Thursday, February 18, 2010
The Commission
In order to avoid making decisions on how to reduce spending, increase taxes, get a handle on Social Security and Medicare expenses, President Obama, through executive order has established a commission to examine the problems of our deficit and outrageous spending and submit recommendations to implement to bring our economy, spending under control. Since during the campaign, candidate Obama promised not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000, he can violate is promise by following recommendations of this commission by claiming that although it is against his pledge, this is what the commission recommends and I will follow their advice. Thus President Obama believes he and Congress are going to avoid the wrath of the voters. How far from the truth. Obama must think the voter is stupid. Of course with the rhetoric he used during the campaign to get elected he may be right. However, since his election and his big spending programs (useless stimulus legislation) in addition to his push for Healthcare reform and Cap and Trade legislation as well as bailouts the American voter has awaken to this senseless spending and programs that will only destroy this country. He was elected to make the hard decisions and no commission is required or necessary to do this. That is his job and that of Congress unless you are one to avoid making the hard decision because it may affect your standing with the public, political future or party. This commission is all politics and proves we have a president that cannot make the hard decisions as we have seen this past year on both domestic and international problems. Yes, he did order additional troops to Afghanistan, but it took nearly 4 months to approve this move after the initial request was made. He had to see how the radical left would react to this decision rather than what was good for the troops and the country. As stated previously, President Obama is an egocentric, narcissistic individual and believes the world revolves around him and that is why when you listen to his speeches it contains many “I’s” rather than “we” or this country. We want a president that will make the decisions needed to get this country back on track and not rely on a commission to perform a presidential function. And what he needs to do is to make drastic cuts in spending, reduce the government payroll, eliminate the Dept. of Energy, Education (that should be a state function as the 10th Amendment would indicate), reduce function of EPA, Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Labor, Health and Human Services, Dept. of Interior or eliminate entirely these depts. and return these functions to the states. Also, we should re-think Homeland Security which is really a job of the FBI where all our energy should be placed. Homeland Security is just another boondoggle. Furthermore, we need to return the locked box to Social Security and all future payroll deductions be directed to this box as well as annually return the money the government took out and left IOU’s. For those who want to know why the locked box was eliminated, you only have to go back to 1964 and President Lyndon Johnson and his move towards a Great Society where all Social Security monies were transferred to the General Fund. By the way, he was a Democrat and had a Democratic controlled Congress. But the Republicans do not get a free pass since they did nothing since that time to try and change it back. But we continued to elect these jerks to Congress. Now is the time for them to pay the piper and vote them out in November.
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