Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Why do Blacks vote mostly Democrat?
If you are black and conservative in this country you are mocked and ridiculed and the butt of jokes. However, what does history say about blacks and the Republican Party. Seven blacks, all Republicans were the first blacks elected to the 41st and 42nd Congress, (1869 & 1871). They were Benjamin Turner, Robert De Large, Josiah Walls, Jefferson Long, Joseph H. Rainey, Robert B. Elliott and Hiram Rhodes Revels the first black elected to the Senate. All opposed by the Democrats. Sen. Revels it should be known, occupied the seat once held by Jefferson Davis. It is also interesting that Mr. Rainey was the first of 23 blacks, all Republicans elected to Congress and 13 of these had been former slaves. The Democrats did not elect their first black until 1935 and from Illinois, not the south. In addition, the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution push civil rights and yet, they were 100% opposed by the Democrats and only passed with 100% Republican support. All through the history of this country, any civil rights legislation was strongly opposed by the Democrats even though the Republicans supported this type of legislation. President Eisenhower, JFK also tried, but the Democrats rejected their attempts. It wasn't until President Johnson saw the political advantage to passing this type of legislation and it passed only with Republican support. And yet, most blacks vote Democrat and mock those blacks who support Republican candidates or run on the Republican ticket. The blacks were persecuted by Democrats in the south as well whites that were Republicans and supported efforts for blacks. All these facts are out there if one would search for them. Yet, the Democrats like to blame the Republicans for the problems the blacks have today and yesterday. Since many blacks do not research for the facts, they beleive what they are told. And their so called advocates in Congress and the likes of other black leaders just take them for a ride. It is called making a living off those who don't know history.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
We elect politicians rather than Americans
We elect politicians who want power rather than Americans who believe in our Constitution
We elect politicians who would rather have their party in power than Americans who believe in our Constitution as the guide to governing our country.
We elect politicians who would rather subvert the Constitution by using agency appointees to issue regulations, circumventing the Constitution that requires Congress to make laws.
We elect politicians who would rather provide for their friends through political payback through crony capitalism rather than balance our budget by making the hard decisions the electorate want and a continuation of deficit spending and borrowing from countries that do not have our best interest at heart.
We elect politicians who put their own personal interest and agenda over the country's.
We elect politicians who lie and deceive the electorate with false promises, accusations to better their political career rather than save this country from destroying itself from within.
We elect politicians who really could give a rats butt about anything but themselves, their party and their friends.
We have 535 members in Congress (House and Senate) and maybe 510 love themselves over the constitution.
But we have approximately 50% of an electorate who are clueless on those politicians who are in office, running for office and on those issues that are destroying this country. Also, they the next time they read the Constitution will be the first. The next time they name a Founding Father the sun will not shine. Unfortunately, these people vote and we wonder why we have the problems we have. Maybe we need an intelligence and history test before casting a ballot. Nothing earth shattering, but maybe who we fought in WWI, WWII and why. Who was president at the time, why communism, socialism, Marxism and Nazis were evil then and still are today. Of course a question like that would offend many in the Democratic party.
We are getting dumb and dumber, and we still reward our teachers who don't teach our history and are probably clueless also. Not all, but most.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
It just doesn't work
First we hear that Romney put a dog on the roof of his car in the 1980's, but that did not work since Obama claims he ate a dog.
Then it was that Romney engaged in some rowdiness while in high school in 1985, but that did not work since Obama admitted in his book that he rarely attended his last two years in high school but did engage in partying and drug use.
The question is how did Obama get into college and what were his high school grades. Besides we have never seen his college transcripts, but we do know what Sarah Palin's grades were as well as almost the exact second she twisted her ankle while playing basketball. But what we know about Obama is only what he tells us and lately is recollections appear to be fantasy and made up. It essence his life is really a fantasy. But we do know his is narcissistic, gets angry if he does not get his way, (we see that with Congress and the Supreme Court) and he tells one lie after another but the lamestream media just lets it fly.
Then his gang goes after the donors to Romney's campaign but the media completely ignores Obama colleting mega money from Wall St. Attack Wall St. but keep your hand behind your back opened.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Will the Jews wake up this election
When will the Jews in this country wake up and realize that President Obama is pro Palestinian, pro Muslim Brotherhood and anti-Israel. This president is living what he wrote in his book, Dreams From My Father. Note the title is From and not Of. Obama's father was a Marxist bordering on Communism, his mother Stanley Ann Dunham was also a Marxist, his grand parents, card carrying Communist and his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis was a member of the communist party and came under investigation of the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover in 1948. Obama's father, was anti-colonialist and hated, England, Spain, France, United States and all the other colonial countries of years ago. President Obama is living the dreams from his father and is doing his best to institute his father's beliefs in his policies. Israel is at the top of his list, followed by us. This president would like nothing better than to turn us into a third world country if not destroy us altogether. If Obama gets reelected, the world will be doomed as well as our country as Obama will continue to ignore Congress and do what a despot dictator would do. Congress lacks the B's to take this president head on. Remember this when voting. APO. Anybody But Obama. Romney may have his faults, and like most candidates he is not perfect, but he is not a socialist, communist nor does he espouse these points of view. He believes in the United States and how with hard work you can succeed. Obama believes in womb to grave government control of your life and that has been tried throughout history of the world and failed every time. The Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela today, Iron Curtain countries and what we see in France, Italy, Greece, Spain Portugal and the other Euro countries today. But Obama does not care, knowing that government control and the destruction of this country as we know it, is his objective. Hope to God he fails. But then again, we are becoming more and more like Sodom and Gomorrah with moral decay that is the objective of the left in this country. That is how the Roman Empire died and Obama would be overjoyed if this happen to us. His father's goal is his goal.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
President Obama and his form of change
The change that President Obama wants to pursue is changing us from a Constitutional Republic to a Communist/Marxist form of government, where power is transferred from We The People to me the government. It has never worked in the past, present and no hope for that form of government in the future. But Obama and his other academic comrades believe this form of government was never done correctly and they are better educated and they know better. This is the mush they learned in their Ivy League schools where socialism and communism is the mainstream and government knows best. Of course, they forget to mention the millions of people that these type of regimes has slaughtered to get their point of view across. That is why Obama and company are always pushing for a new angle to restrict the 2nd amendment. The amendment that stands in the way of their comrades getting what they want, complete control of all aspects of our lives. Cradle to grave. Of course, if you balk against what they want to do, you may end of in the grave faster than you think. This is what this form of government is known for. Do what we tell you or disappear. Very simple.