Thursday, July 29, 2010
Some knew then what could happen.
In his book "The Road To Serfdom" author F. A. Hayek is discussing how countries move towards socialism and socialist form of government stated that it is first a psychological change, an alteration in the character of the people. This is necessarily a slow affair, a process which extends not over a few years but perhaps over one or two generations. This means, among other things, that even a strong tradition of political liberty is no safeguard if the danger is precisely that new institutions and policies will gradually undermine and destroy the spirit. The consequences can of course be averted if that spirit reasserts itself in time and the people not only throw out the party which has been leading them further in the dangerous direction but also recognize the nature of the danger and resolutely change their course. This was written in 1944 concerning what was the beginning of what he saw with the coming of socialism in Europe. And now what do we see taking place today in this country.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Redistribution of Wealth?
It is interesting that the Democrats are so concerned about their fellow man that they believe that wealth should be redistributed. However, when it comes to their wealth the redistribution stops. Sen. Kerry buys a $7 million yacht and to avoid paying sales tax and excise taxes, he docks it in Rhode Island instead of Massachusetts. And according to news reports, if it remains in Rhode Island for at least 6 months, he can avoid all taxes.
The Clinton's will spend somewhere between $3 to 4 million on their daughter's wedding without blinking an eye. What is interesting about this is that when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas when he was elected as president, he salary was approximately $45,000 and Hillary's was at least twice that. Eight years later after leaving the presidency, their net worth was well over $8 million and is close to double that today. You have better believe that their wealth will not be redistributed. It is your money that they want to take and distribute according to who and what they want. Rather than have you donate your money to the organizations you want to support, the government is telling you that they will do it better, since they know better than you. You do not know how to spend your money, only the government know best. Remember this rhetoric when entering the voting booth. A liberal has never seen a dollar of someone else's money they did not want to spend.
The Clinton's will spend somewhere between $3 to 4 million on their daughter's wedding without blinking an eye. What is interesting about this is that when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas when he was elected as president, he salary was approximately $45,000 and Hillary's was at least twice that. Eight years later after leaving the presidency, their net worth was well over $8 million and is close to double that today. You have better believe that their wealth will not be redistributed. It is your money that they want to take and distribute according to who and what they want. Rather than have you donate your money to the organizations you want to support, the government is telling you that they will do it better, since they know better than you. You do not know how to spend your money, only the government know best. Remember this rhetoric when entering the voting booth. A liberal has never seen a dollar of someone else's money they did not want to spend.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Democrats not supporting Obama?
Just remember as we see some democrats not supporting doing away with the Bush tax cuts, that we must not celebrate. Because, the election is coming up on Nov. 2 and the democrats must do whatever they can to get themselves elected. That is why we also see the Arizona democrats supporting the Arizona law on illegal immigration since they hope it will get them re-elected. In reality, these democrats are supporters of Obama, but with the consent of Pelosi and Reid, they are moving away from Obama in an attempt to get re-elected and secure the democrat majority in both houses of Congress. Where were these outspoken dems when they were passing the stimulus, healthcare, bailouts and other spending programs that are bankrupting this country? They hope nobody brings that up in their campaign. But they are supporters of the Disclose bill that will silence their opposition during political campaign while giving unions more power to support them. Don't be fooled. Vote them out in November or the country that our Founding Fathers gave us will no longer exist. That you can take to the bank, if there is still an independent bank.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
"Conspriacy to suppress news?"
The Daily Caller has released information contained in E mails where during the election campaign of 2008 when videos of the Rev. Wright surfaced, that the news media conspired to squash the news and use racial accusations against those addressing the Rev. Wright videos. In a further attempt to cloud the issue they marked either Fred Barnes, Karl Rove and others at the target of their racial slurs. This was a secred E mail called "Journolist" site where reporters, liberal and radical left reporters, used to communicate between themselves and decide the methods they would use. Go to the Daily Caller website to learn more. The big question is "why are we not surprised by this?"
"Acting Stupidly"
The Department of Agriculture official, Shirley Sherrod, who resigned last night, 7/19/10, was forced to resign her position by the White House. She made this accusation on CNN this morning and named names. It seems that the NAACP and the White House acted "stupidly" by overreacting without knowing all the facts on the video from her March 2010 presentation at a local NAACP convention. It appears she was explaining an incident that occurred in 1986 where she originally was bringing race into the case the white farmer was presenting and how she overcame her feelings and managed to address the problem and became friends with the farmer. However, just like with the Massachusetts incident of 1 year ago when another time President Obama admitted not knowing the facts, but still claimed the police acted stupidly. It happens again. And this is a person who is in the most powerful position in the world and yet, acts irrational without knowing the facts. Now, if there is any hint that an issue may be or become racial you will see the hair rise on the back of Obama and the usual overreaction will take place. This from a president when campaigning was pictured as someone who would ascend race. Yet, it seems teh president, his staff and media supporters are forever playing the race card. I think he should watch some old Sergeant Friday shows where Sgt. Friday wanted "just the facts, maam, just the facts." Then again that would be acting intelligently.
Monday, July 12, 2010
George Washington then and us today.
I am reading the book, "The Real George Washington", and I find letters written by George Washington in 1774 and a response to the what was happening in this country by the Virginia Legislature at the time to reflect what we are facing today if we substitute our government for the British government. I reproduce parts ofthese letter as follows: "As I observe that government is pursuing a regular plan at the expense of law and justice to overthrow our constitutional rights and liberties, how can I expect any redress from a measure which has been effectually tried already? Shall we, after this, whine and cry for relief when we have already tried in vain? Or shall we supinely sit and see one province after another fall prey to despotism?
I am convinced, as much as I am of my existence, that there is no relief but in their (British government) distress; and I think, at least I hope, that there is public virtue enough left among us to deny ourselves everything but the bare necessaries of life to accomplish this end. This we have a right to do, and no power upon earth can compel us to do otherwise till they have first reduced us to the most abject state of slavery that ever was designed for mankind.
In another letter, George Washington wrote "An innate spirit of freedom first told me that measures which the administration (British) have for some time been and now are most violent pursuing are repugnant to every principle of natural justice."
This was followed by the Virginia Legislature recognizing the vial need for a grass-roots movement, (Tea Party, 912 Project) for an increased stirring in the heart of citizenry. Only then could America unite. Only then would an arrogant Crown-at stubborn Parliament-listen. It seems the more we don't understand history, the more likely we will repeat it. Take our country back was our battle cry then and it is our battle cry today. The only difference is we will do it peacefully, and hopefully the results will be the same. There is another George Washington out there, whether male or female, and we must pray that person will surface.
I am convinced, as much as I am of my existence, that there is no relief but in their (British government) distress; and I think, at least I hope, that there is public virtue enough left among us to deny ourselves everything but the bare necessaries of life to accomplish this end. This we have a right to do, and no power upon earth can compel us to do otherwise till they have first reduced us to the most abject state of slavery that ever was designed for mankind.
In another letter, George Washington wrote "An innate spirit of freedom first told me that measures which the administration (British) have for some time been and now are most violent pursuing are repugnant to every principle of natural justice."
This was followed by the Virginia Legislature recognizing the vial need for a grass-roots movement, (Tea Party, 912 Project) for an increased stirring in the heart of citizenry. Only then could America unite. Only then would an arrogant Crown-at stubborn Parliament-listen. It seems the more we don't understand history, the more likely we will repeat it. Take our country back was our battle cry then and it is our battle cry today. The only difference is we will do it peacefully, and hopefully the results will be the same. There is another George Washington out there, whether male or female, and we must pray that person will surface.
Friday, July 9, 2010
My speech, My Dream
On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln gave one of the shortest and greatest speeches of his presidency that we now know as the Gettysburg Address. I will give a part of that speech that I believe reflects what is happening in this country today. “ Our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty………Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and dedicated can long endure”. This battle we are engaged in is not a military conflict but a battle for the minds and hearts of the citizens of this country. A battle to save our constitution from those who want to destroy our way of life and the freedoms we have enjoyed for over 230 years. There is a desire by individuals and certain groups to transform out country to a socialist society where all power is placed in the hands of the government, the presidential czars and other appointed personnel. In essence, a dictatorship where the constitution and Bill of Rights are trampled upon.
Since the modern day Tea Party that started on April 15 2009, we have seen the American people stand up and voice their objections to the path this country has been traveling for nearly 100 years that has been brought to the forefront the last 2 years with bailouts, stimulus packages, Cap and Trade legislation and trying to impose government healthcare while accumulating massive deficits that may go into the next century before it will be paid off. Providing of course we can have a balance budget during the same timeframe. The people are demanding a balance budget, reduction in our deficit and a return to representatives that actually will listen and represent the views of their constituents. The American people will no longer be couch potatoes when it comes to expressing their sentiments on issues. It is time for the American people to continue to speak up and demand change we can believe in as long as the change is getting back to what is contained in the U.S. Constitution. We want our elected officials to read the constitution, and to follow this document that many Americans have shed their blood defending.
It was Thomas Jefferson that said the following quote that applies today: “Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories”. That is why we must continue to take this fight to Washington and not relent until our representatives come to their senses or we vote them out in November 2010.
Our elected officials took an oath to defend this country from enemies both foreign and domestic and yet they are failing in this oath. Many of them today are trying to force their ideology on us that is contrary to our constitution and way of life. We are a country of legal immigration where many people in the early 20th century came to this country with the knowledge that with hard work you will become successful. Today, people still come to this country both legal and illegal to grab a piece of that success. And today we have a radical group of elected and appointed officials that want to destroy what has made us the light of the world by trying to force regulations and rules that will prohibit the continue growth of our economy and cause the radicalization of our society that are probably causing our founding fathers to roll over in their graves. We are not a people that want to be fed from the public trough through welfare and other form of handouts.
Over 40 years ago there was another famous American that gave a speech on the Washington Mall telling us that ‘He had a dream.” Well, Americans also have a dream that government of the people, by the people and for the people will not perish from the earth.
My dream is that we have true representation
My dream is that we have a balance budget before we spend any more money on new programs. For every year our elected officials do not balance the budget, they must accept a 10% pay cut.
My dream is that we have election reform where politicians can only accept money from individual constituents not to exceed $1000 and not from big labor unions, lobbyist and large corporations. As long as our elected officials can get big money from these groups their loyalty will not be to the people that elected them but to those that bribed them.
My dream is that we have term limits for our Congressional Representatives not to exceed 6 years for House Representatives and one term, 6 years, for our Senators. The purpose of representation was for the people to volunteer their services to serve the people and not create a position that they would occupy for 20, 30 or more years.
My dream is that we repeal the 17th Amendment and return to what our Founding Fathers wanted initially that our Senators are nominated and appointed by state legislators so they will more represent their state on legislation and not their party, big business and big labor.
My dream is that our Congressional Representatives should not have a lucrative pension and benefits but should have to accept Social Security, Medicare when they reach retirement age wherever they may be working. All pay raises should be voted upon by the public during government elections that are held every two years or longer. Congress should not be permitted to vote on pay raises for themselves.
My dream is that the Americans will continue to wake up and continue their vocal outburst until our representatives get the message. We all know that they are more interested in keeping their job, keeping their party in power, catering to big money and if anything is left to throw their constituents a bone every now and then. Remember come the 2010 elections what your representatives have actually done and if they avoided town hall meetings to meet with those who elected them.
Since the modern day Tea Party that started on April 15 2009, we have seen the American people stand up and voice their objections to the path this country has been traveling for nearly 100 years that has been brought to the forefront the last 2 years with bailouts, stimulus packages, Cap and Trade legislation and trying to impose government healthcare while accumulating massive deficits that may go into the next century before it will be paid off. Providing of course we can have a balance budget during the same timeframe. The people are demanding a balance budget, reduction in our deficit and a return to representatives that actually will listen and represent the views of their constituents. The American people will no longer be couch potatoes when it comes to expressing their sentiments on issues. It is time for the American people to continue to speak up and demand change we can believe in as long as the change is getting back to what is contained in the U.S. Constitution. We want our elected officials to read the constitution, and to follow this document that many Americans have shed their blood defending.
It was Thomas Jefferson that said the following quote that applies today: “Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories”. That is why we must continue to take this fight to Washington and not relent until our representatives come to their senses or we vote them out in November 2010.
Our elected officials took an oath to defend this country from enemies both foreign and domestic and yet they are failing in this oath. Many of them today are trying to force their ideology on us that is contrary to our constitution and way of life. We are a country of legal immigration where many people in the early 20th century came to this country with the knowledge that with hard work you will become successful. Today, people still come to this country both legal and illegal to grab a piece of that success. And today we have a radical group of elected and appointed officials that want to destroy what has made us the light of the world by trying to force regulations and rules that will prohibit the continue growth of our economy and cause the radicalization of our society that are probably causing our founding fathers to roll over in their graves. We are not a people that want to be fed from the public trough through welfare and other form of handouts.
Over 40 years ago there was another famous American that gave a speech on the Washington Mall telling us that ‘He had a dream.” Well, Americans also have a dream that government of the people, by the people and for the people will not perish from the earth.
My dream is that we have true representation
My dream is that we have a balance budget before we spend any more money on new programs. For every year our elected officials do not balance the budget, they must accept a 10% pay cut.
My dream is that we have election reform where politicians can only accept money from individual constituents not to exceed $1000 and not from big labor unions, lobbyist and large corporations. As long as our elected officials can get big money from these groups their loyalty will not be to the people that elected them but to those that bribed them.
My dream is that we have term limits for our Congressional Representatives not to exceed 6 years for House Representatives and one term, 6 years, for our Senators. The purpose of representation was for the people to volunteer their services to serve the people and not create a position that they would occupy for 20, 30 or more years.
My dream is that we repeal the 17th Amendment and return to what our Founding Fathers wanted initially that our Senators are nominated and appointed by state legislators so they will more represent their state on legislation and not their party, big business and big labor.
My dream is that our Congressional Representatives should not have a lucrative pension and benefits but should have to accept Social Security, Medicare when they reach retirement age wherever they may be working. All pay raises should be voted upon by the public during government elections that are held every two years or longer. Congress should not be permitted to vote on pay raises for themselves.
My dream is that the Americans will continue to wake up and continue their vocal outburst until our representatives get the message. We all know that they are more interested in keeping their job, keeping their party in power, catering to big money and if anything is left to throw their constituents a bone every now and then. Remember come the 2010 elections what your representatives have actually done and if they avoided town hall meetings to meet with those who elected them.
The Spy Swap
The Spy Swap
Ever wonder why we were so quick to swap the Russian spies we arrested in this country? They were here for approximately 10 years engaging or attempting to engage in espionage by attempting to make contact with government employees who could provide Russia with valuable information. Remember they have been in this country for some time and yet we are quick to deport them back to mother Russia without a court trial or other attempts at plea bargaining for us to obtain what if anybody did they contact and bring into their fold for espionage. So, the question is who did they contact, who did they turn and what positions did they hold inside our government? With the spy swap, we will not be able to get this information and one must wonder why the Obama administration was so quick to have this swap made without any further investigation. Could it be the spies that are in place in our government are still there providing information to mother Russia? Of course, all this will fit in with the socialist government that Obama is attempting to force upon us. Remember he has surrounded himself with admitted socialist, communist and Mao lovers. Just some food for thought not that my allegations are based on any fact, but it must make one wonder.
Ever wonder why we were so quick to swap the Russian spies we arrested in this country? They were here for approximately 10 years engaging or attempting to engage in espionage by attempting to make contact with government employees who could provide Russia with valuable information. Remember they have been in this country for some time and yet we are quick to deport them back to mother Russia without a court trial or other attempts at plea bargaining for us to obtain what if anybody did they contact and bring into their fold for espionage. So, the question is who did they contact, who did they turn and what positions did they hold inside our government? With the spy swap, we will not be able to get this information and one must wonder why the Obama administration was so quick to have this swap made without any further investigation. Could it be the spies that are in place in our government are still there providing information to mother Russia? Of course, all this will fit in with the socialist government that Obama is attempting to force upon us. Remember he has surrounded himself with admitted socialist, communist and Mao lovers. Just some food for thought not that my allegations are based on any fact, but it must make one wonder.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Taxes and the so called Rich
Ever wonder why the rich, like George Soros, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, the Kennedy's, Sen. John Kerry and wife as well as other super rich too numerous to mention never really complain about Congress and the president trying push for higher taxes on the rich. Well, it is simply that the rich know how to protect their money and are not really affected by tax increases. They invest their money in tax free bonds and overseas investments as well as other sources that the average citizen has no idea and does not have the ability or income to follow their lead. That is why, taxing the rich had never produced the income claimed by the Socialist Democrats and only when those earning below the so called $250,000 level are taxed is the desired result reached. However with 49% of our workers not paying taxes, we are creating a two tier society, that will become dependent on government for survival that is exactly what we see in socialist European countries. Since Congress has never seen a dollar they could not spend, no matter how much income is obtained from taxes, unless spending is cut drastically, our deficits will increase beyond our ability to pay back and the result will be either drastic tax increase or a complete collapse of our economy that drastic tax increases will create. This is exactly what the Obama administration desires since he can then overthrow our Constitution and form a government of Socialist principles. A form of government that history of the world has shown has never worked, but put all power in the hands of elected and un-elected bureaucrats. When was the last time any country has spent itself in prosperity. If that was possible, we would all be borrowing like crazy to become rich. Awake America and realize that unless you throw out the Democratic controlled Congress our country will not be recognized in the next two years. Not that Republicans are our saviors, but it will remove the president's ability to force through legislation that we have seen the overwhelming majority of citizens do not want. It will also send a message to the Republicans that if they do not defend the Constitution as written, they will be replaced by those candidates that will in the 2012 election. Our Founding Fathers made sure that there would be power to the people through the vote and detested big government.
Bill, Hillary and the US
Sometimes we have a tendency to forget things politicians do and it is important that these things are never forgotten. Recently, Bill Clinton had nothing but praise for Sen. Robert Bryd, a former KKK Grand Wizard who helped recruit numerous Klan members, attempted to block Civil Rights legislation in the 50's as a House member and in 1964 while in the Senate. He was an avowed racist at that time and whether he had an Epiphany or saw the handwriting on the wall politically we will never know and only the soul of Sen. Byrd and God can answer that question. But, for Bill Clinton to praise Sen. Bryd and criticize former Sen. Trent Lott for his praise of Sen. Strom Thurmond on his 100th birthday is typical of the hypocritical politicians in the Socialist Democratic party.
During the Clinton administration we had Hillary attempt to pass a healthcare bill through secret negotiations and then under the illusion that even a Democratically controlled Congress would approve the measure. Of course we know that did not happen. Then we had the travelgate debacle where Hillary, who by the way was not voted into any office at he time, had all those in the White House travel office that handled all travel request from administration personnel fired. Hillary was successful in putting in place her friends, high powered Hollywood producers, Harry and Susan Thomason. Not illegal but highly unethical. Of course, ethics, morality and responsibility were not a primary concern of the Clinton administration and never has been in their lifetime so far.
We know that in the 1992 election, Bill Clinton secured only 43 percent of the popular vote and in 1996 only 49 percent. But, you would think that he won by a landslide in both elections when you listen to the Socialist Democrats. We know with the sex scandals he was involved in, Monicagate, and other females, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Sally Perdue, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey to name a few, that he was more preoccupied with sex than the country's affairs. Unless you consider these as engaging in the country's affairs. We also had the Whitewater scandal where Clinton supporter took the fall for this great president.
Thanks to the great Attorney General Janet Reno, we had the shooting at Ruby Ridge in 1992, the Waco debacle in 1993 where it seems government overreacted, but since it was a Democratic administration it was given a pass by the media. Just imagine if this had taken place during the Bush administration. Then in December 1993 we had the bombing at the World Trade Center that was an attempt by, what we later learned was Al Qaeda inspired, but fortunately failed to bring down the building. Although, some members of Al Qaeda was prosecuted for this crime, there was no pursuit by the Clinton administration to go after this terrorist organization. One of the masterminds of this attack was Ramzi Yousef who was captured in 1996. He was also a master bomb maker. We also know that in 1995, in Oklahoma City, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was destroyed by a bomb blast that killed 169 women and children. The two involved in this domestic terrorist attack, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were apprehended and convicted. What the public was not told was that these two may not have acted alone. It is known that Nichols was in the Philippines at the time Ramzi Yousef was there and it is believed from testimony that neither McVeigh or Nichols had the expertise to devised such a bomb that was a near perfect replica of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. But we may never know this answer since we had a Justice Dept. supervised by our great Attorney General Janet Reno, similar to what we see with Eric Holder today. We also know that Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden had planned to hijack 10 planes over the Pacific and use them as weapons to attack this country. Sound familiar. In 1998 we had the bombings of our embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Tanzania. In response, Clinton had military strikes using bombs and Cruise missiles, attacking camps in Sudan and Afghanistan. It had been reported that we blew up an aspirin factory and a few camels. Such a meager response only reinforced Bin Laden's intent to attack our country. In addition we had the attack on the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, the USS Cole and a foiled attack on the USS The Sullivans and we know there was no serious retaliation. Bolden by this lack of serious response, we had to suffer through 9/11 and then and only then did we respond with sufficient force. Lest we forget, when and until the Taliban and Al Qaeda are destroyed, we must remain in Afghanistan. "Our job will be done when victory is won". If we leave before that, this will prove to our adversaries around the world to just drag out any conflict and the US will eventually leave. In any conflict there will always be collateral damage to buildings and innocent civilians, but this is a product of military conflict and we cannot deter our efforts to destroy those who are out to exterminate us. Our military arsenal must be used to defeat our enemies before they are successful against us. Kill them before they kill us should be our motto. Not political correctness on the battlefield that we see today. Battles are fought with guns to kill the enemy not lawyers.
During the Clinton administration we had Hillary attempt to pass a healthcare bill through secret negotiations and then under the illusion that even a Democratically controlled Congress would approve the measure. Of course we know that did not happen. Then we had the travelgate debacle where Hillary, who by the way was not voted into any office at he time, had all those in the White House travel office that handled all travel request from administration personnel fired. Hillary was successful in putting in place her friends, high powered Hollywood producers, Harry and Susan Thomason. Not illegal but highly unethical. Of course, ethics, morality and responsibility were not a primary concern of the Clinton administration and never has been in their lifetime so far.
We know that in the 1992 election, Bill Clinton secured only 43 percent of the popular vote and in 1996 only 49 percent. But, you would think that he won by a landslide in both elections when you listen to the Socialist Democrats. We know with the sex scandals he was involved in, Monicagate, and other females, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Sally Perdue, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey to name a few, that he was more preoccupied with sex than the country's affairs. Unless you consider these as engaging in the country's affairs. We also had the Whitewater scandal where Clinton supporter took the fall for this great president.
Thanks to the great Attorney General Janet Reno, we had the shooting at Ruby Ridge in 1992, the Waco debacle in 1993 where it seems government overreacted, but since it was a Democratic administration it was given a pass by the media. Just imagine if this had taken place during the Bush administration. Then in December 1993 we had the bombing at the World Trade Center that was an attempt by, what we later learned was Al Qaeda inspired, but fortunately failed to bring down the building. Although, some members of Al Qaeda was prosecuted for this crime, there was no pursuit by the Clinton administration to go after this terrorist organization. One of the masterminds of this attack was Ramzi Yousef who was captured in 1996. He was also a master bomb maker. We also know that in 1995, in Oklahoma City, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was destroyed by a bomb blast that killed 169 women and children. The two involved in this domestic terrorist attack, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were apprehended and convicted. What the public was not told was that these two may not have acted alone. It is known that Nichols was in the Philippines at the time Ramzi Yousef was there and it is believed from testimony that neither McVeigh or Nichols had the expertise to devised such a bomb that was a near perfect replica of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. But we may never know this answer since we had a Justice Dept. supervised by our great Attorney General Janet Reno, similar to what we see with Eric Holder today. We also know that Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden had planned to hijack 10 planes over the Pacific and use them as weapons to attack this country. Sound familiar. In 1998 we had the bombings of our embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Tanzania. In response, Clinton had military strikes using bombs and Cruise missiles, attacking camps in Sudan and Afghanistan. It had been reported that we blew up an aspirin factory and a few camels. Such a meager response only reinforced Bin Laden's intent to attack our country. In addition we had the attack on the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, the USS Cole and a foiled attack on the USS The Sullivans and we know there was no serious retaliation. Bolden by this lack of serious response, we had to suffer through 9/11 and then and only then did we respond with sufficient force. Lest we forget, when and until the Taliban and Al Qaeda are destroyed, we must remain in Afghanistan. "Our job will be done when victory is won". If we leave before that, this will prove to our adversaries around the world to just drag out any conflict and the US will eventually leave. In any conflict there will always be collateral damage to buildings and innocent civilians, but this is a product of military conflict and we cannot deter our efforts to destroy those who are out to exterminate us. Our military arsenal must be used to defeat our enemies before they are successful against us. Kill them before they kill us should be our motto. Not political correctness on the battlefield that we see today. Battles are fought with guns to kill the enemy not lawyers.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Same Water Fountain?
If seems that all these people have been drinking from the same water fountain.
Congressman Pete Stark
Speaker, Nancy Pelosi
Senate Leader, Harry Reid
Congressman Alan Grayson
V.P. Joe Biden (Bite-me)
Senator Lindsay Graham
RNC Michael Steele
Congressman Pete Stark
Speaker, Nancy Pelosi
Senate Leader, Harry Reid
Congressman Alan Grayson
V.P. Joe Biden (Bite-me)
Senator Lindsay Graham
RNC Michael Steele
Oil spill
We had 107 offers from 44 countries immediately after the Gulf oil spill and yet as we entered over 72 days, the Obama administration finally has decided to accept some help from foreign countries. Just think if these Gulf states had supported President Obama in his election bid how quickly the response would have been. I am not claiming that politics has anything to do with the lack of immediate response from the Obama administration, but just think how the spill would have been addressed if Obama and company had listened to the governors of these states from day one and accepted help worldwide from those experts that had handled such incidents previously.
Senator Bryd
Senator Robert Bryd, a former member of the KKK, Grand Wizard, a no vote on civil rights in the 50's and 60's is praised by President Obama and other Democrats and yet when former Senator Trent Lott offers praise for Senator Strom Thurmond when he died, he was ridiculed to the point of resigning as Republican Senate Leader and the harassment continued and yet, the hypocrites in the Democratic party see no problem in praising a former racist. Even though Strom Thurmond changed his stance just like Sen. Bryd did, the Democrats can only accept this change when it is one of their own. If one was to examine the 1964 Civil Rights voting on this issue, they would discover that it was the Republican support that enabled this bill to pass and not the Democrats and yet the Democrats and the liberal media fail to mention this. It was the racist Democrats that wanted to continue slavery in the south after the Civil War and put all kinds of roadblocks to prevent blacks from voting, but this is also never mentioned. When will the voting public wake up.