Monday, January 30, 2012
Tebow and Abortion
With the end of the football season upon us, will we still continue to see the mocking of Tim Tebow? Is this mocking because Tebow is a threat to the pro-abortion advocates or secularist? After all, we know Tebow was recommended for death by a doctor who urged Tebow's mother to have an abortion. Since Roe vs. Wade we have seen over 50 million abortions, but fortunately Tebow's mother gave birth which ask the question: "How many other Tebow's, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Einstein's etc. were killed through abortion". Add to that the number of potential parents that have been adversely affected by the trauma of abortion. Do abortion advocates believe that God will find their behavior acceptable? As a society, we seem to measure a person's success by what they have accomplished in life either through sports, business, entertainment or financial success. But, how will God measure a person's success? How the world looked at your success or how you treated your fellow man? Something to consider in one's life. After all, we have cheapen life as we can read in the papers every day. It seems lack of respect for life regardless of whether it is in the womb or a hospital bed is another way of saying if it is not wanted or a person becomes a burden, kill it.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Obama, the election and the world
Hard to believe I am writing this. But we had our heads in the sand because we believed our Constitution would protect us from radical politicans and others. I would like to think that God allowed Obama to get elected so we would get our heads out of the sand and save the only country the world can turn to for help. Without our leadership, the world as we know it will cease to exist.
This election comes down to 4 things.
ABO Anybody but Obama
ABS Anybody but a Socialist
ABC Anybody but a Communist
ABM Anybody but a Marxist
But the real problem, is that the establishment in both parties do not want a strict constitutionalist selected anywhere in the election process. That is why we are limited in our selection. It comes down to what they want and the news media thinks will get an audience at debates. That is why at the debates over the last 5 months, the preferred candidate or candidates were in the center and the not preferred on the ends and then the elimination process began. Then the question to ask, will things be different if a Republican is elected. I do believe however, the candidates running are better than what we have in office now. Hopefully, the Democrats will lose the House and Senate and we will then see. If not, we can make changes in the Congress in 2 years.
But then again, it appears we may have a war in the Middle East over oil with Iran and it will snowball from there with economic catastrophe as oil deliveries will come to a standstill in that area. Since Iran believes the time is right for the 12th Imam, and with Obama in the White House, now is the time and war is their solution with the idea that Islam will be the winner. And since we are not expanding our oil exploration, we will be caught up in this unless of course we have many windmill automobiles to get around. This will lead to food cost rising or none at all and what do people do who become desperate. Since we are losing our moral compass and little respect for life, it will become survival of the strongest. Anarchy will set in. We will see everyone out for themselves. I hope not, and instead we all pitch in to help each other, but we have anarchist among us who are just waiting and if we take the bait, we will be just like them. Violence has never been the answer in the world. But it has also been said, desperate people may do desperate things.
This next election in November 2012 will be our last Constitutional Democratic Republic election in this country if Obama wins. We already see this president circumventing the constitution and Congress just rolls over and if reelected, we will see a dictator in the making. This will also be the most corrupt election as all those so called community organized groups will continue where they left off in the 2008 election. The dead will be raised to vote and those here illegal will be given the opportunity to exercise their voting rights that they don't have. Contrary to what you hear, it is not difficult for illegals to vote which is why the Democrats do not want voter ID laws. So, tell your friends to get out to vote and vote often. If you have friends in Chicago, get them to vote as many times as they want.
This election comes down to 4 things.
ABO Anybody but Obama
ABS Anybody but a Socialist
ABC Anybody but a Communist
ABM Anybody but a Marxist
But the real problem, is that the establishment in both parties do not want a strict constitutionalist selected anywhere in the election process. That is why we are limited in our selection. It comes down to what they want and the news media thinks will get an audience at debates. That is why at the debates over the last 5 months, the preferred candidate or candidates were in the center and the not preferred on the ends and then the elimination process began. Then the question to ask, will things be different if a Republican is elected. I do believe however, the candidates running are better than what we have in office now. Hopefully, the Democrats will lose the House and Senate and we will then see. If not, we can make changes in the Congress in 2 years.
But then again, it appears we may have a war in the Middle East over oil with Iran and it will snowball from there with economic catastrophe as oil deliveries will come to a standstill in that area. Since Iran believes the time is right for the 12th Imam, and with Obama in the White House, now is the time and war is their solution with the idea that Islam will be the winner. And since we are not expanding our oil exploration, we will be caught up in this unless of course we have many windmill automobiles to get around. This will lead to food cost rising or none at all and what do people do who become desperate. Since we are losing our moral compass and little respect for life, it will become survival of the strongest. Anarchy will set in. We will see everyone out for themselves. I hope not, and instead we all pitch in to help each other, but we have anarchist among us who are just waiting and if we take the bait, we will be just like them. Violence has never been the answer in the world. But it has also been said, desperate people may do desperate things.
This next election in November 2012 will be our last Constitutional Democratic Republic election in this country if Obama wins. We already see this president circumventing the constitution and Congress just rolls over and if reelected, we will see a dictator in the making. This will also be the most corrupt election as all those so called community organized groups will continue where they left off in the 2008 election. The dead will be raised to vote and those here illegal will be given the opportunity to exercise their voting rights that they don't have. Contrary to what you hear, it is not difficult for illegals to vote which is why the Democrats do not want voter ID laws. So, tell your friends to get out to vote and vote often. If you have friends in Chicago, get them to vote as many times as they want.
Monday, January 9, 2012
The deficit again rears its ugly head
The bulging deficit is raising it's ugly head again. There is another push to increase our deficit to over $16 Trillion. Wasn't it just a few months ago we were debating increasing the deficit to $15 Trillion. When will this madness end? This administration and Congress, regardless of political affiliation, are more interested in getting re-elected and keeping their party in power. So we continue to spend money we do not have to buy votes by using taxpayer dollars. The legislative and executive branches of government for years have never seen a dollar they could not spend.
We cut payroll taxes under the illusion this will put more money into the consumers pocket to spend. But where are all the seniors that have been crying "don't touch my Social Security", when the payroll tax cut actually decreases the amount of money being deposited into the Social Security fund, depleting the available funds faster. But we should not worry, since the Fed will print more money. If we continue down this road of deficit spending and printing money, we will need a wheelbarrow of money just to buy a loaf of bread. Remember what happen in the Weimar Republic in the 20's. We have a spending problem and our elected officials lack the courage to actually address our spending to decrease our deficit. Better to just increase the deficit and remain in office. God forbid we actually make spending cuts that would be effective immediately rather than 10 years down the road.
We cut payroll taxes under the illusion this will put more money into the consumers pocket to spend. But where are all the seniors that have been crying "don't touch my Social Security", when the payroll tax cut actually decreases the amount of money being deposited into the Social Security fund, depleting the available funds faster. But we should not worry, since the Fed will print more money. If we continue down this road of deficit spending and printing money, we will need a wheelbarrow of money just to buy a loaf of bread. Remember what happen in the Weimar Republic in the 20's. We have a spending problem and our elected officials lack the courage to actually address our spending to decrease our deficit. Better to just increase the deficit and remain in office. God forbid we actually make spending cuts that would be effective immediately rather than 10 years down the road.
The Presidential Candidates
Having read many articles on the Republican candidates, I guess it is time for me to present my observations. The number one goal this election is to defeat Obama. This is going to be the last election in our lifetime to save our form of government. I firmly believe this and the way Obama has circumvented Congress is a clear indication of this individual's and his Democratic operatives movement to destroy what our Founders have given us and which both parties over the years have wilted away while we had our heads in the sand. We had an awakening when this arrogant, inexperience President and his Marxist ideology was pushing his agenda through a Democratic controlled Congress. The election in 2010 at least brought some control over his agenda, although the Republican Congressional leaders seem weak in standing their ground. That is why this 2012 election is about ABO (anybody but Obama) as well as Republican control of the Senate while maintaining control of the House. Now, I am not a supporter of the establishment in either party that seems to want to protect their little world in Washington that they have all built for themselves to the detriment of the electorate. After all, why would someone want to spend upwards of $1 million dollars for a job that only pays $174,000 if there are not other benefits involved like expenses, pension, insurance and most of all power as well as the opportunity to engage in insider trading. After all, how many members of Congress leave poor or with the same amount of income and savings they entered with. With that being said, the large number of Republican candidates we see gives us an option of choices. We also know, that all the candidates regardless of political affiliation have baggage, but we have to look at the issues and the big picture on each candidate and make our choice. Now we also know, the candidate we support may not be the final selection that will win the nomination. But all the ideas each candidate has put forward may help in setting the Republican Party platform and hopefully give the selected candidate the knowledge what the electorate are looking for in a candidate and may have an influence on that candidate's campaign and if elected his decisions as President. The other important issue is that the Republican party must also take control of the Senate or we will have a continuation of the stalemate we now see where the House passes bills, the Senate doesn't even bring them to the floor for an up or down vote and we have the President, Democratic leaders and the news media complaining that we have a do nothing Congress. When in fact, it is a do nothing Democratic controlled Senate that is the problem. Like many people, I would love a 3rd party candidate that could be a voice of the people, but any 3rd party candidate in this election will automatically mean another 4 years of Obama. Something that is intolerable to even think about. A 3rd party is something that actually takes years to implement with any possibility of defeating a Democratic or Republican party candidate. That is why we are trying to gain control of the local Republican parties in the country to have our voices heard. We know that the Democratic party is moving to the far left with its socialist agenda while the Republican party is teetering in that direction. The tea party candidates that won in the last election is a move in the right direction and in 2012 we must push for more Congressional candidates that meet our commitment to a government of the people, for the people. No candidate will be perfect, but it is important that the Democrats lose control of the Senate and the Republicans that are in charge actually have courage to stand up for our values unlike the weak leaders we now see. We may not like the eventual candidate that wins the Republican nomination, at this time, but I believe it all comes back to ABO. However, if the Tea Party can have its voice heard again in this election like we did in 2010, we will become a force on issues now and in the future. So, it interesting hearing all the diverse opinions on each presidential candidate and keep it up. But remember, the bottom line is Obama must go or we will not survive as a nation. Make your complaints on the issues and candidates now, but unite in the goal of making Obama "A One Term President". Our future, and the future of our country is at stake.