is going to be used
Body and Blood: This is definitely a no no for any priest or minister to say since it gives the impression of body dismemberment.
I want your blood: We must edit all vampire movies from the past and present to eliminate this phrase since it may give someone ideas. In the future all vampires must just say "I want you". Granted if the vampire is male and the person he speaks to is male this may also give the wrong impression, but it is unknown how this will play out unless we see an increase is homosexual behavior as a result of using these words. Of course, for some members of Congress this is not a problem.
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