Monday, February 1, 2010
Obama, the budget and us
President Obama unveils his $3 trillion plus budget with a $1.3 billion deficit attached to it. Now we all know we cannot continually spend more than we have every year. Isn’t this what got us in trouble with people buying homes where their eyes were bigger than their wallets? Eventually it catches up and Voila!, we have an economic collapse that began in 2006. But it appears Congress, this administration and the Bush administration have not gotten the message. This cannot continue. We must write our representatives, majority and minority leadership and demand that we balance the budget. We will all take a hit, but it is better than this country declaring bankruptcy that it will do if we continue down this path. Of course we can tax everyone at 100% and we still would not cover our $12.3 trillion deficit. We cannot live this way and neither should the government. Return the Social Security and Medicare funds being collected back to the locked box and not in the general fund for Congress to spend. These entitlements eat up nearly 60% of the budget now and it will only get worse if we continue to spend, spend, spend. Then again. maybe that is what Pelosi, Reid and Obama had in mind when they tried to get their version of healthcare passed by having these death panels to eliminate these recipients. President Lyndon Johnson, his fellow Democratic controlled Congress were responsible for the Great Society that also included opening the locked box and move the SS funds into the general fund for all to spend on more social programs. We are a republic, not a socialist society and this must stop. The radical socialist have control at this time, but come November we will change that.
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