when it came to action, we know JFK was not concerned with politics on the
Cuban missile crisis. Bush #1 was not
concerned with the 1st Gulf War and whether you like it or not, Bush #2 was not
concerned with political consequences with Afghanistan. Now we know half the country did not like
our Iraq incursion, including me, but politics was not a consideration at the
time. Decisions must be made without
politics. But this president puts
politics first and thereby hesitates on making decisions that our enemies see
and know that they can do almost anything they want without repercussions. Weakness breeds consequences. When our country shows weak leadership, our
enemies show strength. Unfortunately,
we will have to live with this for 2 more years, unless the republicans in the
House get a pair and decide that we are witnessing High Crimes and Misdemeanors
and must take Impeachment action or we will not have a country in two years.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Something to Ponder
I have said many times, if you do not know history, you will tend to repeat
it. Well, in this case one must
remember that Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
We can apply the same rhetoric to President Obama who is continuously indecisive
on making decisions. All his decisions
are political rather than what is good for the country or what is in compliance
with our constitution. So, while the
Middle East is on the verge of explosion, this president cannot decide what to
do, even though he was warned over 2 years ago of the potential for sectarian
violence in Iraq that could explode throughout the entire region. However, he did make a major decision on
what golf course he will play this weekend and let us not forget his great
commencement speech at the UC at Irvine where he discussed climate change. This president is so out of touch with what
is important and requires immediate attention over not offending his political
financial contributors, the radical left and his party, although the party is
not as important as himself. So, while
the Middle East burns, he plays golf or thinks about climate change or now will
be better known at atmospheric unsettlement since many scientist have indicated
that the climate has been cooling and warming for centuries at various
times. Nothing to see here, but Al Gore
and friends can make tons of money on this false topic. But, unless the public actually investigates
the false stats these climate warmers throw out there, they will continue to
get away with their false claims. Just
review this president's decisions over the past 6 years and you will see,
politics is more important than the decision itself. So, while the Middle East burns, the most important decision is
where to play golf. At least that is
not political, unless he is playing with campaign donors.
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