Monday, December 27, 2010
Class Warfare
First we have Obama administration and Democrats in Congress playing the race card to try to accomplish their radical changes in our country by trying to make anyone who opposes Obama to be a racist. Then they have moved on to class warfare by going after those making more than $250,000 as if they are responsible for all the trillions of dollars this administration and Congress have given us in the last 2 years. And remember, the Democrats have been in control of congress since 2006. Some interesting facts that should be considered: Of the 140 million that filed tax returns in 2008 only 5% with an adjusted growth income (AGI) made more than $160,000 a year, but paid more than 58.7 of the taxes collected. Only 1.4 million with an AGI in excess of $380,000, a mere 1% of the total filers, paid 38% of the taxes, while the other 133 million paid 94% of the total whose income was below $160,000. There were 58 million who paid no taxes. In fact, many of them were paid money via the earned tax credit. The question is, "Is it fair that 5% of the taxpayers pay 60% of the taxes collected?" The rich are not the responsible for our large deficits, but Congress and who has controlled of Congress for the past 4 years and the White House for the past 2 years. That is where the deficit spending and our $14 trillion deficit comes from. Congress has never seen a dollar they could not spend. Forget about where the money comes from, they will just find a way to tax more so they can spend more. The time to cut spending is upon us and printing more money to pay bills will only lead to hyper-inflation and all our money will then become worthless. But maybe, that is what this radical administration wants in a vain attempt to put in place a socialist society. Of course for anyone who reads history knows that socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried. It may last for 50 or 70 years, but eventually it collapses on its own weight of debt, corruption and poverty it creates.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Be alert and watchful for the 112 Congress
Be watchful of the Democrats as they will pull out all the punches to try and scuttle any Republican agenda or legislation in order to get the media on their side on how the Republicans cannot do the job they promised during the campaign. Of course we already know that compromise is not in the dictionary of Reid, Pelosi and Obama. And we can say this with 100% certainty by reviewing the last two years of Congress where decisions were made behind close doors, Republicans were not invited to even submit ideas or amendments to legislation, and how you had to pass a bill to know what was in it. Need I say more.
The truth about so called compromise
In Obama's almost 2 years in office he has never asked for or supported bipartisanship. In his previous speeches he told the Republicans in no uncertain terms that the election was over and they could get with the program (Democratic program) or get out of the way. He also indicated during this summer campaign that the Republicans should get to the back of the bus and get out of the way. Now with the Nov. elections, all of a sudden he realizes that his radical legislation agenda is in jeopardy and he must appear that compromise is good and this is what he wanted all along although all he speeches up to the present was "I am the President and the Democrats are in charge and either you are with us or get out of the way". Don't be fooled by what he has just said about the Tax Bill compromise since this is just a smoke screen to hide his great displeasure in not getting what he wants. His ideology will not allow him to even hint of moving toward the center. This man believes in a Marist/Socialist agenda and the only reason it has not worked in the past with other countries is because they did not apply the concept correctly and with his other elitist they will do it right. Yet, no matter how you wish to spin it, Marxist/Socialist governments to not work and any movement towards that direction, as we now see in Europe, will only lead to unrest and disappointment to the citizens. You can only take so much money from the citizens before the well runs dry and government control over production and industry has always failed. I mean, when was the last time our government cut spending and balance the budget. If Obama moved to cut spending he could not institute his socialist programs and agenda and we all know Congress has not met a dollar they could not spend. The next two years will show the real side of Obama as he blames the Republicans for anything and everything that happens in this country. He is above blame because he walks on water and came to save us. If you believe his rhetoric, I know a bridge in Brooklyn that is for sale.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Whose Money is it Anyway?
Regarding the debate on whether to extend the Bush tax cuts, the question that should really be asked is, "Whose money is it anyway". Does the government control our paycheck and tell us what we will receive or is it "We the People", through our elected representatives that should tell the government what we will give them. In these economic times, families must control expenses and yet all the rhetoric on these tax cuts have not included the government reducing their spending. Instead of claiming that continuing tax cuts for those making more than $250,000 will cost the government billions, why not cut spending a few $100 billion dollars a year to move towards a balance budget. Increasing taxes will not reduce our massive uncontrollable deficit unless we undertake hard choices and reduce government spending. We can start by using the unspent stimulus that has not worked as the unemployment stats indicate for the unemployed and by having a 20% cut in salaries from the White House, cabinet appointees, czars and all administrative staff down through Congress and their staff and any person who complains can find another job. There are many qualified unemployed people who will gladly take their job. Washington must lead by example. What happened on November 2 can be repeated in 2012. Not another extra tax dollar should be given to government until government makes the hard choices to reduce our deficit and reckless spending. Balancing the budget first should be job #1.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Class Warfare?
The discussion on whether to extend the Bush tax cuts but not include those making over $250,000 which is just another way for the Democrats to pursue their ideology that includes class warfare. The Democrats have been doing this for years beginning with black Americans by getting them to feed from the public trough rather than encouraging them to better themselves through education and family values and keeping the family intact. How many forget that Pres. Eisenhower attempted to have Congress pass a civil rights bill and then it was Pres. Kennedy who attempted the same type of legislation but both failed because the Democrats would not support such legislation. Then along comes Pres. Johnson and with and only with the support of the Republicans did the 1964 Civil Rights act pass. This bill did not have wide support among Democrats. In fact in order to provide more rights and liberties, it was the Republicans that pushed to pass the 12th, 13th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution to provide rights to blacks that the southern Democrats were blocking through various means and devices. Yet we see the Democrats using class warfare to keep the black vote and now trying to claim that our economic problems is because of the taxes the rich do not pay. And now these same Democrats are attempting to obtain Hispanic support by claiming Republicans would put them on a bus and send them back to Mexico. We see how Rev. Jackson and Sharpton continue to use race as a impetus for financial gain for themselves. Of course we see this now with Congressman Rangel and previous to that Congressman Adam Clayton Powell who go through the motions but live a lifestyle that many they serve can only dream about. Race and class warfare is how the Democrats keep in power and the voters don't seem to have a clue how they are being ripped off. But as long as the money faucet is not turned off, they will continue to get re-elected.