Sunday, January 9, 2011
The Democrat blame game
It did not take long for the democrats and the left to place the blame for the shooting of Congresswomen Giffords on the political atmosphere created by talk radio, the TEA Party and likely Fox News with Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly. The fact that the shooter was a deranged individual that is obvious by his rantings, writings and YouTube videos and his alleged association with a radical group. Of course, we know President Obama's association with admitted Communist and socialist as well as terrorist Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn from the radical 60's,is okay. The Democrats will never let a crisis go to waste and if it means going to the extreme like they are only proves how shallow they really are and where the problem of cooperation really lies and not with the Republicans. We might also add that during the George Bush administration we had a book and movie on how to assassinate him. And yet there was no outcry from the left leaning media, and their clones, but here we have what is known as a loon and the radical left and socialist democratic party are trying to paint Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity and other talk radio host as well as Fox News as the culprit for this individuals action. And people in this country actually believe this crap. And they also vote which is frightening. Yes, these people walk among us. But we are a free society, although now we will hear the rhetoric on gun control as well as speech control.
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