Monday, January 30, 2012
Tebow and Abortion
With the end of the football season upon us, will we still continue to see the mocking of Tim Tebow? Is this mocking because Tebow is a threat to the pro-abortion advocates or secularist? After all, we know Tebow was recommended for death by a doctor who urged Tebow's mother to have an abortion. Since Roe vs. Wade we have seen over 50 million abortions, but fortunately Tebow's mother gave birth which ask the question: "How many other Tebow's, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Einstein's etc. were killed through abortion". Add to that the number of potential parents that have been adversely affected by the trauma of abortion. Do abortion advocates believe that God will find their behavior acceptable? As a society, we seem to measure a person's success by what they have accomplished in life either through sports, business, entertainment or financial success. But, how will God measure a person's success? How the world looked at your success or how you treated your fellow man? Something to consider in one's life. After all, we have cheapen life as we can read in the papers every day. It seems lack of respect for life regardless of whether it is in the womb or a hospital bed is another way of saying if it is not wanted or a person becomes a burden, kill it.
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