Thursday, January 21, 2010
Get ready for the onslaught.
The sudden surge of Scott Brown over a 3 week period and his election has sent shockwaves through the Socialist Democratic Party and the radical socialist within this party did not have the time to begin their derogatory slanderous comments as they have with other candidates and supporters this past year. (e.g. Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, Tea Party and 912 members). But get ready for it will come with reckless abandonment. This is how the Socialist Democratic Party has been operating since the 2000 election and is right out of the Saul Alinsky book of when you cannot defend an issue, attack the messenger. This what we have seen in the lamestream media, both video and printed. They cannot dissect what conservative commentators such as Rush, Beck, Hannity, Ingraham, Mark Levin have been saying for years so they find it easier, especially with the support of their friends in the media, to attack the messenger and attempt to cloud the issue with their abusive rhetoric. We can only hope and pray that the brainwashing of the American voter is coming to an end. Thank God for Fox news and other news outlets for reporting through this socialist rhetoric garbage. They must be succeeding since their viewers are increasing while the other socialist bias outlets are imploding.
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