Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Lies, Lies and more Lies.
It seems that there now is documented proof of the lies of Nancy Pelosi and President Obama. Pelosi lied when she claimed she was not really told about water boarding, but now their documented evidence that she was told and the dates involved. President Obama claimed during the campaign that he had only one encounter with ACORN and now we have a video that shows candidate Obama acknowledging his involvement in ACORN. Another lie documented in a video. Both caught lying in their own words. Where is the lamestream media on reporting these lies. No where to be found. However, if this was a Tea Party Patriot, George W, or any other top Republican or Conservative, there would be newspaper headlines and one of the first topics on the nightly news. And they cannot understand why over 50% of the people would not vote for Obama or another Democrat for Congress. DUH.
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