Friday, July 31, 2020

Mail in ballots

Why is this dangerous?  What happened to me would explain the danger of this, aside from the bundling of ballots, which is exactly what the socialist democrats want and are hoping to do.   

In December of 2019, I mailed out Christmas Cards, but one card was returned to me this past June 2020 due to an incorrect address.  The address should have been 42 and instead the label showed 4 and I did not see this error.  But, with the recent reports on the USPS delaying delivering some mail, I think this can explain how ballots can get lost in the system.  Imagine if the next president is sworn into office on January 20th, 2021 and sometime in March, thousands of ballots are found that were not delivered and the ballots indicate the other candidate actually won the election, what happens then?   Aside from the fraud that mail in ballots can create, this is even a bigger deal if election results are overturned after a president is sworn in. 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

President Trump’s latest tweet

It appears the socialist democrats and the news media went ballistic over Trump’s tweet this morning.  They were all claiming that Trump wanted to delay the election.  But is that what he really said.

With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???

He was asking a question on the election and should it be delayed as those of us with a brain know mail in voting will be corrupted.  This is the reason the socialist are pushing for this type of voting since they can then bundle mail in ballots for the person they want.  He was not saying he was going to delay the election.  Something he does not have the power to do, but it did not stop the news media or the socialist to jump all over this.  If you notice, there were 3 question marks after the last sentence indicating a question he was throwing out there for public consumption and not saying he would delay the election.   Question marks always come after one prints a question, unless one was taught in public schools over the last 30 years then we know punctuation is not something they have knowledge in.   As far as the news media is concerned, it does not matter what Trump says or does, they will always find a way to twist the story to suit their anti-Trump narrative. 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Yale epidemiologist: Hydroxychloroquine works against COVID-19, so use it and stop politicizing it

Hydroxychloroquine has been used to treat Malaria for over 50 years and nobody has died from its' use.  However, since President Trump had mentioned this drug as maybe something that can be used against Covid-19, we now learn from the socialist democrats and the lying news media, that this drug is unsafe for human consumption without any facts to prove their argument except for false claims some people have made.  Now, we know if basement Biden had championed Hydroxychloroquine, it would be the miracle drug for the ages.  Just place Trump's name next to just about anything and it is no good.  Those who get infected with Covid-19 are the losers, and many with their life.  You can rest assured if any of these naysayers contacted Covid-19 and Hydroxychloroquine was offered to them, they would not hesitate to use it.  But for you and me, it would not be offered if they had their way.  Something to think about. These socialist are gambling with your life because Trump has touted this drug. 

A professor of epidemiology at Yale University wrote for Newsweek that hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for patients in the early stages of a COVID-19 infection and urged medical professionals not to let politics or peer pressure stop them from using it to save lives.
Hydroxychloroquine, a drug that has long been used to treat malaria, has been found by numerous studies to be effective against COVID-19 and safe for patients. However, use of the drug has become a political dispute, especially since President Donald Trump advocated for it and even took it himself.
"I am fighting for a treatment that the data fully support but which, for reasons having nothing to do with a correct understanding of the science, has been pushed to the sidelines," wrote Dr. Harvey A. Risch. "As a result, tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily."
Risch cites several studies, which he has been analyzing and writing about in medical journals for months, that show that patients who take hydroxychloroquine, especially in combination with azithromycin and zinc, have lower mortality rates. He also pointed to what he called "natural experiments" in which countries saw significant changes in COVID-19 mortality corresponding with changes in national policy on hydroxychloroquine. Risch writes:
In the northern Brazil state of Pará, COVID-19 deaths were increasing exponentially. On April 6, the public hospital network purchased 75,000 doses of azithromycin and 90,000 doses of hydroxychloroquine. Over the next few weeks, authorities began distributing these medications to infected individuals. Even though new cases continued to occur, on May 22 the death rate started to plummet and is now about one-eighth what it was at the peak.

A reverse natural experiment happened in Switzerland. On May 27, the Swiss national government banned outpatient use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. Around June 10, COVID-19 deaths increased four-fold and remained elevated. On June 11, the Swiss government revoked the ban, and on June 23 the death rate reverted to what it had been beforehand. People who die from COVID-19 live about three to five weeks from the start of symptoms, which makes the evidence of a causal relation in these experiments strong. Both episodes suggest that a combination of hydroxychloroquine and its companion medications reduces mortality and should be immediately adopted as the new standard of care in high-risk patients.
Risch pointed out that although the Food and Drug Administration warned of heart problems associated with hydroxychloroquine use, the warning was not issued with full context.
"But what the FDA did not announce is that these adverse events were generated from tens of millions of patient uses of hydroxychloroquine for long periods of time, often for the chronic treatment of lupus or rheumatoid arthritis," Risch wrote. "Even if the true rates of arrhythmia are ten-fold higher than those reported, the harms would be minuscule compared to the mortality occurring right now in inadequately treated high-risk COVID-19 patients."
Risch calls for an end to political bickering over hydroxychloroquine and for a renewed focus on the science and what the data show.
"For many, [hydroxychloroquine] is viewed as a marker of political identity, on both sides of the political spectrum," Risch wrote. "Nobody needs me to remind them that this is not how medicine should proceed. We must judge this medication strictly on the science."

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Joe Biden’s disastrous plans for America’s suburbs

Interesting article.  This is also in keeping with UN Agenda 21.

Joe Biden’s disastrous plans for America’s suburbs
July 21, 2020 | 7:26pm
If you live in the suburbs or you’re a city dweller eyeing a move to a quiet cul-de-sac where your kids can play outside, you need to know about Joe Biden’s plan for a federal takeover of local zoning laws.
The ex-veep wants to ramp up an Obama-era social-engineering scheme called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing that mercifully barely got underway before President Trump took office, vowing to stop it.
Biden’s plan is to force suburban towns with single-family homes and minimum lot sizes to build high-density affordable housing smack in the middle of their leafy neighborhoods — local preferences and local control be damned.
Starting in 2015, President Barack Obama’s Department of Housing and Urban Development floated a cookie-cutter requirement for “balanced housing” in every suburb. “Balanced” meant affordable even for people who need federal vouchers. Towns were obligated to “do more than simply not discriminate,” as a 2013 HUD proposal explained. Rather, towns had to make it possible for low-income minorities to choose suburban living and provide “adequate support to make their choices possible.”
Had the rule been implemented nationwide, towns everywhere would have had to scrap zoning, build bigger water and sewer lines to support high-density living, expand schools and social services and add mass transit. All pushing up local taxes. Towns that refused would lose their federal aid.
The rule was one of the worst abuses of the Obama-Biden administration — a raw power grab masquerading as racial justice.
In Westchester, County Executive Rob Astorino battled the Obama-Biden administration for years, successfully resisting the baseless smear of racism. Zoning laws limit what can be built in a neighborhood in neutral fashion, Astorino explained, not who can live there.
To be absolutely clear, denying anyone the chance to rent or buy a home because of his race is abhorrent and illegal. It should be prosecuted whenever it still happens.
African Americans have been steadily leaving inner cities and choosing suburban lifestyles, according to Brookings Institution data. Many families — of all races — want the peace of mind of letting their kids ride bikes around quiet neighborhood streets. That’s what zoning laws provide.
The real barrier to suburban living is money. Living in the ’burbs isn’t cheap. HUD Secretary Ben Carson told a House Committee last May that “people can only afford to live in certain places.” It’s “not because George Wallace is blocking the door.”
Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can’t have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
Count on Trump to make Biden’s war on the suburbs a key issue in the election. In his Rose Garden news conference Thursday, the president came out swinging, warning that Biden would “totally destroy the beautiful suburbs” by “placing far-left Washington bureaucrats in charge of local zoning.”
In response, the left and its media allies played the race card. As usual. On MSNBC, Princeton University Professor Eddie Glaude Jr. said, “I hear the words of a racist.” CNN accused the president of fearmongering “white suburban voters.” But it’s CNN that is being racist — by assuming that only whites own homes in the suburbs.
Trump is talking to suburban homeowners of all ethnicities. If you buy a house in a neighborhood with quarter-acre zoning, you don’t want a high-density housing complex built at the end of the street.
The president won the suburbs in 2016, but polls show Trump trailing in the suburbs largely because of opposition from women. They need to focus on what’s at stake for their families.
Tens of thousands of New Yorkers have fled the city in the past four months, many of them spending their savings and taking out a mortgage to buy a home in the suburbs. The same dynamic is playing out in many other regions nationwide. For these transplants, the stakes are high.
The outcome of the November election will determine the value of their new home, the size of their property-tax bill and the character of the town they now call home.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Trump, Biden, the presidential campaign, the anarchist and the swamp

As the presidential race draws closer to Election Day on November 3rd, we must understand why this election may be our last free election in our lifetime.   I say this with much trepidation with the hope that our Constitutional Republic will survive.

What we are witnessing today has some similarities to what took place in Germany in the 30’s as well as Russia over the past few years and Venezuela today. 

We see these radicals and anarchists being given free rein in some cities and states to wreak havoc with their destruction of property, destroying our history, whether good or bad, and what now seems endless shootings, assaults on law enforcement and a movement to defund and eliminate police departments.  These radicals are destroying our way of life and placing our citizens in fear of losing their lives as well as their businesses and the elected leaders of these cities and states ignoring what is happening or making excuses for this destructive behavior.   These cities are primarily run by members of the Socialist Democratic Party and yet, we have not heard from members of this party, primarily congressional members, speaking out against these radicals, but instead remain silent that only encourages continuation of this behavior.  Instead, all we hear from these socialist is that Trump is responsible for all this and the spread of Covid-19 that is even supported by the lying news media.  The people are being brainwashed into accepting this behavior because it is all Trump’s fault. 

In Germany in the 1930’s, Hitler had Joseph Goebbels, a politician and the 3rd Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany whose philosophy was, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. If you repeat a lie long enough, it becomes true. If you repeat a lie many times, people are bound to start believing it”.  Why this is important is in what we are seeing today.  The socialist democrats that run what has become cities of violence, do not speak out and instead claim people are just letting off steam.  And why is that you may ask?  You guessed it.  Because Donald J. Trump is president and since he was sworn into office, he has exposed the corruption in Washington for all to see with more exposure to come.  But, in keeping with the Goebbels propaganda, we see today the news media arm of the socialist party making false and inaccurate comments on what the Trump administration is doing or said.  We speak primarily of CNN and MSNBC as well as the big three networks, ABC, NBC and CBS.  They all are misreporting the facts in keeping with the Goebbels methodology.  Now this is just the video media, but the printed media is just as bad if not worse.  We have to mention, the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, USA Today as well as just about all the social media sites where voices are at times, squashed as the statements made do not meet the Marxist philosophy where free speech is what they want it to be.  This means any comments against the socialist party, their members are taboo, but criticism of Trump is acceptable and encouraged as their algorithms block most favorable Trump comments to keep within their so called parameters.    

Lately, we have seen Biden receive permission to leave his basement and give a speech to a selected audience of usually less than 15 people who are permitted to ask questions as long as the questions are submitted in advance.  Biden, who has been brain dead for years, can be seen many times on social media with his wife by his side as he reads his statement.  She is there or just slightly off camera to make sure he is reading correctly and does not go off script.  It seems Biden is now going to push for $2 Trillion in infrastructure contracts to spur on the economy.  But, we are still waiting for the nearly $875 billion shovel ready jobs that were not shovel ready.  One would think, therefore if the jobs were not ready, that the money would still be available since it would not have been spent.  However, the money was earmarked for only union jobs and so much of the money went to the unions.  So, if there are no jobs, what happens to the money?  Well, much of it found its way back into the Socialist Democratic Party. 

If one listens to Biden’s proposal, you realize, if elected we will not have oil to operate machinery, cars and heating oil among other Green New Deal proposals.  Just think, you will only be able to drive electric cars that get about 300 miles on a charge, will have to convert just about every building in the country to be more energy efficient, be told where to live, what to eat, what to drive and what you can say.  How our farmers will produce food for the market is unknown.  Naturally, because of flatulence there will be very little or no meat for the market.  You must realize that Biden is just the figurehead in this election.  It is doubtful, if elected by some freak of nature, he would actually survive to get sworn into office as those making all the decisions and writing the speeches will claim that due to his declining mental health he would not be able to carry out the duties of president and thus the vice-president would assume the presidency.  If this does not happen before swearing in ceremonies, it will take place within a very short time from January 20th 2021.  So, who his handlers select as his VP, is what the swamp really wants to be president.  This will be a person they can make sure they will be able to control.  This election is all about power and control of government, the White House, Congress and the people.  It will be the constitution be damned as those in power will dictate what you can do or say.  We are getting a sample of what is to come from the radicals assaulting those who disagree with them.  In addition, you will be abused through social media until you cave in as many have done and beg for forgiveness for their unapproved comments they may have made on Twitter, Facebook or another social network. 

Now, if you are not aware of who is financing Antifa, or Obama’s 33,000 Organizing for America (OFA) organizations as well as other anarchist groups, look no further than George Soros and BLM.  Soros using his mega billions and BLM using all the millions those frightening corporations have been donating to BLM.  Remember, BLM has admitted to being a Marxist organization.  If BLM really mattered, they would be standing outside Planned Parenthood, walking the streets in Chicago and other cities that are becoming shooting galleries for killing black people.  But, that is not their agenda.  Making money and overthrowing our government is their aim and they have admitted to that.  As for OFA, this is the reason Obama has remained in Washington DC, to better coordinate his group that for some reason are always ready to respond to any area within this country to take part in these riots.  A side benefit these socialist democrats also offer, is all the free shopping they can do. 

With the use of the Brown Shirts in Germany in the 1930’s, that were used to destroy property of the Jews as well as physically assault if not murder the Jews we are seeing similarities to the anarchist of today.  They are being used the same way, although they are not picking on any particular group.  But, when the Brown Shirts met their usefulness, they were disbanded, but not in a peaceful way, but the Nazi way. 
This election is coming down to whether we will remain a Constitutional Republic or will we end up on the garbage of history.  We are not a democracy as some of our brain dead politicians like to claim, but a Constitutional Republic.  There is a very important difference that if you were not taught history, you can research.     

Ever since Trump walked down the escalator, he has been a marked man in the sights of the swamp who do not want to lose the power and control they had and will resort to any means to get it back.  They have been exposed and we can only hope the Barr/Durham report will come out by September so the American voter can see just how corrupt our government was and may still be as some of the swamp is still buried within our agencies. 

Again, if the Socialist Democratic Party ever got control of the White House and Congress, you can rest assured that mail in voting will be the new way to vote in this country.  The Socialist Democrats want power and control and through mail in balloting they will achieve it for many years to come, if not forever.  They will control all votes to make sure the candidate of their choice is elected.  That is if there are even elections.  Believe me, they want control and will use any means possible to achieve it.  That is their one and only goal this election.  Control of government and you.  They also want control of the courts and especially the Supreme Court.  That is why they put up tremendous opposition against the two Trump appointees.  Trump wants appointees who will interpret the constitution as written while the socialist democrats want justices that will interpret the constitution as if it is a living breathing document.  That means, interpret the constitution as they see fit and ignore the constitutional amendment process.  Say goodbye to your Bill of Rights if the socialist win this election, especially the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendment.  Just like under the Obama administration, the rights in the constitution will be ignored to suit their agenda. 


Interesting quotes

When the Twin Towers were attacked the left told us not to judge all Muslims by the actions of a few.  So, why are they judging all cops by the actions of a few?

Odd it is.  Nazis were National Socialist that tore down statues.  Banned free speech.  Blamed economic hardships on one group of people.  Instituted gun control.  Put the state before God.  Nationalized health care.  Placed strict government regulations on industry.   Does this sound like the policy of a current political party in the United States

Sunday, July 12, 2020

McAllen Texas, 2 Police officers killed

Will these 2 police officers receive that 3-5 hours funeral ending with a horse drawn carriage to the cemetery?   Of course not.  I am sure that Marxist/communist radical group BLM must be dancing in the street with their other brain dead followers.  This is two less police officers that will not require funding. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Sports teams name changes

We have learned they now want the name of the Washington Redskins changed as it is offensive to Native Americans, even though there was a survey a few years ago that 80% of Native Americans had no problem with the name.

Maybe they could change the name to the Washington Skins, Washington Swamp, Washington Reds, Washington Socialist or even the Washington Apples in honor of the state of Washington and their apple crop.

This means many other teams will have to change their names since there are people out there that find many names offensive.  The Chicago Blackhawks, Kansas City Chief, Atlanta Braves, Cleveland Indians.  Now these are a few other names that can be offensive. New Jersey Devils, denotes evil, the NY Giants and San Francisco Giants and Tennessee Titans as these names are offensive to little people.  The Las Vegas Raiders, San Diego Chargers, Seattle Seahawks, Tampa Bay Bucs and Minnesota Vikings represent a history of violent behavior from these names.  The Buffalo Bills is derogatory towards the buffalo and the name of a pioneer that actually killed buffalos that the Native American would hunt for food and this food supply chain was almost destroyed.  The NY Jets will have to change their name as Jets is offensive to those pushing the Green New Deal.  The New England Patriots will have to change as the word Patriot is offensive to all the socialist/Marxist that are demonstrating in various cities, destroying monuments and if you are a Patriot, you are a racist.  The Miami Marlins and Dolphins denotes a fish (Marlin) that can be caught and killed or in the case of a Dolphin removed from his habitat and used in performances by evil corporations for profit.  We might add the Detroit Lions, Detroit Tigers, Jacksonville Jaguars and Chicago Bears as they represent animals that have been hunted for years just for sport.  We will not even discuss that terrible name offensive to baby animals, the Chicago Cubs.  And really, do you believe that New Orleans is actually composed of saints living there? 

We can go on and on as just about any sport team name or logo is offensive to those young people who have come out of their mother’s basement to join the Marxist movement in a vain attempt to destroy this country.  Besides, since they started their destructive behavior, guns sales have risen and they are not the people buying the guns.  I think it is time for them to go back to their mother’s basement or face the consequences when the pick on the wrong person or group.  Thank God for the 2nd Amendment that we believe in and they don’t.

Are we a racist country?

We know that some of our Founding Fathers had slaves and others did not.  We also know that originally our Founders wanted to include an end to slavery in our constitution, but understood that the constitution that we have today would not have passed the vote of some of the colonies.  So, the end to slavery was not included at that time.  However, when President Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase he included in this deal that all the land included in this purchase would be slave free.
We know that President Abe Lincoln (Republican) gave us the Emancipation Proclamation that freed all blacks being held as slaves.  This did not sit well with the democrats at the time and then we had the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party, the KKK, to subjugate the black race.  We know that blacks were elected to the House in 1870, and one to the Senate.  (All Republicans) 
We know the military was slowly integrated in the 1900’s until Woodrow Wilson was elected (a Democratic racist) who stopped the integration.  This continued until 1948 under an executive order by then President Truman.  (A Democrat) 
We also know that Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to eliminate the black race and others with mental health or physical disabilities through sterilization.  An organization supported by democrats since its founding.  This is why this organization is mainly located in low income areas and why over 36 million blacks have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade.  Of course, this is only the documented abortions.  How many of those aborted babies would have increased the black population by having babies of their own is unknown.  Naturally BLM has no interest in this since they are really not out to preserve the black race, but to destroy our country and using the phrase BLM to promote donations from various corporations and individuals.  BLM really stands for Burn, Loot and Murder.  They are an admitted Marxist organization and is trying to destroy how country.
After the local government in Arkansas did not enforce the Supreme Court ruling to end segregation, President Eisenhower (Republican) sent in the 101st Airborne and Federalized the Arkansas National Guard to enforce the court ruling.  The democrats did not want integration.  That is their history and they try to make us believe that it is the Republicans and conservatives that are racist.  Yet, it was the Republicans that have been in the forefront of reducing racial hatred.  In fact, with the support of the republicans in Congress, President Lyndon Johnson was able to pass the 1964 civil rights act, a law the democrats opposed and would not have passed without republican support.
Since the 1960’s we have seen the black race succeed in all aspects of employment.  They have attended all the military academies, been elected as governors, mayors, county commissions, school boards, police chiefs, congress, Chief of Staff in the Military and even elected our first black president.  Yet, the democrats and the radicals rioting in our streets like to insinuate we are a racist country and yet, cannot present true facts to their argument.  We fought a civil war to end slavery where many whites as well as blacks were killed to stop slavery. 
Today blacks, whites, Asians and any other race living in this country can be all they can be.  Yet, the democrats still keep the black race down by blaming republicans for their plight when the democrats have promised the blacks everything and never delivered anything except during election time when they throw a bone to them. 
So, the words we hear the radicals and democrats keep yelling that whites are racist and/or white supremacist is just a bunch of words they throw out there to the masses who have never learned the history of this country thanks to the socialist, Marxist professors in our schools.  These radicals go to college for an education and come out dumber than dumb.  Stupid is what stupid does. 
As for the phrase “white privilege”, just look at all the white democrats and how they live their lives.  Do you believe they send their children to local public schools?  Of course not and do not want school choice for the blacks that President Trumps wants but cannot get any democratic support.   So, those blacks that live in low income areas have to send their children to failing public schools and are not given the choice of schools their so called “democratic supporters” attend.  BLM is not addressing this issue either yet they like to claim black lives matter.  It is not about black lives, but about how much disruption in attempting to overthrow the country and the financial support they can extort from businesses.  We know the lying news media will never report this, but will distort the news to benefit their socialist, Marxist democratic agenda. 
I might also add that former President Obama organized a group of approximately 30,000 members that were known as Organizing for America for the 2012 election that he renamed Organizing for Action that is actively involved in what we are witnessing today, together with Antifa, as well as other radical groups.  This is why Obama has remained in Washington DC and is orchestrating this violence together with other radical groups. You can take that to the bank. 

Is history going to repeat itself?

In Germany in the 1930’s under Hitler, the police departments were eliminated so the brown shirts could run rampant throughout the country.
Today we are witnessing a movement to defund or eliminate the police and when that happens the anarchist will take over these cities and neighborhoods terrorizing the citizens to comply with their demands.  In essence, they will be the government. 
Our elected officials must get a backbone or we will cease to be a country.  We are at the crossroads of our existence as a country.  Will we get the backbone or will we bow down to the anarchist as most democratic politicians’ and some republicans are doing?  I think of Senators Mike Braun, Johnson and Lankford who appear to have no backbone.  Show weakness and these anarchist will crush you.  America must stand up as we did in WWI and WWII and crush these radicals or kiss our country goodbye.
As President, Trump must address the American people that these rebels, anarchist, socialist and Marxist will not succeed in their desire to overthrow this country.  Trump made America Great Again and this must continue and we cannot allow these radicals to gain a foothold to overthrowing our country