Thursday, January 28, 2010
State of the Union Speech
The President gave his State of the Union speech last night and if you were watching his speech to Congress in February 2009, you would think you were watching a rerun. Same old, same old. Blame the previous administration, Republicans, some Democrats, the people, Supreme Court etc. If you noticed, it is all about him. I did not count the many times he used the word “I” but I am sure it was many, many times. Someone will come out with that statistic. This President is narcissistic (egocentric, gratification derived from admiration of one’s own physical or mental attributes). If you listen to him closely he always says “it is not about me”, but we all know different. It is all about him, not the country, not the party, but him. It you reviewed his life, you will notice that his father left and he was raised by his grandmother. A grandmother that was afraid when black people walked past. Guess how this must have played with his mind. This is why many youths join gangs. To get the love and caring that they did not get at home where there satisfaction is met by the gang that meets there needs. I believe based on his writings and life this president has psychological problems. Looking for that family he did not have, he was taken under the wing of the 60’s radicals and voila!, this is what you get. A person that is radical in his thinking, questions the constitution and believes in surrounding himself with sixty type radical thinking. And this is the man with his hand on the button. And some worried about President Bush the cowboy. But since this president was not properly vetted by the media, you get what you voted for. Unemployment is at 10% as of today and not the 8% he promised it would not pass if Congress passed the $787 Billion Stimulus. And now he will push for another stimulus when nearly $500 billion is not spent on the original request. Although most of the money is earmarked for political payback anyway. No where did we hear the President push for a balance budget, big budget cuts together with cuts in taxes and spending. In President Bush’s 8 year term, the budget increased approx. $5 billion. In one year with the Obama administration we are looking at nearly $4 billion deficit. You wanted change, you got it. Change you can believe in. Just look at the debt clock on the internet every day. You will see the change taking place right before your eyes. Good luck.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Get ready for the onslaught.
The sudden surge of Scott Brown over a 3 week period and his election has sent shockwaves through the Socialist Democratic Party and the radical socialist within this party did not have the time to begin their derogatory slanderous comments as they have with other candidates and supporters this past year. (e.g. Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, Tea Party and 912 members). But get ready for it will come with reckless abandonment. This is how the Socialist Democratic Party has been operating since the 2000 election and is right out of the Saul Alinsky book of when you cannot defend an issue, attack the messenger. This what we have seen in the lamestream media, both video and printed. They cannot dissect what conservative commentators such as Rush, Beck, Hannity, Ingraham, Mark Levin have been saying for years so they find it easier, especially with the support of their friends in the media, to attack the messenger and attempt to cloud the issue with their abusive rhetoric. We can only hope and pray that the brainwashing of the American voter is coming to an end. Thank God for Fox news and other news outlets for reporting through this socialist rhetoric garbage. They must be succeeding since their viewers are increasing while the other socialist bias outlets are imploding.
Yes, we can
Hopefully, all American voters and even the illegal ones will see that "yes we can" means we can vote the radicals out of office if we put our noses to the grind stone and support those candidates who actually know and understand the Constitution and get off out butts and participate in the election process. 2009 showed all America that nothing is impossible when we unite in a common cause. Hopefully, in 2010 we will steamroll into the fall elections and pull this country back from the abyss of socialism.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
What the lame-stream media is not telling you.
When the earthquake struck Haiti, the US responded as we always have with aid. Our military responded as they have in past with such disasters. However, in this event the US military is not in charge, but Pres. Obama has directed USAID to oversee the disaster. Now for those that were wondering why there was a delay in getting supplies distributed and why we could not open additional landing sites for planes at the airport you now have the answer. Our military, as proven in peace and war, can open landing areas for planes quickly because this is what they can do and are trained to do. However, when you put an organization of people in charge that cannot tell the difference between saving lives by getting aid quickly establishing MASH units to serve the Haitian victims and supply distribution areas to feed and clothe the victims and what toilet is used for, explains the why questions that are not being answered. God forbid we take a tragedy and turn it into Obama’s Katrina.
Yes Virginia, there is a God.
To paraphrase the editorial response to the letter from a child named Virginia on whether there is a Santa Claus, we can now say with certainty concerning the election of Scott Brown to the US Senate that there is a God contrary to what the secular Democrats want you to believe. An election that the Democrats thought was untouchable since it belonged to the Kennedy’s for over 50 years, both Jack and Ted, that there was no way the liberal voters in Massachusetts would vote for anyone but a Democrat, especially a hand picked candidate. However, the arrogance of the Congressional Democrats and the Obama Administration in pushing bill after bill through because they had a majority in both houses finally got to the people who voted for change, and not the version of change that the Democrats were doing. The arrogance, bribes for votes and ignoring the outcries of the public at town halls and tea party assemblies was not the change expected by the voters in 2008. The Founding Fathers established us as a Republic where the government is answerable to the public through elected representatives and not a democracy. After all we had the Democratic government of East Germany before it collapsed and North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba plus other socialist countries also like to call them a democracy. Look it up and you will see the difference.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Stimulus and Jobs-Another phony stat.
The White House sent a memo to federal agencies last month, announcing that it would no longer count a job as "saved or created" by the stimulus, but rather count the number of jobs "funded" by the stimulus.
That means any "stimulus" money used to cover payroll will be included in the jobs program, including pay raises for existing employees and pay for people who were never in jeopardy of losing their positions.
However, on Tuesday the White House Council of Economic Advisors claimed the stimulus created or saved 1.5 million to 2 million jobs last year.
Rea Hederman, a senior policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation, says the Obama administration is changing the rules of how it originally decided to count jobs as "saved" in an effort to make the stimulus "look better" and "save themself from future embarrassment." He notes many people were skeptical of the President's earlier claim that the stimulus had saved 650,000-plus jobs.
"A number of newspapers went through and said, 'Wow, how can you say this when Arizona doesn't have a fifteenth congressional district?' A lot of newspaper articles were focused on how ludicrous these numbers were when somebody who's bought ten pairs of shoes said that he created 20 jobs," Hederman reports. "A lot of confusion in the numbers that the administration originally put forth came under a great deal of attack, and so the administration said, 'Wow, that way is too complicated. Let's just say now that any job that kind of handles or receives any type of stimulus money is counted as saved.'"
The policy analyst says, for example, a secretary handling a stimulus-related project is now being counted as a job saved even if her job was never in danger to begin with.
That means any "stimulus" money used to cover payroll will be included in the jobs program, including pay raises for existing employees and pay for people who were never in jeopardy of losing their positions.
However, on Tuesday the White House Council of Economic Advisors claimed the stimulus created or saved 1.5 million to 2 million jobs last year.
Rea Hederman, a senior policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation, says the Obama administration is changing the rules of how it originally decided to count jobs as "saved" in an effort to make the stimulus "look better" and "save themself from future embarrassment." He notes many people were skeptical of the President's earlier claim that the stimulus had saved 650,000-plus jobs.
"A number of newspapers went through and said, 'Wow, how can you say this when Arizona doesn't have a fifteenth congressional district?' A lot of newspaper articles were focused on how ludicrous these numbers were when somebody who's bought ten pairs of shoes said that he created 20 jobs," Hederman reports. "A lot of confusion in the numbers that the administration originally put forth came under a great deal of attack, and so the administration said, 'Wow, that way is too complicated. Let's just say now that any job that kind of handles or receives any type of stimulus money is counted as saved.'"
The policy analyst says, for example, a secretary handling a stimulus-related project is now being counted as a job saved even if her job was never in danger to begin with.
Health Care and Mass. Senate Election
With the threat of State Senator Scott Brown having a possibility of winning the election for Sen. Kennedy’s vacant seat, the Democrats are pulling out all stops to get the Health Care bill passed. This week we have had extensive behind closed door meetings in an attempt to rush through this bill for a vote before Scott Brown would take office if he won the election. It has also been rumored that the Mass. Secretary of State may do his best to delay the certification of the election if Scott Brown wins in order to give the Congressional Democrats as much time as possible to vote on the Health Care bill. Deals are being made behind close doors to big labor and other Democratic supporters to the determent of the rest of the public who will be forced to pay for this bill through taxes on their benefits they pay for and taxes on their earnings. If you believe that only those earning more than $250,000 will pay for this Health Care bill, then you should go back to sleep.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
We were advised by President Obama’s security advisor that we would be shocked by what President Obama would be revealing on his speech to the public on the terrorist attack on Christmas day in Detroit that fortunately failed. Well, we all waited with great anticipation and what was the shocking news, nothing that has not been said already. However, Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano and security chief John Brennan did admit that they were surprised that this attack was attempted by a lone person. DUH. I guess they have poor memories since we did have a shoe bomber that attempted the same thing or the terrorist attack at Fort Hood and the shooting in Arkansas of two soldiers at a recruitment center. All by individuals. But, I guess when you keep your head in the sand, you just don’t get it.
Monday, January 4, 2010
When will President Obama, his administration and the Democrats realize that terrorism is more of a threat to this country than global warming, healthcare, corporate bailouts and Cap and Trade legislation? Hopefully, before another 9/11.