Thursday, January 28, 2010
State of the Union Speech
The President gave his State of the Union speech last night and if you were watching his speech to Congress in February 2009, you would think you were watching a rerun. Same old, same old. Blame the previous administration, Republicans, some Democrats, the people, Supreme Court etc. If you noticed, it is all about him. I did not count the many times he used the word “I” but I am sure it was many, many times. Someone will come out with that statistic. This President is narcissistic (egocentric, gratification derived from admiration of one’s own physical or mental attributes). If you listen to him closely he always says “it is not about me”, but we all know different. It is all about him, not the country, not the party, but him. It you reviewed his life, you will notice that his father left and he was raised by his grandmother. A grandmother that was afraid when black people walked past. Guess how this must have played with his mind. This is why many youths join gangs. To get the love and caring that they did not get at home where there satisfaction is met by the gang that meets there needs. I believe based on his writings and life this president has psychological problems. Looking for that family he did not have, he was taken under the wing of the 60’s radicals and voila!, this is what you get. A person that is radical in his thinking, questions the constitution and believes in surrounding himself with sixty type radical thinking. And this is the man with his hand on the button. And some worried about President Bush the cowboy. But since this president was not properly vetted by the media, you get what you voted for. Unemployment is at 10% as of today and not the 8% he promised it would not pass if Congress passed the $787 Billion Stimulus. And now he will push for another stimulus when nearly $500 billion is not spent on the original request. Although most of the money is earmarked for political payback anyway. No where did we hear the President push for a balance budget, big budget cuts together with cuts in taxes and spending. In President Bush’s 8 year term, the budget increased approx. $5 billion. In one year with the Obama administration we are looking at nearly $4 billion deficit. You wanted change, you got it. Change you can believe in. Just look at the debt clock on the internet every day. You will see the change taking place right before your eyes. Good luck.
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