Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The Deficit Again
Many liberals still believe that former President Bush is responsible for our $14 Trillion deficit, although when he left the deficit was only $10 Trillion after 8 years in office. Nothing to brag about of course. President Obama has been in office for a little over two years and has increased the deficit over $4 Trillion more. For Obama it will always be former President Bush's fault. The liberals try to blame talk radio and Fox News. However, this is a failure in leadership. We see the economy teetering, unemployment at 9%, fuel prices skyrocketing, inflation running nearly 10% if we count fuel and food into the equation that our government so nicely omits, another war in Libya that has no objectives and a president that has been campaigning since 2007 and who has not presented an original idea of his own since inauguration. They complain that Rep. Ryan's budget plan will kill little children and our senior citizens because he recommended addressing our entitlements. Now, on Saturday we see the headline where both Medicare and SS have a shorten life expectancy and unless these programs are reformed, many of future retirees may have to rethink their retirement plans. And yet, some may question why Obama is sinking in the polls to below 50%. Yes, he got a boost from OBL's death, but that will be short lived. So my question to all those Obama supporters is: "How's that hope and change working out for you?
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