If one watches the Communist News Network (CNN) and MSNBC among other far left stations it is nice to finally understand why we have a rise in crime, shootings and homicides in democratic controlled cities and states. The reason is the police and that is why we must defund the police or eliminate them altogether. The illustrious idiot also known at AOC even says as much. According her and her other dynamic group, the police are the reason blacks are shooting and or killing other blacks, buildings are burning and businesses are looted. Of course, all of this police action was brought about by Trump. Trump is the main force behind this surge in crime. And you may have thought it was George Soros and his money supporting radical elected officials, the elimination of bail and jail in addition to the failure of the Soros supported district attorney’s to prosecute these criminals. But prosecute law enforcement you can take that to the bank. I only wish that the district these representative supposedly reside in the police would withdraw all law enforcement since this is what these idiots want. Unless the voters in these democratic controlled states and cities change their voting habits, things will not get any better in their communities. When law enforcement sometimes arrest the same individual 3 or more times in one day, says something about our legal system in these states. Law abiding gun owners and NRA members are not the ones committing these violent crimes. But, when one is arrested and just gets a slap on the wrist, what kind of message is that sending. Keep doing what you are doing, but be more careful so you will not get caught next time.
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