Sunday, November 25, 2012
So, were you stupid enough to expect otherwise?
So Egypt President Morsi decrees that all power is his and he will decide what is right and wrong and how government will work according to him. A dictator has taken control and who is supprise by this. Anyone with half a brain knows that Democracy and Islam are not compatible. Democracy as we know it will not work in an Islamic country. Sharia law, the Q'uran will not work and any idea that it will work makes such an individual an idiot. So much for an Arab spring. If one was following the news and not listening to the rhetroic from the Obama administration and its media followers, you would know that their was a movement towards a Caliphate being pushed by Iran that will eventually give us a United Arab States that will not and will never be a democracy where the freedoms that we see in our constitution will ever exist. Then again, is what Morsi did any different to what Obama does thru Executive Orders that he passes on to department heads to enforce, like the EPA, Energy, Labor etc. Get ready for an onslaught of rules and regulations that will strangle our economy and very quickly invade any privacy you thought our constitution gave you. Remember, 50% of the voting idiots elected these radicals to a second term and when you can get 50% support, you will get elected as Hitler stated and proved.
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