Thursday, June 9, 2011
The SS and Medicare discussion
If we don’t get our government spending under control, there will be no money left for all those programs or so called entitlements that some do not want touched. Just like us, if we do not curtail our spending, we could find ourselves out on the street completely bankrupt, broke and homeless. Citizens must realize that we cannot continue on this path and we must take action now or we will become in the history books as the “Once Great America”. Failure is not an option. If we fail, then the secularist, anti-God proponents will win. Those of us on SS and Medicare must realize promises given can not be kept at the present pace. As the baby boomers come eligible for these programs, we find ourselves spending more money than we see coming in. We cannot live that way and neither can the government. We must stand for change now or we will destroy ourselves. And to think what the world will be without the United States, the defender of so many over the years, the world’s security blanket as well as a new home for so many immigrants that provides promise of a better life or as President Reagan once said, the Beacon on the Hill. If that beacon is extinguished, the world we will find is not a world I want to live in. What we are leaving our children by our selfish behavior of saying “do not touch my SS or Medicare” is a disgrace. Congressman Ryan’s proposal does not affect those who are 55 yrs or older, but attempts to get control of cost by making necessary changes so those below the age of 55 will have something. Doing nothing as it seems President Obama and his minions want is no a viable option. The old saying “You can either pay me now or pay me later” applies today.
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