Blue dog Democrats who claim to be conservative are worried about the healthcare bill because they will be going home on break in August and will have to face their constituents at town hall meetings and so they are trying to have changes made that they could find acceptable for themselves and those they supposedly represent. Of course what they are really saying is they are worried that if they support this healthcare bill as written they will not get re-elected since their districts supported McCain in their last election. They are only concerned about getting re-elected, their party and do not or are not interested in putting country first. So don’t be fooled by the rhetoric. If you can find a politician that believes in country first over his party, please let me know.
The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.
Margaret Thatcher
Friday, July 31, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Seniors and Healthcare bill
For all you seniors and soon to be seniors that voted for Obama because you wanted change, well you are going to get that with this proposed healthcare plan. As President Obama indicated 2 weeks ago, you had better pick out the Hospice center you want to live your end of days because that will be coming sooner than you think. Under President Obama’s proposed healthcare plan, you will not be getting the same medical care you are receiving now under Medicare and your own private insurance carrier. If some board of bureaucrats decides that your treatment is costly and you are 65 or older, you may not get that treatment. And it appears that those with private insurance will be manipulated into the public insurance option. You wanted change, but unfortunately it is not what you thought. Then again, you may not be alive long enough to witness this change. In that case, consider yourself lucky.
Constitution and Healthcare
The Constitution of the United States guarantees Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. It does not guarantee the right to medical coverage or a house. However, H.R. 3200, the Medical Healthcare bill does have beginning on page 424 that at 65 years of age or older a person must have counseling every 5 years to discuss treatment and end of life issues. Also included in this bill it seems to indicate that some government bureaucrat could deny treatment when cost or quality of life are taken into consideration regardless whether or not the patient can afford this treatment or is insured for this treatment. This can only mean that euthanasia, and even eugenics will play an important part in any medical decisions. This was talked about in the 1920’s in both this country and Germany. (Hitler approved of this and we know what he did) Are we any better? This is the way to rid society of the unwanted, the aged, infirm or handicapped. Will the developmental disabled or mentally be next? After all, they are a drain on society and we know we do not want that under the Obama administration. As far as I am concerned, this bill violates my constitutional rights.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Preident Obama's July news conference
I listened to the president tonight as he tried to sell his health care bill and got inspired from what he said to write to him and my Congressional Representatives.
I sent the following request to President Obama and I am requesting if you could follow-up to make sure I can get this information. (to representatives)
Tonight at his news conference President Obama claimed that 14,000 people lose their health insurance every day. If that is correct, and since President Obama has stated such I know I can rest assured his figures are accurate, that means since January 1, 2,422,000 people have lost their health coverage. Could you please furnish me with a list of these people, what state, what city or county they live in so I can have a better understanding how severe this so called health care crisis is in this country.
I sent the following request to President Obama and I am requesting if you could follow-up to make sure I can get this information. (to representatives)
Tonight at his news conference President Obama claimed that 14,000 people lose their health insurance every day. If that is correct, and since President Obama has stated such I know I can rest assured his figures are accurate, that means since January 1, 2,422,000 people have lost their health coverage. Could you please furnish me with a list of these people, what state, what city or county they live in so I can have a better understanding how severe this so called health care crisis is in this country.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Health Care bill update.
It appears this health care bill is also going to include a little paragraph that all health care coverage must include a provision for abortion. Those companies or organizations that do not want or include this provision must pay a penalty. What about religious organizations that are pro-life and anti-abortion? Are they going to be forced to include this provision? Then again, what about religious hospitals that do not perform abortions?
The economic Crisis is over
Larry Summers, the top economic advisor for the Obama Administration has stated that since recent searches on Google for “economic depression” are down to normal levels, our economic crisis is ending. And we want these people to force a government health care plan on us.
Incidentally, approximately 77% of the American people say they are happy with what they have in health care. As far as health care is concerned, just limit the ridiculous lawsuits, and allow anybody to purchase medical coverage from any health care provider nationwide. This will produce competition and reduce cost.
Incidentally, approximately 77% of the American people say they are happy with what they have in health care. As far as health care is concerned, just limit the ridiculous lawsuits, and allow anybody to purchase medical coverage from any health care provider nationwide. This will produce competition and reduce cost.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Government Health Care
It was interesting this week that President Obama and some members of Congress indicated that this so called universal health care that they are trying to push on us would not apply to them. And why does that not surprise us? You would think if universal health care (government health care) was so good that everyone would want to have it.
Oh by the way, in an interview with ABC news this week, President Obama indicated that seniors should be looking into Hospice care and he repeated this comment several times. In essence what he is trying to say is if treatment could be costly you will not get the treatment and be ready to be put out to pasture (Hospice). This is the beginning of Eugenics where the old, infirm, retarded, mentally handicapped etc. are exterminated rather than be a burden on society and medical cost. A review of history will show that Hitler believed in this, Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood and many of our electrical officials in the teens, 20’s and 30’s. FDR was one also. Look it up and do your own research if you don’t believe this. So for those of you getting on in years or have elderly parents still living, be prepared. The way government will reduce medical cost is not to have procedures that be costly on those that really should not have them. Just check with Canada and England and see the long wait that patients have to endure. At times the wait is such that the procedure becomes unnecessary because the patient had died. This is one way of eliminating or reducing medical cost.
Oh by the way, in an interview with ABC news this week, President Obama indicated that seniors should be looking into Hospice care and he repeated this comment several times. In essence what he is trying to say is if treatment could be costly you will not get the treatment and be ready to be put out to pasture (Hospice). This is the beginning of Eugenics where the old, infirm, retarded, mentally handicapped etc. are exterminated rather than be a burden on society and medical cost. A review of history will show that Hitler believed in this, Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood and many of our electrical officials in the teens, 20’s and 30’s. FDR was one also. Look it up and do your own research if you don’t believe this. So for those of you getting on in years or have elderly parents still living, be prepared. The way government will reduce medical cost is not to have procedures that be costly on those that really should not have them. Just check with Canada and England and see the long wait that patients have to endure. At times the wait is such that the procedure becomes unnecessary because the patient had died. This is one way of eliminating or reducing medical cost.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Health Care and some more
It is sad that Congress has to deal with so many crises. We had the unemployment crisis so they passed a stimulus package to keep unemployment from exceeding 8%. It is now at 9.5% and expected to go near 11%. So much for Congressional rhetoric. Then we had the automobile manufacturing crisis and we needed to have a bailout for the auto industry. And what do our tax dollars get us? Well we saved UAW that was part of the problem together with poor management and now as taxpayers we own an auto company. The UAW now owns more of GM then the bondholders that invested in this company. Something that was previously unheard of before this bailout. Bankruptcy court was told what to do that is another unheard of move. Now we are going to have the government run health care. Regardless of what this administration claims, this system of health care will have the same problems that are in Canada and England just on a bigger scale. Of course a deficit of 1 Trillion dollars is no problem since we will just tax the wealthy to pay for it. And if you believe you will have better health care because of this you are either a fool or just dumb. Take your pick. Now have you heard of anyone in Congress say they can’t wait to take part in the government health care? Of course not, since they will not be a participant. Criminals will never legislate against themselves. You don’t expect them to give up their plans. Congress will never pass a law that would screw them but the voters that elected them is a different story. After all, they have been doing that for nearly a hundred years.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Secular Society?
A Secular Society?
Secularism is a word that we have heard now for many years. There is a move in this country to move away from religion to the state being the new God. This has been the direction that some people want to country to move into for nearly 80 years. These individuals, or non-believers for want of a better term, realize that religion is and has been the stumbling block for implementation of their plans. At present religious organizations provide roadblocks to their program. Mussolini tried this in the 20’s and 30’s but the Catholic Church pushed back and he had to abandon his plans. (Fascism for those who don’t know) You see, without religion providing the moral fabric to society we wind up with a godless society where programs of abortion, euthanasia and eugenics can prosper. If one was to read the bible you would see that God promised the Jews a land flowing with milk and honey and the only requirement was to continue adoration to God. As the bible shows, as long as the Jews followed this teaching their country had tremendous prosperity and defeated all enemies great and small. However, when they turned away from God, ignored God and paid adoration to idols and false gods, they suffered military defeat, occupation and disease. We are also or where a great country that was a light to the world where immigrants came in droves to enter this country where they were free and could become anything as long as they worked at it. We were founded under Judeo/Christian principles and these principles have been under attack for many years. We cannot pray in schools or public institutions of wear any type of clothing that may have any religion words or phrases in public buildings since somebody will be offended. We have seen a push for political correctness and so called correcting of history. Correcting history to fit a political ideology was done in Germany in the 20’s and 30’s and the former Soviet Union. Of course if history of this great country is even taught anymore. When people grow up without knowing the history of the country they live in, then they become ripe for the pickings when fed false information. We see that today in what some call the dumbing down of America. And unfortunately, these people vote. They believe what they are told without reading or examining topics to find out the truth and the whole truth. As this country wanders down the path of secularism, and turn our backs on God, don’t expect us to survive as our founding fathers hoped. We must awaken and turn back to God and make God the center point of our life and country. Then we will see an amazing improvement in our country. Without God, we are a dying society.
Secularism is a word that we have heard now for many years. There is a move in this country to move away from religion to the state being the new God. This has been the direction that some people want to country to move into for nearly 80 years. These individuals, or non-believers for want of a better term, realize that religion is and has been the stumbling block for implementation of their plans. At present religious organizations provide roadblocks to their program. Mussolini tried this in the 20’s and 30’s but the Catholic Church pushed back and he had to abandon his plans. (Fascism for those who don’t know) You see, without religion providing the moral fabric to society we wind up with a godless society where programs of abortion, euthanasia and eugenics can prosper. If one was to read the bible you would see that God promised the Jews a land flowing with milk and honey and the only requirement was to continue adoration to God. As the bible shows, as long as the Jews followed this teaching their country had tremendous prosperity and defeated all enemies great and small. However, when they turned away from God, ignored God and paid adoration to idols and false gods, they suffered military defeat, occupation and disease. We are also or where a great country that was a light to the world where immigrants came in droves to enter this country where they were free and could become anything as long as they worked at it. We were founded under Judeo/Christian principles and these principles have been under attack for many years. We cannot pray in schools or public institutions of wear any type of clothing that may have any religion words or phrases in public buildings since somebody will be offended. We have seen a push for political correctness and so called correcting of history. Correcting history to fit a political ideology was done in Germany in the 20’s and 30’s and the former Soviet Union. Of course if history of this great country is even taught anymore. When people grow up without knowing the history of the country they live in, then they become ripe for the pickings when fed false information. We see that today in what some call the dumbing down of America. And unfortunately, these people vote. They believe what they are told without reading or examining topics to find out the truth and the whole truth. As this country wanders down the path of secularism, and turn our backs on God, don’t expect us to survive as our founding fathers hoped. We must awaken and turn back to God and make God the center point of our life and country. Then we will see an amazing improvement in our country. Without God, we are a dying society.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Health Care
I do not want any representative to vote for any Health Care bill that this administration is going to attempt to push through Congress. Push through and hope Congress does not read as Congress had done previously. Anyone with half a brain knows that the reported 50 million people without health insurance is bogus. At least 10 to 15 million are illegals, millions more make enough money but have not taken out insurance. In all, according to most research (honest research) there are approximately 10 million people without insurance that cannot afford it. But then again why to we have city and county health departments. We could pump more money into these health departments to increase medical personnel that can provide needed services rather then spend Trillions on a plan similar to Canada and England that we know does not work. Of course, what we could do for those uninsured is to give them the same medical coverage enjoyed by Congress with the same payment schedule. We also know that if any uninsured goes to the hospital emergency room they must be treated. So to say that some people are not getting medical attention is false. It is there, one just have to take advantage of the services our taxpayer dollars are already paying for. Of course if you are illegal, then you will not go. The only place illegals should go is either jail or back where they came from. There are ways to come into this country legally and that is the only way. My father did it and so did his entire family and millions and millions after them up to today.
Stimulus and maybe more stimulus
I know that if I were to borrow and spend money I would not become rich, but eventually would have to file bankruptcy since my income would far exceed my expenses. This clearly indicates that one cannot spend themselves into prosperity. The same simple logic also applies to the Federal Government. These stimulus packages are following the same scenario as indicated above. The federal government cannot spend, spend and spend itself into the black. We have seen the last stimulus package, that by the way we had to rush into passing Congress, or we would have seen unemployment skyrocket and the economy go deeper into recession. Well, unemployment has passed the projected 8% that Obama had threatened it would go to if the stimulus was not passed. It is now at 9.5% and the administration now indicates it will exceed 10%. Does this administration and Congress actually believe the voters are that dumb that we would keep quiet while they attempt to pass another stimulus. And, oh by the way we have only spent approximately 15% of this stimulus so far with most to be spent in the year 2012. This logic escapes me but then again I am not in Congress. Now I know why Congress votes to approve bills they don’t read because the logic escapes them also, but we must support our party and screw the country. Party first.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Interesting prediction from the 1930”s
J.T. Flynn a former journalist of the 1930’s and anti-FDR was convinced that the New Deal was a fascist enterprise. He predicted that proponents of the New Deal and its successors would become addicted to crises to maintain power and implement their agendas. He stated of the New Deal: “It is born in crisis, lives on crisis and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crisis from year to year. Mussolini came to power in the post war crisis (WWI) and became himself a crisis in Italian life….. Hitler’s story is the same. And our future is charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis. So Flynn stated.
And now it seems our present administration seems to perpetuate one crisis after another. If we don’t pass this stimulus we will have a job crisis and if we don’t pass this bill we will have a global warming crisis etc.
And now it seems our present administration seems to perpetuate one crisis after another. If we don’t pass this stimulus we will have a job crisis and if we don’t pass this bill we will have a global warming crisis etc.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Some Famous Quotes That may apply today
In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a Congress……John Adams
If you don’t read the newspapers, you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed…. Mark Twain
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself…Mark Twain
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle…..Winston Churchill
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul....George Bernard Shaw
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money….G. Gordon Liddy
Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner…. James Bovard
If you don’t read the newspapers, you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed…. Mark Twain
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself…Mark Twain
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle…..Winston Churchill
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul....George Bernard Shaw
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money….G. Gordon Liddy
Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner…. James Bovard
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Calvin Coolidge Speech that applies today
On July 5, 1926, in a speech in Philadelphia commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, President Calvin Coolidge reminded Americans of the importance of this document. Part of his speech is below and it is interesting that although he was speaking 83 years ago, what it says actually applies to today.
“No other theory is adequate to explain or comprehend the Declaration of Independence. It is the product of the spiritual insight of people. We live in an age of science and of abounding accumulation of material things. These did not create our Declaration. Our Declaration created them. The things of the spirit come first. Unless we cling to that, all our material prosperity, overwhelming though it may appear, will turn to a barren scepter in our grasp. If we are to maintain the great heritage which has been bequeathed to us, we must be like-minded as the fathers who created it. We must not sink into pagan materialism. We must cultivate the reverence which they had for the things that are holy. We must follow the spiritual and moral leadership which they showed. We must keep replenished, that they may glow with a more compelling flame, the altar fires before which they worshiped.”
“No other theory is adequate to explain or comprehend the Declaration of Independence. It is the product of the spiritual insight of people. We live in an age of science and of abounding accumulation of material things. These did not create our Declaration. Our Declaration created them. The things of the spirit come first. Unless we cling to that, all our material prosperity, overwhelming though it may appear, will turn to a barren scepter in our grasp. If we are to maintain the great heritage which has been bequeathed to us, we must be like-minded as the fathers who created it. We must not sink into pagan materialism. We must cultivate the reverence which they had for the things that are holy. We must follow the spiritual and moral leadership which they showed. We must keep replenished, that they may glow with a more compelling flame, the altar fires before which they worshiped.”