According to the Obama Administration, the war in Iraq will be a great accomplishment for their administration. And this from Obama, Biden and Emmanuel who when they were in Congress did not support the surge but now want to take credit for a Bush accomplishment. Like we are going to buy into this lie.
The Stimulus bill has created or saved 2 million jobs, or thousands of jobs or 1.5 million jobs depending on who is spouting the lies. It is difficult to claim saved jobs when there is no way to verify this statistic. Of course the Feds give money out to the states to create jobs, and the states just include the funds in their budget and claim if it was not for this stimulus money police, fireman and teachers would have been laid off. It is odd how when layoffs are threatened how police and fireman are always the employees involved and not clerical or other personnel that will not affect public safety or education. Create a crisis and the public will buy into it. Remember we had to pass this Stimulus or unemployment would rise pass 8% and that there were thousands of shovel ready jobs just waiting. It seems the shovel ready jobs were not ready, unemployment went up to 10.2% and now stands at 9.7% with only 1/3 of the stimulus spent. And now they want another stimulus bill or jobs bill they like to call it when most of the first stimulus was not spent. Go figure. You can bet when the summer months come and the election in November draws closer we will see a rush to spend our tax dollars for their political benefit. But the voters are awakening as we have seen in the Tea Party movement and we will not be fooled by this skullduggery. Remember this in the November election and rid our government of the big spenders from both parties. We must cut the budget and spending or we will become a country in demise. Cuts will hurt all of us, but at least we will not be slaves to the Chinese, Japanese or those other countries that we owe our souls to with all borrowing we have done. And finally in order to save over $700 Billion plus a year, we must “drill here and drill now” rather then send our hard earned money overseas to support those countries and terrorist that want to destroy us. Nobody has developed clean energy that could support any country’s economy and until that emerges we must use what we have while still developing alternative sources of energy. We can be a leader in both energy sources.
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