I hate to
actually say this, but if you look at the history and how the Nazis and Hitler
came to power in the 1930’s and compare that to what the Obama administration
is doing today, you can see a similarity. I am talking about wiretapping
the opposition, reading their mail and using rhetoric against them as the
problem. Eventually we had the book burnings so the people, newspaper
banned and decrees against the people in general. Although, Obama’s
radical followers represent a minority of voters, they can manipulate the
voting process for their own political means. With use of the DOJ, IRS and NSA, they and
their ilk will be tough to remove from power unless the clueless voters awaken.
Violence is not necessary, just overload and overwhelm the system and the voters will cry out for the government to act, just like the German people did with Hitler. Again, know history and you will see it being repeated.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Redskins news while world burns
So, we have President Obama attend fund raising events and
golfing while the Middle East is in conflict.
Sen. Harry Reid lambastes the Washington Redskins organization for their
name on the senate floor and the patent dept. revokes the patent for the
Redskins name. It seems many democrats
are now against the name Redskins and are waging a campaign against the
organization. However, when it comes to
actually performing their congressional duties they appear to be useless. I guess they will next take on other names
that people find offensive such as; Kansas City Chief, Chicago Blackhawks, Cleveland Browns
(offensive to whites and Asians), NY Yankees (offensive to southerners),
Buffalo Bills since it reference the person that killed buffalos. Atlanta Falcons, offensive to birds and
PETA, Cleveland Indians, another offense to native Americans, Chicago White
Soxs, offensive to black people, Boston Red Soxs, offensive to Indians and closely
aligned with the Redskins. Oakland
Raiders depicts violence, San Francisco Giants, insulting to short people. We could go on, but we must complain to our
elected officials that they should be banning these teams since actually
performing the work they were elected for seems to be an illusion to the
voters. At least give them some work to
do. Meanwhile, the Middle East
explodes, oil prices increase and food is experiencing inflation, but sport
team names have a higher priority. We
have an influx of over 50,000 illegals into our country that are not just
children as you are being led to believe, but terrorist, gang members and drug
cartel members. Violence is coming
across our border and we debate sport team names. Better buy a weapon to defend yourself since it seems our country
is involved in useless actions.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Cloward and Piven, Saul Alinsky and President Obama
crisis on the border has been created by the Obama administration and
encouraged by this administration to blame the republicans for this
debacle because they will not pass immigration reform. But, if we actually
enforced the immigrations laws already on the books, we would not have a
than send additional troops to the Middle East where those living there are
clueless on what freedom means, we should send them to our borders to seal the
border from illegal immigration.
must realize that those coming over the border are not just children, but
terrorist, gang members and drug cartel members. Within 2 years, you can expect disturbances in our streets and
terrorist acts that is exactly what our president wants. Why, you may ask? Well, we have a president that does not like
what this country represents, believes our country is responsible for all the
ills in the world and together with AG Holder, they ignore the laws and the constitution. The present situation with immigration is
another attempt to overload the system that can lead to disturbances. When that happens combined with terrorist
acts, you will see Marshal Law declared by Obama. For those that are clueless to what that means, it can be
explained very easily. The constitution
and all your rights are suspended. Give
that some deep thought.
where does Cloward-Piven become involved in this? They were sociologist from the 1960's (yes the 60's) who
professed the best way to destroy our country is to overload the system. Think about that. All the scandals, illegal immigration, EPA destructive rules and
regulations as well as Executive Orders.
These all are used to overwhelm and overload the system. The system is our government.
Alinsky becomes involved with his Rules for Radicals. Alinsky was an admirer of Lenin and Castro. And by the way another admirer of Alinsky is
Hillary Clinton who wrote her Thesis on Alinsky theories. The goal of Alinsky was to mobilize the poor
and oppressed to bring down the system. (Minimum Wage increases that will increase unemployment)
What many do not know is that President Obama worked for Alinsky
organizations when he graduated college.
Alinsky taught his followers not to fight the system, but become part of
the system and then destroy it from within.
Sell the public on change and use them to further your agenda. Examine Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
and you will understand the Obama agenda.
He is using the system to destroy the country, through the DOJ, IRS, EPA
and NSA to name a few organizations where it is well established that the DOJ
will not investigate any illegal activity by these agencies, but just go
through the motions, but do nothing.
America wake up.
you know history you will understand that Hitler used the brown shirts to
further his agenda and then when their use was no longer needed we had what is
known as "The night of the Long Knives", where the groups leaders
were either killed or jailed and then later killed. Is history going to repeat?
Once the radical left supplants themselves and ideas in government and
are in full control, they will attack and destroy those groups they used to
further their agenda but are no longer needed.
This has happened throughout history and will happen here unless we all
speak out and make changes this coming election. Not that the republicans are that much better, but it will afford
us an opportunity to slow down this movement and hopefully reverse the
direction this country is moving towards.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Something to Ponder
I have said many times, if you do not know history, you will tend to repeat
it. Well, in this case one must
remember that Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
We can apply the same rhetoric to President Obama who is continuously indecisive
on making decisions. All his decisions
are political rather than what is good for the country or what is in compliance
with our constitution. So, while the
Middle East is on the verge of explosion, this president cannot decide what to
do, even though he was warned over 2 years ago of the potential for sectarian
violence in Iraq that could explode throughout the entire region. However, he did make a major decision on
what golf course he will play this weekend and let us not forget his great
commencement speech at the UC at Irvine where he discussed climate change. This president is so out of touch with what
is important and requires immediate attention over not offending his political
financial contributors, the radical left and his party, although the party is
not as important as himself. So, while
the Middle East burns, he plays golf or thinks about climate change or now will
be better known at atmospheric unsettlement since many scientist have indicated
that the climate has been cooling and warming for centuries at various
times. Nothing to see here, but Al Gore
and friends can make tons of money on this false topic. But, unless the public actually investigates
the false stats these climate warmers throw out there, they will continue to
get away with their false claims. Just
review this president's decisions over the past 6 years and you will see,
politics is more important than the decision itself. So, while the Middle East burns, the most important decision is
where to play golf. At least that is
not political, unless he is playing with campaign donors.
when it came to action, we know JFK was not concerned with politics on the
Cuban missile crisis. Bush #1 was not
concerned with the 1st Gulf War and whether you like it or not, Bush #2 was not
concerned with political consequences with Afghanistan. Now we know half the country did not like
our Iraq incursion, including me, but politics was not a consideration at the
time. Decisions must be made without
politics. But this president puts
politics first and thereby hesitates on making decisions that our enemies see
and know that they can do almost anything they want without repercussions. Weakness breeds consequences. When our country shows weak leadership, our
enemies show strength. Unfortunately,
we will have to live with this for 2 more years, unless the republicans in the
House get a pair and decide that we are witnessing High Crimes and Misdemeanors
and must take Impeachment action or we will not have a country in two years.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Crisis in the Middle East Pt 2
Again, if you examine a map of the Middle East, you will see
that Iran and Syria all share the border with Iraq. Saudi Arabia shares a border with Iraq and they are not friendly
with Iran. You can expect Saudi Arabia
to be on the hit list of these radical Islamist or do I dare say, F.O.O.
(Friends of Obama) We might add that
that great democracy Yemen is on the southern border of Saudi Arabia and Oatar,
that accepted the 5 terrorist from Guantanamo, though small in size can be a
jump off country for expanding terrorism.
Then we have Egypt sitting between Saudi Arabia and Libya and we know
how unstable Libya is as well as Egypt where our illustrious president
supported the well known Muslim Brotherhood, another terrorist group that has
tried to keep a low profile but their history is well known of their
association and assistance they gave to the Nazis. But that is past history that our president ignores.
So what does the future offer for us. Well, we will see Afghanistan fall after we
leave or even an attempt for these radical Islamist to begin their march before
then knowing that our president will not do anything but bug out of the country
quicker than the 2 year plan. So, the
only democracy that will remain in the Middle East will be Israel, a country
that our president hates as he follows the "Dreams from his
father". Remember, the Middle East
is a world supplier of oil, particularly to the European countries and Asia. And I might add that Europe is being
overwhelmed with increasing Muslim population that are already cementing
unrest. So, with Russia moving into
Ukraine, and a main supplier of oil and gas to Europe, how will Europe
respond. Will they allow themselves to
cave in on the demands from Russia and the Islamic terrorist that will surely
be coming, or will they get a pair and
decide that it is time for military action over collapse.
Don't forget that Pakistan has nuclear weapons and Iran is
developing the same, with help from North Korea. India and Pakistan are not the best of friends and India possess
nuclear weapons. Pakistan has shown
sympathy toward the Taliban and Al Qaeda and may eventually be overrun by these
The old saying, people that do not know history tend to
repeat it is happening right before our eyes.
Just read how the Prime Minister of England, Neville Chamberlain,
address the rise of Hitler in Germany and you will notice immediately, that
this is exactly how President Obama is addressing the world today. And we know how Chamberlain's efforts
ended. However, this time all the
countries involved will have nuclear weapons and these radical countries have
no fear of engaging in their use to accomplish their mission, the total destruction
of the west and if a billion Muslims die to accomplish this, it is well worth
So as the price of oil rises, our president through the EPA
pressures the coal industry and coal producing energy companies, you will not
only see cost for energy, food and all consumer items rise sharply. We could avoid this if this president was
not so anti oil, but he actually believes we can meet our energy needs by using
windmills and solar panels, that all experts have indicated is just a pipe
dream. This president expects us to
ride bicycles, use battery operated cars, move back into cities with public
transportation (UN Agenda 21) and abandon our automobiles. Of course batteries operated cars must be
charged using electricity. How we will
deliver goods and services and produce food does not seem to be a problem since
if we could starve 250 million to death, we will reduce our impact on mother
earth. America had better wake up and
speak out this coming election or we will doom ourselves to the garbage heap of
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
The coming disaster in the Middle East.
our great leadership in Washington over the past 6 years, we have seen the
United States leadership fall, indecisiveness in how to respond to events, and
exactly what this president really desires, a Caliphate in the Middle East. As I have said a number of times and this
president indicated in his book "Audacity of Hope" he will stand with
his Muslim brothers when push comes to shove.
That is why on his first world tour as president he bowed to the leader
in Saudi Arabia, a sign of respect for a Muslim. No president has bowed to anyone since our 1st president, George
Washington. But, when your loyalties
are not attached to this country, can you
expect otherwise. This
president supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the radicals in Libya and Syria,
has allowed Iran to develop a nuclear weapon and we are now witnessing the
complete collapse of Iraq and within a few years if not sooner,
Afghanistan. Looking at a map of this
region, it does not take a brain surgeon to see what the real problems that are
going to develop in this region that will only and can only be dealt with, with
a military option by the rest of the world.
Or should I say Europe that gets most of their oil from the Middle East
and of course the United States that is partially responsible for this dilemma
with our lack of action and leading from behind. Our obvious lack of leadership in the free world has what led to
this developing Caliphate that will be the biggest threat to the free world
since Hitler. Israel is now going to be
surrounded with enemies that have only one thing in mind, their total
destruction. Remember Israel has stated
repeatedly, "Never Again" and possess the nuclear arsenal to respond
to threats. So, you can see how our lack of leadership has led to what we see
in the Middle East today. For those who
believe we should withdraw from the being a world leader, are now witnessing
the results of that policy. We are on
the verge of world conflict and massive loss of life in the Middle East
between, Muslims of various sects and Christians and Jews. Hillary Clinton traveled the world and
accomplished nothing and President Obama used his oratory skills and
accomplished nothing. Our next
president will be left to clean up this mess and it may lead to military conflict. The liberals and progressives were under the
illusion that the United States was the cause of the world problems. Well, we now know they were living in a
fantasy world. But then again, they
only followed their leader President Obama who has a dislike of this country
and what we stand for.
President Obama and his oath of office
Obama took the oath of office for president promising to follow the
constitution and enforce all laws. It
appears over the past 6 years he has done neither. The latest episode with all children flooding our borders because
he refused to have our immigration laws enforced, is causing terrible consequences
for our border states and it seems we are establishing refugee camps in our
country just to address this unlawful influx.
Of course, throw in all the other scandals and we see his dislike for
our country and our laws. Then again,
remember his primary education was in Indonesia where there is and was a
dislike of the United States.
no balls Boehner look into impeachment proceedings that must begin in the House
or will he become his usual babbling idiot offering more excuses than Obama and
all his scandals?
Friday, June 6, 2014
Sgt. Bergdahl, we now know the truth
We now know why President Obama swapped 5 very dangerous
Islamic Terrorist for one deserter. The
reason, Bowie Bergdahl converted to Islam and we know President Obama will
never leave a fellow Muslim behind.
Monday, June 2, 2014
The truth behind the Sgt. Bergdahl prisoner swap
The real reason no attempt was ever made by our military to
find, locate and attempt a rescue of Sgt. Bergdahl was because the military
knew he was a deserter and the military did not want to endanger any troops or
special ops that would be used to rescue a deserter. Our motto has always been to leave nobody behind, but a deserter
brings up other problems on how much of a risk should we place our military to
perform a rescue. Yes, if in a military
action our troops stumbled upon Sgt. Bergdahl, they would take appropriate
action to secure this deserter.
The other part of this story is that the president did not
notify Congress 30 days before any action is taken. So, this presidential administration violated the law. But what
else is new since we have seen the law for this administration has no
meaning. We saw this is Fast and
Furious, NSA, IRS, AP spying, Benghazi and now this event. As long as Congress does not exert their
power and bring the president in line with the constitution, President Obama
will continue the actions of a dictator.
As long as the public continues to ignore all these events, the day will
come when their rights are trampled upon and then will wonder what happen. It will be too late then. People in this country have better awaken
quickly or your rights under our constitution will be non existent.
All this while Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi sits in a Mexican jail just over our border and it appears this administration is not addressing this issue. But then again, Andrew is not a Muslim or a hater of America.
All this while Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi sits in a Mexican jail just over our border and it appears this administration is not addressing this issue. But then again, Andrew is not a Muslim or a hater of America.