Before this even begins we already know how it will end. It was all Trump’s fault with maybe hundreds of pages of bullshit. It does not matter since the one thing the Democratic Communist Party fears is another presidential term of Trump. They tried impeachment on the phony Russia, Russia charges and the impeachment on the January 6th disturbance at the capital. Both failed since the allegations were all false, but this will not the stop the Trump hating Pelosi from trying again with those two great Rinos, Liz Cheney and maybe Adam Kinzinger. So Pelosi will call this a bi-partisan committee when the report is release. A report that is almost completed by her staff. Just need to go through the motion. The question that will not be asked or answered are: Pelosi was notified to increase Capitol security days before but refused. Trump recommended using members of the National Guard to help in crowd control, but she refused. There are numerous reports now that the FBI had spies planted throughout the crowd to monitor and if possible engage in activity to promote a disturbance. Why. Because Pelosi and her ilk were hoping to get after Trump a 3rd time to prevent him from running for president. Trump had exposed the swamp corruption in Congress and Washington DC and these swamp people wanted Trump out and would do anything to get him out of the way. Their income from corrupt deals were being affected. Just think of this. How is it that members of Congress who make approximately $174,000 per year have become multi-millionaires in only a few years? It was not from their salary. Trump was affecting their income and he had to go.
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