I hate to
actually say this, but if you look at the history and how the Nazis and Hitler
came to power in the 1930’s and compare that to what the Obama administration
is doing today, you can see a similarity. I am talking about wiretapping
the opposition, reading their mail and using rhetoric against them as the
problem. Eventually we had the book burnings so the people, newspaper
banned and decrees against the people in general. Although, Obama’s
radical followers represent a minority of voters, they can manipulate the
voting process for their own political means. With use of the DOJ, IRS and NSA, they and
their ilk will be tough to remove from power unless the clueless voters awaken.
Violence is not necessary, just overload and overwhelm the system and the voters will cry out for the government to act, just like the German people did with Hitler. Again, know history and you will see it being repeated.
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