Thursday, June 16, 2011
Operation Fast and Furious
In my opinion, this operation had two missions. Mission #1, if you wish to believe it, was to trace weapon purchases made in the US that end up in Mexico. Mission #2, I believe is the real reason for this operation. If one looks back to last year, remember when both President Obama and Hillary Clinton made accusations that 90% of guns used by the Mexican cartels are from the US. This argument was used because the Obama administration is attempting to restrict the sale, use and possession of guns in the US. What better way then using their argument of guns flowing from the US to Mexico. However, they did not anticipate that the ATF actually had patriots working for the agency and would not go along with the program. Hopefully, we will be able to prosecute those responsible for this outrageous debacle.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The SS and Medicare discussion
If we don’t get our government spending under control, there will be no money left for all those programs or so called entitlements that some do not want touched. Just like us, if we do not curtail our spending, we could find ourselves out on the street completely bankrupt, broke and homeless. Citizens must realize that we cannot continue on this path and we must take action now or we will become in the history books as the “Once Great America”. Failure is not an option. If we fail, then the secularist, anti-God proponents will win. Those of us on SS and Medicare must realize promises given can not be kept at the present pace. As the baby boomers come eligible for these programs, we find ourselves spending more money than we see coming in. We cannot live that way and neither can the government. We must stand for change now or we will destroy ourselves. And to think what the world will be without the United States, the defender of so many over the years, the world’s security blanket as well as a new home for so many immigrants that provides promise of a better life or as President Reagan once said, the Beacon on the Hill. If that beacon is extinguished, the world we will find is not a world I want to live in. What we are leaving our children by our selfish behavior of saying “do not touch my SS or Medicare” is a disgrace. Congressman Ryan’s proposal does not affect those who are 55 yrs or older, but attempts to get control of cost by making necessary changes so those below the age of 55 will have something. Doing nothing as it seems President Obama and his minions want is no a viable option. The old saying “You can either pay me now or pay me later” applies today.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Obama and his minions
Isn't it amazing that during the Bush administration both Pelosi and Reid practically castrated Bush on the rise in gasoline ($3.00 a gal.) and unemployment at 5%. But, today we do not hear a squeak from either these two bananas as well as the rest of the socialist democrats. I wonder why? Could it be because we have a socialist democratic president. That is so obvious, it could not be the answer. It must be because it was Bush and Bush just irritated them. No drilling, no expansion of our energy resources that could reduce unemployment as well increase income to our government and businesses. Instead, this administration would rather send approximately $900 billion overseas rather than having that money spent going to this country. Even if only half of the $900 billion was spent in this country rather than given to Middle East countries that really want our destruction, would be a tremendous boost to our economy at the present time. But since we have a president, that just like his father as he has written in his book, "Dreams From My Father" has a dislike for all the former colonial countries as well as this country he now has been elected to as president. His desire is to reduce this country to a 3rd world country. Rather than encourage other countries to come up to our living standard, he rather lower ours to theirs. And we are allowing this to happen. Remember, during the 2008 presidential campaign, the then candidate Obama said that if you want to know about me look at those that I associate with. Well, we now have and we do not like what we see. Admitted communist, socialist, Marxist as well as other radicals whose thinking is the destruction of the United States. They believe that all other experiments in socialism and Marxism have failed because they just did not get it right but they know better. We are talking about academics who have no real experience in the world outside universities. In the real world, socialism and Marxism are failures and will never work and in fact if anyone can name any country in the past 230 years where such a system has work, where the people excelled without government interference and control, please let us know? You will be the first. Under this president the beacon on the hill is fading and if we do not change course, as we go, the whole world will follow. We must make the beacon shine bright again, and to do this, we must make a drastic change in our direction to a more less government control and regulation and allow our free enterprise system to flourish as in previous years. Remember, our country was founded on "We The People", not "We The Government". That is why we fought a revolutionary war with England. To get out from under domination and control. Least we forget, we are heading down that same road again. Wake up and speak out before it is too late. Know the real history of this country, not the falsehoods that liberal professors and teachers teach.
The Deficit Again
Many liberals still believe that former President Bush is responsible for our $14 Trillion deficit, although when he left the deficit was only $10 Trillion after 8 years in office. Nothing to brag about of course. President Obama has been in office for a little over two years and has increased the deficit over $4 Trillion more. For Obama it will always be former President Bush's fault. The liberals try to blame talk radio and Fox News. However, this is a failure in leadership. We see the economy teetering, unemployment at 9%, fuel prices skyrocketing, inflation running nearly 10% if we count fuel and food into the equation that our government so nicely omits, another war in Libya that has no objectives and a president that has been campaigning since 2007 and who has not presented an original idea of his own since inauguration. They complain that Rep. Ryan's budget plan will kill little children and our senior citizens because he recommended addressing our entitlements. Now, on Saturday we see the headline where both Medicare and SS have a shorten life expectancy and unless these programs are reformed, many of future retirees may have to rethink their retirement plans. And yet, some may question why Obama is sinking in the polls to below 50%. Yes, he got a boost from OBL's death, but that will be short lived. So my question to all those Obama supporters is: "How's that hope and change working out for you?
President Obama rescinds the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) to satisfy his radical left supporters. This is in keeping with rescinding the Don't Ask Don't Tell in the military. The liberal left is attempting to place lesbianism and homosexuality on the same level as marriage between a man and women. They are attempting to brainwash our youths by getting them to accept such behavior that is intrinsically immoral as a "normal" lifestyle. For those of us that were taught American and World History in the classroom in the 1950's we learned that both the Greek and Roman Empires were destroyed internally by society decaying into immorality. We also learned that the United States would not be destroyed from external forces, but adversarial forces from within will attempt to destroy us. Our moral decay is only one nail in our coffin as we also see the Socialist, Marxist and Communist uniting with the union demonstrators to foster internal unrest while pushing these tried and failed ideologies as a replacement for our Republican form of government. The old saying "Those who fail to understand history, tend to repeat it" is alive and well in the United States.