Friday, April 30, 2021

Obama the puppet master, Biden the puppet

Obama Wouldn't Mind Feeding Lines to a 'Stand-in' President Through an Earpiece

By Susan Jones | December 1, 2020 | 10:54am EST

( - Former President Barack Obama, now making media appearances to promote his new book, told "The Late Show" with Stephen Colbert he never wished for a third term, but if he could have had a "stand-in" or a "front-man," he wouldn't have minded telling that person what to say:

I've said this before, people would ask me, knowing what you know now, do you wish you had a third term?

And I used to say, if I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front-man or front-woman and they had an ear piece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that, because I found the work fascinating.

I mean, I write about the -- even on my worst days, I found puzzling out, you know, these big, complicated, difficult issues, especially if you were working with some great people, to be professionally really satisfying. But I do not miss having to wear a tie every day.

Many of the people signing on with Joe Biden's incoming administration formerly worked for Barack Obama.

'Remake institutions'

In the interview with Colbert that aired Monday night, Obama said he's "so optimistic" about young people who are "smarter than we were, they're more sophisticated, they're kinder, they're environmentally more conscious, they believe in stuff...that maybe we gave lip service to but didn't want to live out because it required some sacrifice.

"And you see them living out their commitments in really powerful ways. But we have to be willing to give them the chance to remake institutions and change old habits. So they make me optimistic, and I just want to make sure that we don't screw things up so bad that, by the time they're in charge, that, you know, it becomes that much harder."

Obama Wouldn't Mind Feeding Lines to a 'Stand-in' President Through an Earpiece | CNSNews

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Police Shootings

We have seen lately a few police shootings of black individuals that has infuriated the black community.  Are these officers justified in discharging their firearm?  In Columbus Ohio, it appears the young female was holding a knife and appeared to be in the process of stabbing another black female.  The officer involved was heard yelling at the female to drop the knife, she did not and to protect the potential victim the officer fired his weapon.  Seems logical to me, although he could have waited to see how many times this individual would stab the other person.  Then again why did he not attempt to physically disarm the female from possessing the knife?  So, even if the officer got stabbed and died, no big deal.  Other officers were on the scene and they could have shot the female.   Although, stabbing a police officer or even killing one may not be justified in using deadly force regardless of the color of the officer.  

We know Daunte Wright was shot by mistake when the officer thought she was using her Taser and not her firearm.  But, that is a decision the jury will have to decide.  Although, since he had a warrant on him for possession of a firearm, one would think he was trying to get back into his vehicle to retrieve another firearm since it was reported his bail was revoked for a 2nd possession of a firearm and was facing nearly 20 years in prison. 

The shooting of the 12 year old child at 2:30 am in the morning when the video shows he was holding a firearm behind his back is another interesting incident.  Aside from the fact what was a 12 year old out this late is another story?  But the officer saw the firearm in the youth’s possession behind his back as his body camera showed and told the child to drop the weapon.  Now we must keep in mind the officers responded to a report of at least 8 gunshots being heard in the area.  So, the computer in the officer’s brain must analyze all this information while giving a foot chase to the youth with the firearm.  When the youth stopped and the officer told him to drop the weapon is where training comes in.  A person with a weapon that makes a sudden move, an officer has only a fraction of a second to make a decision.  How much time is that?  Just stand up and put your hand behind your back pretending you are in possession of a firearm and then whip your hand out in front pointing the firearm at the officer.  You will see how quick an officer has to make that decision.  It comes down to shoot or be shot.  The officer made the correct decision even though the movement by the youth was probably done to drop the firearm behind the fence.  All the officer saw was the movement and he had to make the decision.  If the youth just dropped the weapon from his hand without a sudden move, he would be alive today.  


Tuesday, April 27, 2021


If he weren’t a corrupt bureaucrat, John Kerry would have recused himself from all negotiations with Iran and for that matter, Israel. Instead, his leadership has proven an epic disaster of foreign policy for the United States, especially in the Middle East.

But why?

Family and personal wealth before country. That mantra has served Sec. of State John Kerry well during his decades of public service.

Kerry’s daughter Vanessa is married to an Iranian national and physician. His best man at the ceremony was the son of Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Zarif was also and Kerry’s chief counterpart in the nuclear deal negotiations. Cozy crew.

Look no further why Kerry hates Israel and has green lighted billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to Iran to build its nuclear arsenal. And don’t forget about the millions of dollars paid to Iran in ransoms to get our American hostages back.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

AOC, the idiot running the show.

It is amazing that a woman who goes to college, and the only job she could get was as a barista and is now lecturing us on her supreme knowledge on climate change, infrastructure and racism.  First, what is a barista?  Well here is the definition for those who are not sure: “barista is a person who prepares and also generally serves espresso -based coffee drinks. In the United States, the term barista is also often applied to coffee shop employees who prepare both espresso and regular coffee drinks”.

In her time in Congress this idiot learned what a garbage disposal is, thought the constitution did not permit ownership of a firearm and believes the world will come to an end in 10 years due to climate change.  Climate change is the same rhetoric used by Al Gore in the 90’s that unless we address climate change, the world will come to an end in 10 years.  We also heard by the year 2000, NYC, Miami and other coastal cities would be underwater due to global warming, aka climate change.  Not discounting the articles in National Geographic in the 70’s that told us we are heading for another ice age. 

But her latest rhetoric from the other day actually is fitting in emphasizing her stupidity when she stood in front of the capital and said:  “We must recognize in legislation that the trampling of indigenous rights is a cause of climate change, that the trampling of racial justice is a cause of climate change,” she said in a speech reintroducing the Green New Deal”.  And I might add this idiot has Pelosi and Schumer in fear.  That says a lot about them.  So, infrastructure is not only racism, but everything from a road, bridge, welfare, unemployment, medical coverage and more are now considered infrastructure.  We now can add climate change to that definition, because the idiot says so.  And I might add if you are white you are automatically a racist from the time you are born.  How any white person can live with themselves knowing that they were born a racist is beyond my comprehension.  Then again if you are a republican, a conservative or do not support any of these radical ideas by the Democratic Communist Party (DCP) you are definitely a racist. 

As for the voters in the idiot’s district, what has she done for you since being elected?  We know she fought against her district getting an Amazon warehouse that would have brought thousands of good paying jobs.  Has not had any legislation she proposed even brought up to a committee for a vote.  But they voted for her a 2nd time.  Production as a member of Congress is not a prerequisite to getting elected as we have seen for both sides of the aisle.  It is just some are more stupid then others and this one should be up there near the front of the pack.



Monday, April 19, 2021

Arrest of murder suspect who was armed.


When you comply and do not resist arrest, all goes well.  If he resisted arrest and attempted to use his firearm, he would have been shot and probably die.  He was black and the police were white.  So if he resisted and was shot would Congress women Maxine Water show up to encourage confrontation?

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Was Daunte Wright a young man that would not hurt a fly? And more

 A fly he would not hurt, but a human being is a different story.



DANIEL HOROWITZ    April 14, 2021

Criminals on the street are the whole reason why police are so often confronted by violent fugitives

Here we have yet another example of a saintly youth needlessly shot dead by police simply because he was black.

That is the narrative the media wants you to believe about the Daunte Wright shooting, but the reality is that while the shooting was obviously a clear mistake, his criminal record and the fact that he was not behind bars are precisely why the police are now confronted by violent fugitives who either run or fight with them.

No, Daunte Wright was not just a young man living an upstanding life who wound up dead because the police pulled him over for an expired car registration or for an air freshener hanging from his rearview mirror. According to documents obtained by the U.K. Daily Mail, the outstanding warrant police were attending to after they pulled Wright over was for aggravated robbery at gunpoint.

According to charging documents, Wright was sleeping over at the house of a young woman after a party on Dec. 1, 2019, when he suddenly pulled a gun on her and demanded she hand over money she had obtained from an ATM. He proceeded to choke her and threaten to shoot her while she kneeled.

After he was arrested, Wright was released from jail after a bondsman posted $40,000 bond, but in July 2020, his bail was revoked by a judge when he was caught with a firearm, a violation of his bail, and failed to check in with his probation officer.

Wright is one of thousands of young males in every major city of this country who have become increasingly violent, successfully thwart the law, suffer few consequences, and thus feel invincible against law enforcement.

We often hear protests and hand-wringing over the fact that young men, black or otherwise, wind up dead because of "stupid crimes" or a traffic stop. But in almost every case, there is a reason for it. In a previous era, these people would have been behind bars, but recently our justice system keeps them on the streets. When police confront them, either to serve a warrant or often because of lower-level traffic stops, the criminals – either because of their violent nature or because they know they have reason to fear the law – explode. They fight because they are criminals and they know that police are now watched closely and treated as if they are the ones on probation.

Many violent career criminals are often caught committing low-level crimes. Cops approach them as if they are innocuous, just as in this case, where clearly the cops treated him just as anyone else pulled over during a traffic stop. But there's something interesting about violent criminals who barely serve time for past offenses: They are not deterred from acting violent again. Cops never know when someone is going to turn violent on them.

Obviously, this particular case is anomalous, because the cop meant to fire the Taser after Wright resisted, but tragically picked up the gun, a reality borne out clearly by the bodycam video. But police are confronted with these situations more and more, which will trigger stress-related responses — appropriately or inappropriately — that get themselves or others killed.

So what is the answer?

Do we terrorize the police into being even more passive? Well, we need not speculate about the consequences of such a strategy. The past 11 months or so show that the body count in our major cities is set to skyrocket to levels we've never seen before. Those who fight with the police are not the sort of people who will live very long within the civil population without exhibiting violence. If the police ratchet down their encounters by laying off warrants and terminating traffic stops, law-abiding citizens will be the new line of defense … and body count. That is already happening.

With woke judges refusing to hold almost any repeat violent offender and with few of them ever getting convicted and serving meaningful time, we will have more people like Raquan Wilson out on the streets. This is just one of endless examples, but a Brooklyn, New York, judge recently released Wilson on charges of illegal weapons possession, even though he had four open cases for packing loaded pistols and for armed robbery.

Just like Wright, Wilson, 19, had been charged with pointing a gun at someone's head. At just 15, he was also arrested for attempted murder and then a slew of other crimes over the past two years, including one incident in which he allegedly pistol-whipped his victim in an armed robbery. All through the process, he was bailed out on extremely low bail and appears never to have served time in prison, despite breaking the condition of his bail in the most dramatic way imaginable.

Wilson was arrested a few weeks ago during a traffic stop and was caught in possession of a gun. Luckily for the cops, Wilson did not resist arrest, but his criminal record was never even brought up during his bond hearing by the woke judge or Soros prosecutor, and he is out again. Multiply this story times 1,000, and you have endless scenarios where cops are pulling over people and discovering their violent records, often with outstanding warrants or bail/parole violations, and it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to realize why police will likely face more violence than ever before.

This is exactly what the "criminal justice reform" crowd wanted — more people out on the streets rather than behind bars. What that means is that cops will be dealing with prison-like situations in the volatile environment of the open streets. Many criminals are on drugs more than ever and are emboldened to fight with the police more than ever. Most of the time, the cops will react appropriately, and often, even with underwhelming force (although you never hear about those cases). But once in a while, mistakes will occur.

To continue promoting the de-incarceration agenda and the war on cops as the solution will only lead to even more record crime and thousands more homicide victims every year. The real story is that repeat violent gang members with a history of armed robbery and gun charges are given endless chances, not just "second chances," as called for by the liberal governors in both parties with their mindless tropes and slogans.

So no, this is not just a case of "driving while black" or getting pulled over for hanging an air freshener from a mirror. It's that the same liberals who cry over gun control suddenly don't find gun violence to be a problem when it's perpetrated by career criminals. In this case, they think Wright was a saint and had no problem with him remaining on the streets, despite his violation of the conditions of his bail for a violent gun crime.

At its core, "criminal justice reform" is the agenda to keep repeat violent gang members out of jail whenever they are caught with more gun and drug charges and probation violations. But those are the people who go on to commit murder and mayhem, which is why the crime bubble is exploding. Yet rather than speaking with one voice against the cause of this entire cycle of violence and volatile police interactions, Republicans like Tennessee Governor Bill Lee suggest that this agenda "is a natural fit for conservatives" and will "make Tennessee communities safer." Yes, sort of the same way Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson believes chemical castration is a natural fit for conservatives and would have been embraced by Ronald Reagan and Bill Buckley.

Because a generation of Republicans forgot what it meant to be conservative on crime, the Left has been free to pursue a radical de-incarceration agenda with impunity. They use examples of the symptoms of this problem to aggravate rather than cure the underlying ailment of undeterred violent crime. We will pay for it on our streets, one way or another.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Mich. Lawsuit Shows Evidence Of Election Fraud, Electronic Vote Tampering

Michigan attorney Matthew DePerno filed a lawsuit, challenging voter fraud and electronic meddling with 2020 elections in his state.

Our states give access to people to the qualified voter rolls,” DePerno explained. “We believe that the state of Michigan has given over 32 groups access to the qualified voter roll.”

The lawsuit, filed last week, is based off several forensic reports. These reports revealed thousands of ballots were illegally cast for Joe Biden and there was electronic manipulation of votes.

DePerno found more than 66,000 unregistered ballots were counted in nine Michigan counties.

he suit also cited a forensic analysis by James Penrose, who found voting machines illegally used wireless technology to transmit vote totals to third parties.

“That includes Rock the Vote, the Clinton campaign, all of those people have access to the voter roll and can make changes to it at any time,” DePerno said. “Add people to it, take people out. During the election, the night of the election, the day after the election.”

DePerno also cited a report by Cyber Ninjas, who found Dominion voting machines in Antrim County provided unauthorized access to third parties, allowing vote tallies to be changed in real-time. He added this could be direct evidence of votes being switched from President Trump to Biden by foreign countries and Democrat operatives in Washington.

“Based on data, we believe we can identify foreign connections to the particular MAC or IP addresses in particular counties across the state. Interference, foreign interference, even domestic interference from D.C.,” DePerno explained. “Certain people making attacks on counties, on Election Day hitting particular targets and firewalls.”

Additional evidence by Allied Security Operations Group, also cited in the lawsuit, found Dominion machines in Michigan were designed to create systemic fraud and change election outcomes.

“They all have the same vulnerabilities that we’ve found. They have the same backdoors that we’ve found,” DePerno said. “They’re designed intentionally to allow for this type of problem. There’s no reason you couldn’t create or design a system that is secure.”

The lawsuit contains dozens of pages of data from Michigan voting machines, including unauthorized software and the fragments of code that were arguably compromised.

DePerno said this lawsuit will start a domino effect exposing election fraud in other states, and show that Joe Biden’s purported victory was illegitimate.


Saturday, April 10, 2021


 This hits the nail right on its head about Kneeling.....

  “We watched the Democratic leaders of Congress kneel in the halls of Congress for about 9 minutes, for the death of a Minneapolis black man named *George Floyd.

I have never seen them kneel for a fallen *Police Officer.   I have never seen them kneel for a fallen *Soldier.


 I have never seen them kneel for the thousands of (black and white) *babies aborted EVERY DAY.

 I have never seen them kneel for a murdered *white man or woman.    I have not seen them kneel for the thousands of *black-on-black murder victims.    I have not seen them kneel for the thousands of *elderly people that died in nursing homes due to the Corona Virus.(Especially N.Y.)    I have to ask: *WHY are Democrats putting the life of George Floyd as more valuable than the lives of everyone else?   In fact, Democrats have put so much value on the life of George Floyd, they have allowed rioting, 🙅 looting, 🔥 arson, 🧟 ‍ ️ murder, and 💣 mayhem in several communities Nationwide...ASK YOURSELF - WHY NOW?"

 The family (brothers and sister) of George Floyd opened a Go Fund Me account to "help the family"? It has already raised $14,455,100.00 and still counting from donations as of June 22, 2020. Yes, almost $14 1/2 MILLION.  And now another $27 MILLION from the City of Minneapolis to settle their lawsuit.

 This is for a guy who was arrested NINE times; was a convicted drug dealer (and at a drug deal the day he died and passed a counterfeit bill); held a gun to the stomach  of a pregnant lady while his five buddies robbed her home; did prison time  three different times totaling about  eight years, and, obviously, didn't learn  from our penal system. And America is memorializing him by painting murals  of the guy on the sides of buildings like  he's a hero? Unbelievable!!

 You got to be kidding me. Crime does pay! .....and to pour salt in the wound, Rep. Pelosi (Democrat) presented his brother a folded American flag flown over the Capitol in his honor in a beautiful tri-cornered presentation case.   Are you throwing up yet?  

 Veterans are people who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check payable to the United States Of America , for an amount up to and including their life. Remember ALL of our Vets...

 God bless America

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Infrastructure Legislation

The definition of Infrastructure is as follows:

The basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country, region, or organization to function properly 

However, under the American Communist Party (Formerly known as the Democratic Party) the definition is anything they want it to be.  Me, you, your babysitter unemployed worker, your rent payments etc.  Just about anything they want to throw money at just to insure the people who receive the money will vote for them in 2022.  So, for all of you who think you will see improvements in your local infrastructure as we know what infrastructure means, I am sorry to disappoint you.  Yes, a small pittance will allegedly go for some road and bridge repairs, but don’t hold your breath.  Just another communist boondoggle.  So, we will be printing more money and all the money you may have saved for a rainy day or retirement will lose value.  Remember, the more money printed the less value is the money already out there.  This means inflation and not just a small amount of inflation.  The Democratic Party has been taken over by these communist radicals.  These are not your father’s Democrats, but radicalized people that are following in Obama’s footsteps to radically transform the United States into a socialist, Marxist country.  As I have said many times, Obama was raised by his grandparents who were card carrying members of the communist party and introduced him to Frank Marshall Davis and an avowed communist to be his mentor.  The information is out there if you research the names.  Obama was also a follower of Saul Alinsky and Cloward and Piven. What we are seeing today is the result of what Obama planned.  In an interview in 2017 or 2018, Obama discussed the presidency and not being able to run for a 3rd term, but if he could get somebody elected who he could control, he could pursue his agenda.  Well, who better to control then the brain dead China Joe Biden.  Now you know why Commie Harris has not gone to the border since she really is taken her marching orders from Obama and not Biden.  That is why most if all the people surrounding Biden are all former Obama staff.  Going to the border would bring a ton of cameras, publicity they do not want, but since things are getting out of hand, she may, although she is clueless.  But, you can expect her to have a good laugh if she did go.   Everything this administration is pushing is to hopefully gain control of you, the Supreme Court, local and state governments and eventually through manipulation of the courts, shred the constitution.  We know the constitution can only be changed through the amendment process that has not and will not stop this takeover.  Once they stock the Supreme Court with their radical judges, your freedom will be lost and the government will dictate what you can and cannot do.  We believe our rights come from God, and they believe all rights should come from the governmentObama has indicated this in an interview somewhere around 2005 where he believed our rights should come from the government.  Our constitutional rights are gradually being lost and this started many years ago with the Patriot Act, The FISA court and the gradual destruction of the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendment.  We have seen this with the giant social media companies that remove content they do not like, (mostly conservative viewpoints).  So, if you have no objections to living in a country like China, Cuba, North Korea or even Venezuela where the government controls every aspect of your life, just sit down, shut your mouth and Voila!, you will have your wish.  We are at the crossroads of what will happen to our country.  Will we continue to live free, speak out, die protecting these God given rights or just permit this to happen?  We have a choice and hopefully you will choose freedom over suppression.     

Derek Chauvin trial

 Ben Shapiro warns media are ‘paving the way for riots’ with their ‘skewed coverage’ of Derek Chauvin trial

Ben Shapiro, editor emeritus of the Daily Wire and lawyer, says that the media's coverage of the Derek Chauvin trial will end up causing riots.

Chauvin has been accused of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and manslaughter in connection to George Floyd's May 2020 death.

His trial began last week.

What are the details?

Shapiro on Wednesday, according to the outlet, said that the media are largely "ignoring the prosecution's difficulties" and only reporting one side to the public.

"If you watch the actual Chauvin trial and then watch the media coverage of the Chauvin trial, the gap is stunning," he said. "The media are paving the way for riots by ignoring the prosecution's difficulties — and his acquittal is not a remote possibility based on those difficulties."

Pointing to a recent Washington Post headline that read, "Trial to resume after training officer says an unauthorized neck restraint was used on George Floyd," Shapiro argued that the story only served to detract from "the actual takeaway from the use-of-force expert's testimony."

Shapiro then addressed recent testimony by Los Angeles Police Sergeant Jody Stiger, a paid witness for the state, whose testimony "undercut the prosecution's case on several points during cross-examination, according to Law of Self-Defense Attorney Andrew Branca."

"The use-of-force officer admitted that Chauvin's procedure (use of body weight and pressure) was a lesser use of force than adopted in the past, that it wasn't a chokehold, that use-of-force standards change based on drug use or physical stature of a suspect, that he had personally restrained suspects until EMS arrived, that some suspects quickly regain consciousness and thus sometimes suppression is necessary despite appearances," Shapiro explained.

From the Daily Wire:

Prosecutors are attempting to make the case that Chauvin and three other officers killed Floyd through excessive use of force, while the defense alleges that Floyd's drug use and heart problems played crucial roles in Floyd's fate.

The defense is attempting to establish that Chauvin's actions, restraining Floyd with a knee on his upper body for nearly nine minutes, would not have resulted in Floyd's death without complications from those existing drug and heart problems. Prosecutors have admitted that Floyd had a history of substance abuse, but are arguing that Floyd's past drug use would have built up his immunity enough so the drugs in his system at the time of his arrest would not have had a major effect on him.

Prosecutors, in order to convict Chauvin on the more serious second-degree murder charge, will be tasked with proving that Chauvin was in the process of committing felony assault on Floyd during the detainment.

As previously reported by Blaze Media:

In order to prove the second-degree murder charge, prosecutors will need to prove that Chauvin was committing felony assault on Floyd, which will require proof that his actions in subduing Floyd were objectively unreasonable and outside the scope of his authority as a police officer. They will also have to prove that his actions were a "substantial causal factor" in Floyd's death. Alternately, the jury will be permitted to consider lesser charges of third-degree murder, if jurors find that Chauvin's actions were reckless and caused Floyd's death, or manslaughter, if they find that his actions were negligent and caused Floyd's death.

Chauvin's attorneys have indicated that they intend to argue two separate points to the jury. First, they intend to argue that Chauvin's actions in detaining Floyd were reasonable in the context of the full circumstances. Also, they intend to argue that Floyd either contributed to or caused his own death by swallowing a large quantity of fentanyl in order to prevent officers from finding it during his arrest. The autopsy report on Floyd's death blamed his death on "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression" but did note that fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use may have made his death more likely.

Three other officers who were involved in Floyd's death have also been charged criminally and are awaiting trial, which is currently scheduled to begin in August 2021.


MLB commissioner decided to move All-Star Game after pressure from Stacey Abrams on voting issues: sources

 Abrams’ group and Al Sharpton urged commissioner to support a host of issues, including voter drives and H.R. 1

Major League Baseball (MLB) commissioner Robert Manfred decided to move the All-Star Game on his own after holding extensive discussions with voting rights groups associated with Lebron James, Stacey Abrams and Rev. Al Sharpton, sources familiar with the move tell Fox News. 

Abrams and Sharpton told the commissioner players would boycott the game if not. Sources say that Abrams’ current stance, that she is disappointed about the Georgia boycott, is suspect as she was a key player in the decision. James has publicly supported the Georgia boycott.

Abrams’ group and Sharpton also urged the commissioner to support other issues, including voter drives and H.R. 1, the For the People Act — sweeping election reform that recently passed the House. 

Manfred decided the easiest way to deal with the matter was to leave Georgia, according to a source. 

After Manfred made the decision, he told the eight-member executive committee before making the announcement, which surprised the 22 other teams. Manfred said the decision was made after discussions with the MLB Players Association and its Players Alliance. The game will now be held in Colorado. 

"Disappointed @MLB will move the All-Star Game, but proud of their stance on voting rights. GA GOP traded economic opportunity for suppression," Abrams wrote on Twitter last week after the move was announced. "On behalf of PoC targeted by #SB202 to lose votes + now wages, I urge events & productions to come & speak out or stay & fight. #gapol"

She later released another statement. "Like many Georgians, I am disappointed that the MLB is moving its All-Star Game; however, I commend the players, owners and League Commissioner for speaking out," she wrote. "As I have stated, I respect boycotts, although I don’t want to see Georgia families hurt by lost events and jobs. Georgians targeted by voter suppression will be hurt as opportunities go to other states." 

Abrams could not immediately be reached for comment on her involvement in the decision.

Georgia lawmakers passed the "Election Integrity Act of 2021" in a party-line vote last month following a contentious 2020 election cycle. The bill included restrictions on absentee and mail-in voting, increased legislative oversight of state elections, additional voter ID requirements and restrictions on non-poll workers providing food and drink to voters waiting in line at polling centers.

Republican supporters, including Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, touted the legislation as essential to ensuring the integrity of state elections.




Tuesday, April 6, 2021

While America Sleeps

 By Theodore Wilson

April 1, 2021 

Have you ever had the feeling of impending doom? Information that falls through the cracks of censorship that stimulates a little anxiety. While we watched our cities burn during the summer of 2020, the arsonists were consoled. When the November election results appeared to be rigged, suddenly we felt very insecure. Joe Biden abolished border restrictions and immigration began to resemble the Woodstock Concert. Foreign countries have laughed at us.  

While most of America sleeps, we have a vigorous contest going on to determine the fate of the United States. 

 Many people seem to think that “things will work themselves out.” The reality of today’s political scene is two groups fighting for supremacy to determine whether America will become a communist country or remain a free republican form of government. 

The seeds of this war were ignited in elite American universities, in books and teachings of agnostic professors who laid out the concepts of the critical race theory, systemic prejudice, stem culture, affinity groups, socialism, and identity politic doctrines creating sparks that ignited a revolutionary fire.  

We now have a coalition of marginalized groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the Climate Change Coalition, the American Communist Party, and they have partnered with a handful of billionaires who are members of the Global Elite that we refer to as the Deep State.  

The marginalized believe only they understand justice and know who deserves “what.” They believe they are intellectually superior because they understand the white superstructure, the nature of privilege, and they view the system that America was founded on as racist, unjust,

and evil. All whites who define the oppressive group can only sympathize, and will never understand their needs.

 This coalition mirrors the army formed in China when Mao, the communist. and Chaing Kai-Shek, traditional Chinese, that united to fight the Japanese. After WWII ended, they split and fought for control of the Chinese Government.  

The marginalized are Black and the Deep State White. They bonded over the same objective, a new world order under a one-party system, and have accomplished their first goal, control of the Chafing Democratic Party and the Federal government. Those two groups will split after they defeat the advocates of freedom, and fight to determine the permanent champion. 

To defeat the advocates of freedom, the coalition must achieve the next two goals simultaneously: total control over the people and dissolution of the U.S. Constitution. They are succeeding, but it must be accomplished before the midterm elections of 2022, or they will lose the revolution at the voting polls. 

In the end, the marginalized and the deep state will separate and go to war to determine the final winner of the United States. This new government will have to face off against the Chinese Communist Party, although the American Communist Party has already pledged their allegiance to them. 

Control over the people consists of forbidding freedom of speech and destruction of open elections. H.R.-1 will give the Democratic Party permanent control over election results and this bill breezed through the Democratic House of Representatives and edges toward reality. 

What will censorship accomplish? In dictatorship allow only one truth and one law, no discussion, because dictators suppress thoughts and speech. Your mind belongs to the government, and it constitutes what is good. To accomplish this, culture must be canceled along with traditional values, and the history of the past.

 Since the Deep State has the ability to control everything you see and hear, they can do what the constitution does not allow Congress: censorship, restricted access to information, and the elimination of rational opposition through misinformation, as well as cancel culture. 

 We watched the media chastise, humiliate, mock, and ridicule Donald Trump from the moment he took the oath of office. They suppressed discussion of the election fraud, labeled Trump supporters as terrorists, and have carefully avoided any positive information supportive of conservative politicians. 

 My dear friend, Andrew Jennings, once told me that nearly half of all the international investigative reporters were assassinated. That was 1996, just four years after he published The New Lords of the Rings that exposed the corruption of the International Olympic Committee. It was an era when journalists believed that they could dramatically improve the world by exposing evil and corruption through the craft of writing. He dedicated that book to Dimitri Krikoriants, a writer who was gunned down on his mother’s doorstep. 

A long list of famous writers in the United States have similar records. They exposed in clear graphic terms the evils they found in politics and the business world. Thomas Nast exposed the Democratic Political Machine of New York, Ida M. Tarbell revealed the monopoly of Standard Oil, Upton Sinclair described the unsanitary practices of meatpacking plants, just a few of a long list of writers who were dedicated to making the world better.  

A multitude of journalists labored tirelessly to publish articles in magazines, newspapers, and periodicals based on truth, honesty, and integrity. Their work provided credibility and respect to the craft of journalism.  

 Gradually the media grew, first radio, then television, now the Internet. They entertained the world, expanded our knowledge, and brought people closer together. But then, the accumulation of massive wealth gradually ate away the good character of the media. A handful of people bought everything, from the small businesses to the major companies, and this small elite group became a powerful force. 

The Deep State destroyed the craft of journalism. They now control what you are exposed to, what you will see, how you will understand it, and what you will not be allowed to know. Truth, honesty, and integrity have now become forbidden because your mind belongs to them.  

Most journalists no longer practice the crafts of their professional. The controlling stockholders and CEOs, the dark forces underground, manipulate journalists and commentators that have become intellectual whores who sold their talents to meet the needs of a handful of billionaires in control mainstream media.  

Rachel Maddow, award-winning MSNBC nightly news television host, currently campaigns for signatures on a petition, and requests donations to the Committee to Stop Republicans that want Donald Trump imprisoned for his crimes. The Democrats in Congress, led by Rep. Mike Doyle, are pushing for Facebook, Google, and Twitter to increase their censorship. They need Trump gone, and conservatives permanently silenced. 

Democratic leaders in Congress formally launched a war against the majority of the middle class when they submitted a 28-page document to the Biden-Harris Administration demanding a crackdown of Conservative Christians. It included the removal of all Christians from public office and the re-education of Trump voters. At the Democratic National Convention, they omitted “God” from the pledge of allegiance. Christianity, as they see it, must be abolished. 

Black Lives Matter leader, Shaun King, called for the destruction of churches and all artwork of Jesus, and he shouted, “They are the symbol of ‘White Supremacy’.” Catholic Churches have been burnt, many have been vandalized across the country, and church services disrupted by leftist mobs. The mayor of Huston, TX, launched a campaign against Christians and issued subpoenas to every Catholic priest demanding copies of their sermons. 

In a United States Marine manual, the military has classified Catholics and Evangelical Christians as religious extremists along with theKKK, Al-Qaeda, and Hamas who use or advocate violence to accomplish their objectives. They are in good company. The Department of Defense included veterans of the Armed Forces because of their involvement in the January 6 Insurrection. 

The Democratic Party’s war on Christians has been suppressed by the Deep State Media. Why? How many Christians would vote for a Democratic candidate if they knew this, and how many White voters would advocate for Black Lives Matter by putting signs in their yard? 

Surprised that the media has ignored the Uyghur Holocaust in China? Thousands of Chines Islamic followers were rounded up and stuffed into 280 concentration camps. Why? The Koran contains the Old Testament, identical to Jews and Christians. Once you dehumanize the enemy, it makes it easier to kill them. It happened in Nazi Germany, and now in China. While these people suffer in labor camps and are subjected to beatings and rape, our media has turned its back, it does not want to disrupt the purchase of Chinese products in American stores. 

In other words, the mainstream media no longer reports the truth.  They establish the narrative and what you are allowed to read and discuss. If you are outside the box, you are a heretic and can be punished for your point of view or opinion on the matter. 

 The fate of our country depends on the ability to discuss. If we are going to be part of a world that rules, then we must have freedom of speech to work things out. Freedom of the mind allows us to search for the truth, provides openness to the soul, gives us the ability to rationalize, and talk about it.  

While America sleeps, the marginalists are educating your children, gaslighting them to despise themselves and renounce their oppressive identity. They are transforming White culture by altering society's images in movies, commercials, sitcoms, advertisements, everywhere. They are the heroes; the Whites are the oppressors. 

Either the Constitution survives, or tyranny prevails.  This struggle has already become violent. Kamala Harris praised the riots, arsons,and looting. “They are essential for the evolution of our country,” she said. The marginals have proven they are ready for a full-scale oppressive war. 

Sleeping Americans need to awaken. Tyranny is when you are dehumanized and control of your thinking process has been taken away. Numbers determine power. Today we are losing, tomorrow we can defeat the Democratic Party Left.

 We fought to free the slaves, won civil rights, and almost every one of our laws protects us from discrimination. Every ethnic group and religion has been elected to local, state, and federal governments as members of both political parties. They intermarry and live in a vast number of neighborhoods in every state. They establish deep friendships and working relationships. We call this group the melting pot.

 Asiatic, Blacks, and Whites who espouse the values of faith, family, and freedom, elements that made America the greatest nation on earth, must join hands and stand up against communism if we want to live in a free country. Those are the stakes. Together as a nation of one people, we can chart a course of optimism and hope.  How this country ends up will be decided by the decision to unite.

 We have at hand, non-violent alternatives that will defeat the Democratic Party Leftist.  Christian Democrats in Congress like Rep. Emanual Cleaver, the Pastor of a Methodist Church in Kansas City, Mo, need to wake up and take a stand against communists who oppose religion. They need to take the lead in opposition against the Chinese holocaust of Islamic and Christian faith. 

Americans who support freedom have the ability to boycott Chinese products and any company that relies on Chinese factories for profit.  We must abandon institutions that practice censorship and support freedom of speech, like Facebook and Twitter, and withdraw from colleges and school districts that seek to cancel culture.