Monday, November 12, 2012
Time to Boycott the Media?
We have been witnessing for many years the bias in the news media against the Tea Party, Republicans in general, and conservatives. Yes, I will agree that a number of Republicans suck also. But, it is the news media that does not report the news accurately, slants the news to the benefit of the democrats and the Obama administration and in this last election did give their best effort to get Obama elected. It was an uphill fight for the Romney Ticket since the Obama campaign was getting what amounted to free advertisement when the media went on the rampage against the Romney ticket while failing to report the lies that the Obama campaign was telling. And, lets not forget that it was the news media that did not do any vetting of Obama in 2007 and to this day, we still know very little about Obama's life during his first 30 years.
So, it is time for us to take action by boycotting the media. Locally, we can cancel our subscription to the left newspapers. I have done this months ago and now get my news from the internet. This also applies to the TV news stations, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC and CNN. This also would include their entertainment programs. These stations would lose advertisement and most important, money. Doing this nationwide would send a message that we want accurate news reporting not slanted news. We are a force and it is time we put up a united front against those who are out to destroy us and our country. Destroying the country we grew up with is what they want to do.
We cannot view these news outlets while continuing to allow them to crucify our beliefs, our lives and our candidates and we just sit there and take it. Most of the shows are garbage anyway. Now if we could boycott Hollywood movies, that would be great also. This administration and media outlets are forcing us to accept their lies as true and abnormal lifestyles as a normal way of life. As a country we are losing our moral way and this will eventually destroy us. We must take the fight to those that are part of the destruction of our country. What we saw during this election is that if you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it. This is the same rhetoric that Hitler used and we know how that worked out. Believe me, if the Obama administration lost, we would have seen outrage from the media and possibly riots in the street and accusations of fraud and corruption in the election process. We know that the Chicago way is fraud and corruption.
Time to use our power for the good of the country or we will not have a country.
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