Hard to believe I am writing this. But we had our heads in the sand because we believed our Constitution would protect us from radical politicans and others. I would like to think that God allowed Obama to get elected so we would get our heads out of the sand and save the only country the world can turn to for help. Without our leadership, the world as we know it will cease to exist.
This election comes down to 4 things.
ABO Anybody but Obama
ABS Anybody but a Socialist
ABC Anybody but a Communist
ABM Anybody but a Marxist
But the real problem, is that the establishment in both parties do not want a strict constitutionalist selected anywhere in the election process. That is why we are limited in our selection. It comes down to what they want and the news media thinks will get an audience at debates. That is why at the debates over the last 5 months, the preferred candidate or candidates were in the center and the not preferred on the ends and then the elimination process began. Then the question to ask, will things be different if a Republican is elected. I do believe however, the candidates running are better than what we have in office now. Hopefully, the Democrats will lose the House and Senate and we will then see. If not, we can make changes in the Congress in 2 years.
But then again, it appears we may have a war in the Middle East over oil with Iran and it will snowball from there with economic catastrophe as oil deliveries will come to a standstill in that area. Since Iran believes the time is right for the 12th Imam, and with Obama in the White House, now is the time and war is their solution with the idea that Islam will be the winner. And since we are not expanding our oil exploration, we will be caught up in this unless of course we have many windmill automobiles to get around. This will lead to food cost rising or none at all and what do people do who become desperate. Since we are losing our moral compass and little respect for life, it will become survival of the strongest. Anarchy will set in. We will see everyone out for themselves. I hope not, and instead we all pitch in to help each other, but we have anarchist among us who are just waiting and if we take the bait, we will be just like them. Violence has never been the answer in the world. But it has also been said, desperate people may do desperate things.
This next election in November 2012 will be our last Constitutional Democratic Republic election in this country if Obama wins. We already see this president circumventing the constitution and Congress just rolls over and if reelected, we will see a dictator in the making. This will also be the most corrupt election as all those so called community organized groups will continue where they left off in the 2008 election. The dead will be raised to vote and those here illegal will be given the opportunity to exercise their voting rights that they don't have. Contrary to what you hear, it is not difficult for illegals to vote which is why the Democrats do not want voter ID laws. So, tell your friends to get out to vote and vote often. If you have friends in Chicago, get them to vote as many times as they want.
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